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Shine Offline Framework Basics

Shine Offline Framework Basics. Darko Veberi č Laboratory for Astroparticle Physics University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Evolution of Design Concepts. Past: Client-Server : DSPACK – NA49 clients (shm) (historical parallel in OS: X11 – window applications [network transport])

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Shine Offline Framework Basics

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  1. Shine Offline FrameworkBasics Darko Veberič Laboratory for Astroparticle Physics University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

  2. Evolution of Design Concepts • Past:Client-Server: DSPACK – NA49 clients (shm) (historical parallel in OS: X11 – window applications [network transport]) • Present:Single-process – shared libraries: Shine Offline Framework (easier debugging, SMP memory saving) • Future:Multi-core parallelism (OpenMP, GPU: CUDA, OpenCL [some astroparticle experiments, future CERN])

  3. Frameworkevent (object persistence), detector & mag. field classes, central configuration, coordinate system registry, data-source managers • Event I/Oraw event (BOS, DS), SHOE, NDST (export) • Modulesreading/writing, calibration, reconstruction, simulation • NA49clients, interfaces • EventBrowser • Validation(of event structures, of modules) • Utilitiesmisc. helpers, STL (containers), Math, Geometry • Documentation(I/O, modules, reconstruction, physics) • Build systemCMakeModules, CMakeLists Shine: Organization

  4. Shine: Current Status Lines of code: 118k NA49 (C 73%, F 19%, C++ 3%)23k Utilities12k Framework7k EventBrowser3k EventIO0.5k Modules Total: C 53%C++ 29%fortran 14%

  5. Shine vs. Auger Lines of code: ShineAuger 118k NA4923k Utilities 28k12k Framework 51k7k EventBrowser 38k (ADST)3k EventIO 20k0.5k Modules 97k 163k Total 234k

  6. Overview Central Config Manager Registry Run Control NA61: TPC TOF Trigger PSD Mag. Field NA61: TPC TOF Trigger PSD

  7. Event structures • Detector description, mostly lazy update of leafs • singly-linked treesinitially with pointers, later with ShadowPtr (cleanup, propagation of constness, deep copy; compiler-generated ctor, dtor, copy-ctor, assign) • strict separation of framework classes and (physics) code • one class per header file • non-deletableprocessing only adds things, Has/Make/Get interfaces • prevent accidental processing of a copyprivate ctor/dtor • data-source Managersconfig defined queues of Managers; easy source replacementwrappers for MySQL, SQLite, Xerces • central configuration: Detector, Managers, Modules • Registry of Random number streams, seeding conf Framework

  8. Framework: Data Managers TOF BPD Trigger PSD Magnetic field Drift velocity etc. TPC VTPC MTPC GTPC MySQL SQLite Xerces

  9. Framework: Configuration • XML • run-time XML Schema validation: XSD • automatic conversion of physical quantities into internal units<energy unit=”GeV”> 137.23 </energy> <position unit=”cm”> 14.3 </position> • default configuration check-summed, modifications reported in run logs • full configuration saved with data

  10. Event I/O • Currently supports: • raw BOS reading • DS reading • SHOE read/write (ROOT persistent Event)

  11. Simulation (Geant4) (interaction models) ... missing for now

  12. “NDST” • summary files (ROOT) will have Event objects (no persistent/transient separation) • needed for off-offline analysis • GUIevent/detector browser, run configuration inspector, simple selection tools • mega/mini/micro NDSTachieved by switching off increasing level of Event details (branches)reconstruction results only; simulation intermediaries included

  13. Modules • By detector: BPD, Trigger, TPCs, TOF, PSD etc. • calibration, reconstruction, simulation (Geant4) • readers/writers: native event/detector, NDST • modules replaceableimplementing several alternative or competing approaches is easy • (if needed) Modules communicate (only) through the Event structure

