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Spread love, spread peace – the middle east crises

Open your heart and love someone! It Does not matter who… just show love! Promote love… promote life. Share love, teach love, show love! - Guy Bavli, www.masterofthemind.com/guy-bavli

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Spread love, spread peace – the middle east crises

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  1. Spread Love, Spread Peace – The Middle East Crises By: Guy Bavli

  2. To all the people of the world, In the events of the current crisis in the middle east, Palestine vs Israel, it is the same story with no new resolutions. In every conflict there are two sides… but in this case, there is a side who is willing to compromise and the other who will not. As a speaker and Entertainer, I travel the world and see how beautiful it is that people can live in harmony. How people can share a life despite their opinions and freely speak and argue with each other without the need to kidnap or kill. I am always very open and proud of the fact that I was born in Israel and I make many jokes on the fact that I am a Polish Jewish boy with a typical Jewish mom. About two month ago, I performed on a cruise ship somewhere in the Caribbean. During my show, I threw a balloon to pick a random spectator to come on stage. balloon reached its final destination, I called that person to join me on stage as 1500 people in the theater cheered him on. As the His wife seemed very shy and looked away while her husband holding the balloon said: “No No… I don’t want to come…” “Why Not”? I asked… He said: “I am shy”. “That’s OK” I replied, “I am shy too… deep inside… that’s why you might not see it”… (The audience Chuckled) “Well, my English is not so good” he said…” “Wonderful! My English is also not good… this will be perfect!!!” I replied. “Where are you from”? I asked…. “From Palestine” he said. (The audience was slient.) I smiled and said: “That’s GREAT, I am from Israel … we both love each other!… come join me… here we can!!!”(and the crowed went CRAZY laughing and applauding). Needless to say, he came on stage and this was a VERY funny part of the show.

  3. After the show, he came to me with his big group of family and friends (about 15 people) and we talked like we were the best of friends and took pictures etc. At some point, we looked at each other and I said: “Why can’t we ALL be the same also in our homeland? Not only when we are away?” He looked at me sadly and said: “You are right, I wish we could all be like that.” Now I am asking you, the reader? Why is it that only outside of the territory we can get along, but in our homes we cannot. Although I do not live any more in Israel, I am based in the USA now, some my family and friends are still there. We are ALL people, made from the same flesh and blood, why can’t we just learn to love instead of hate. And that is the key… “learning to love” or what we are taught… not born with! “learning to hate” … it’s Lets think for a second what is going on: Israel is willing to live in peace next to Gaza if Palestinians will only give peace back. I’m not even talking about an open boarder that could bloom quality of life and economy to both sides, but just living safely without the threat of bombs, suicide killers or terrorists of any kind. However, when one side starts with terror, kidnaps 3 young boys, murders them in cold blood and then continues with sending missiles to all areas of civilians in Israel…cities, schools, shopping malls … we cannot stay quiet. Hamas is pushing for war, and murdering even its own people! I have a question to any one of you, no matter where you are from. Lets assume, that Fidel Castro decides to send Missiles on the US from Cuba. No specific area… some to Miami, some to Iowa, California, North Carolina and Texas…. Dozens of missiles every day. Do you think that even ONE DAY will pass before the US will retaliate and ensure the safety of its civilians? Will you do that Mr. President? I have no doubt in my mind he will and same with every other country in the world. Why isn’t the US sending enforcement and showing presence… to protect its biggest ally in the middle east – Israel.

  4. Instead they will send Thousands of soldiers and weapons to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, we can also imagine Germany being attacked by France or Sweden being attacked by Norway. Why does it seem so ODD that Israel does not have the right to protect herself from the terrorists who constantly threaten the lives of her children? Lets talk about playing fair. The IDF (Israel Defense Force) and the government of Israel, showed an outmost patient and humanitarian respect toward the Palestinians. Where else, in the history of war, did any country or its arm forces, sent notifications to the enemy side asking them to clear civilians as they are going to attack. What does the Hamas is doing, telling their people to stay put and be killed so they could show their bodies on TV. They even push their kids to where the soft bombs are knowing that in few moments a real one will come. Now what is going on in the Palestinians side? They teach kids to hate since they are born. They give them guns instead of toys, they teach them to KILL and HATE instead of Love. Poor kids, they can have a beautiful life, family and love, but instead their parents are sending them to war, sending them to kill and preaching hate on a daily basis. Dozens of missiles a day are launched throughout Israel. It is a missile every 90 seconds. However, Israel hardly has any casualties because they protect their children, they teach them how to be protected and be safe, and not how to run into the fire so you the world will see them dead. Israel is targeting the base from which the missile are being launched. Unfortunately most of them are based in hospitals and schools… using their own kids as protection shield. Israel is protecting their kids, we do not send them to fire! Hamas is sending their kids to protect the missiles. This is a sad fact! On the other hand, the As a dad, if there is a highway in front of me, I will not push my kids into the running cars, I will pull them away from it. But unfortunately it is not the case in Gaza. Israel is the most humanian defense force in the world. Never in the history of war, was there ever a more humane and considerate army. They send Millions of flyers to the territories that are targeted, to warn civilians to evacuate.

  5. They make automatic calls to millions of the phone numbers in the region. They lay out soft bombs minutes before the hard bomb will hit to tell civilians to please flee the premise. However, Hamas is hiding behind the kids! Why do the Palestinians show the bodies of the poor children being scarified? Maybe they are sending them to open fire to be used as propaganda for sympathy media! To use them and so show those pictures to cause more hate and outrage. Egypt suggested to ceasefire. Israel was the FIRST ONE to stop fire for the whole day. Despite the fact, still DOZENS OF BOMBS where launched at Israel. I can understand why Israel went into Gaza, I can understand why enough is enough. What I still do not understand is why the Palestinians don’t fight the Hamas instead of fighting Israel. Hamas gives them No water, No Electricity, No supplies and No life! Hamas is sending them into the fire, Hamas is washing their brains since they are kids. Hamas is threatening them that if they do not obey they will be executed and they are! If only the millions upon millions of dollars that were invested to build the underground tunnels to hide the weapon, were spent on new buildings schools, playground, building their beautiful beaches for tourists, shopping malls and healthy environment… Palestinians would be living their lives like they should! Israel only wants peace. Palestinians? They want to kill Jews. How will that enrich their lives… it will not! Facts show that it does the complete opposite. I saw a nice slogan the other day: “I wish people cared as much about Earth, as they did about who they think created it…” So sad… so true! And here is the icing on top of the cake… Water, Electricity, Phone lines and most of the food and supplies to the Palestinians comes from Israel.

  6. You know what they get from Iran, Egypt NOTHING. Maybe weapon. and the other neighboring Arab countries? So I ask ask you… would you spit in the water that you are drinking from? Well they do. I call you, my friends, acquaintances, or just the people of the world. Open your heart and love someone! It Does not matter who… just show love! Promote love… promote life. Share love, teach love, show love! It is about time that the world will understand that in war everybody loses! Its about time that we will look on how we can win, and not how the other side can lose! Spread love, Spread Peace, May the Goodness prevail over evil! Best Thoughts, Guy Bavli

  7. Guy Bavli, amazing mind reader, mentalist and entertainer. Guy Bavli is most papular and famous mind reader, entertainer and presenter who takes entertainment to a completely new level. He also known by the 'Master Of The Mind'. Website: www.masterofthemind.com

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