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Atlas. A book of maps and facts about geography. 5. Atlas Vocabulary:. Legend and symbols: The legend helps you read a map. Will tell you what the colored areas mean The scale or how many km or miles – it is marked of on a number line. Map Symbols. Features of an Atlas.

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  1. Atlas A book of maps and facts about geography. 5

  2. Atlas Vocabulary: Legend and symbols: The legend helps you read a map. • Will tell you what the colored areas mean • The scale or how many km or miles – it is marked of on a number line

  3. Map Symbols

  4. Features of an Atlas • Index: will tell you were in the atlas you will find the place you are looking for. The information listed will include a grid reference (i.e. A3), a page number, and a set of coordinates to help find the location.

  5. Types of Maps:1.Relief-show physical geography

  6. 2.Political Map- shows by a color plan countries, boundaries, and principal and capital cities.

  7. 3. Economic Map- shows were products are grown and where various industries are.

  8. Other Maps. cont.C. Precipitation

  9. Examples of other maps include:A. Climate

  10. Other maps cont.B. Biodiversity

  11. F. Volcanic Activity and Earthquakes

  12. Latitude and Longitude Latitude (degrees North or South of the equator) and Longitude (degrees West or East of the Prime Meridian) are the numbers we use to find a location on map. They are also used for navigation. Coordinates like these represent ABSOLUTE LOCATION. A typical set of coordinates will look like this: 36.80 N 98.70 W The Latitude coordinate is always given first.

  13. Latitude and Longitude How to find a location in an atlas using Latitude and Longitude Find the part of the world (use a world map first) to find the part of the world where these coordinates would be found. (i.e. Africa) Find the map that best represents this part of the world in your atlas. Look along the margins on the left or right to find the latitude coordinates. Find approximately (you may need to estimate) the right spot along the margin to match the latitude coordinate. Make a mental note of this spot. Look along the upper and lower margins to match the longitude coordinate. Trace your finger from the margins to where these two “lines” meet. This is where you should find your location.

  14. Latitude and Longitude How to assign a set of coordinates to a location using an atlas: Use the index to find a page number and grid reference for this location. Use the letters and numbers in the margins to find the grid square where your location will be found. Look along the left or right margins to find the latitude coordinates given. Approximate where your location is in relation to these. (for example, if the degrees given are 44 and 45, and the location is between them, it may be approximately 44.50 N. Repeat step 3 for the longitude coordinate, using the upper and lower margins. Give the set of coordinates, listing the latitude coordinate (N/S) first.

  15. Latitude and Longitude <- these are lines of Latitude (North and South. This line represents 15 degrees North of the Equator. <- this is the Equator. ^ these are line of Longitude – West and East – this line is 90 degrees West.

  16. References • Turrell, Linda. The Complete Library Skills-Grade 5. Mineappolis, Minnesota. T.S. Denison & Company Inc. • Google images http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4ADBR_enSV295SV296&q=maps

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