  14. rudimentary control-language implemented in XML Modules: Run Control <sequenceFile> <enableTiming/> <moduleControl> <loop numTimes="unbounded"> <module> EventFileReaderSG </module> <module> EventCheckerSG </module> <module> BPDCalibratorSG </module> <module> BPDEventSelectorSG </module> <module> TPCCalibratorSG </module> <module> TOFCalibratorSG </module> <module> TPCClusterFinderFG </module> <module> TPCTrackFinderWG </module> <module> TOFTimeFinderDG </module> <module> TPCTrackPlotterSG </module> <module> ShineFileExporterSG </module> </loop> </moduleControl> </sequenceFile> intermediate Event states can be streamed at any time by inserting Writers

  15. Modules: Interface class ModuleName : public fwk::VModule { public: fwk::VModule::EResultFlag Init(); fwk::VModule::EResultFlag Process(evt::Event& event, const utl::AttributeMap& attr); fwk::VModule::EResultFlag Finish(); REGISTER_MODULE(”ModuleName”, Modulename, ”$Id$”); };

  16. <sequenceFile> <enableTiming/> <moduleControl> <loop numTimes="unbounded"> <module> EventFileReaderSG </module> <module> ClientInitializerSG </module> <module config="many"> MiniModuleSG </module> <module config="vdinit"> MiniModuleSG </module> <module> VdriftCorrModuleSG </module> <module config="VTPCs"> Dipt256NewModuleSG </module> <module config="MTPCs"> Dipt256NewModuleSG </module> <module config="VT1"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="VT1"> VtNcalcModuleSG </module> <module config="VT2"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="VT2"> VtNcalcModuleSG </module> <module config="MTL"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="MTR"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="ALL"> ResCorrModuleSG </module> <module config="TrckM1"> MtracModuleSG </module> <module config="I2RTrck"> MtracModuleSG </module> <module config="MTPCs"> MpatModuleSG </module> <module config="VT-2"> MpatModuleSG </module> <module> NA49ToShineConverterSG </module> <module> ShineFileExporterSG </module> </loop> </moduleControl> </sequenceFile> NA49 Clients as Modules current module sequence with wrapped clients DSPACK assimilated into the same shared library as DSHACK, runs in local mode (still needs shm)

  17. Client-Module Configuration example: XML configuration of RES_CORR_ZG client,run as Shine module <ResCorrModuleSG> <commandLine config="ALL"> -vt1_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/vt1.corr -vt2_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/vt2.corr -mtl_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/mtl.corr -mtr_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/mtr.corr -p [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/vdrift_2007.txt </commandLine> </ResCorrModuleSG>

  18. Utilities • XML Reader (Xerces library wrapper) • SI units, internal units definition • Mathematics, Statistics & Physics functions • Traces, trace algorithms • Linear Algebra, Geometry • ODE Runge-Kutta Integrator, Mag. Field Tracker • MD5 for configuration checksums • custom exceptions • logging • special template libraryspecialized event & detector containers, shadow pointer, Meyers singleton, counted objects, safe bool cast etc.

  19. one preferred coordinate system: NA61 Utilities: Geometry Vector(10*cm, 1*cm, 3.3*mm); Local detector-aligned coordinate system but also: Point(1.7*m, 2*cm, 3*cm, csMTPCR);

  20. Build System • CMakeseems to be preferred by large projects, multiplatform • Shapefor external dependencies and production releasessmall dependency resolution engine; python • buildbotsautomated compile, test, validation after each commitseveral linux flavors, email blame notifications

  21. Unit testing: CppUnit • I/O validation (test ROOT schema evolution) • detect changes in reconstructed quantities on example datasets Validation

  22. Main Design Principles • Abstraction of external dependencieswrappers for geometry (ROOT), XML reader (Xerces); exceptions: STL, boost, Modules (authors responsible for compatibility with new versions) • const-correctness • prefer static over dynamic polymorphism (templates) • no pointers in interfaces and strongly discouraged elsewhere (references only) • no code duplication • modified Google+Taligent coding styleCamelCase, naming, strict enforcement (everywhere except Modules)written down in twiki with extensive examples • Doxygen documentation • bug tracking with savane (previously known as savannah)

  23. End

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