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Lesson 2. What are some Adaptations for Living in Water and on Land ? . November , 2013 Mrs. Giselle Aguilar. Adaptations for Water. Plants and animals much or all of their time in water have a variety of adaptationsfor surviving in an aquatic environment .
Lesson 2. What are someAdaptationsfor Living in Water and onLand? November, 2013 Mrs. Giselle Aguilar
AdaptationsforWater • Plants and animalsmuchorall of their time in waterhave a variety of adaptationsforsurviving in anaquaticenvironment. • Manyaquaticanimalssuch as fish, octopuses, and divingbirdshaveadaptationsthatenablethemtomovequickly in water. Fish, clams, and sea slugshavegillstoextractoxygenfromthewater.
Aquaticplantshaveadaptationssuch as floats and broad, flat frondsthathelpthem capture themaximumamount of sunlight. • Thebasicneedsanimals living in waterhave are thesame as other living thingssuch as: findfood, avoidbeingeaten, attract mates, protectyoung, and survive in itsenvironment.
Examples of AnimalswithAdaptationsfor Living in Water • Sea ottershavepowerfullungs, thefrontpaws can group and pry open shelfish. Has a thick, waterprooffurthatkeepsthe sea otterwarm and dry.
This sea slug has a gill-likeorgan thattakes in oxygenfromwater and getsrid of carbondioxidefromitsbody. Theclamgetsoxygenfrom waterthatflowsoveritsgills.
Jet Propulsion Anoctopustakes in water and removesoxygenfromit. Thenit sendsthewaterout of itsbody through a short funnel. Fishhavegillstoabsorboxygen fromthewater and release carbondioxideintowater.
Barracudas have a slik • body, a slenderbody, • a strongtail fin, and • skin thatsecrets • mucus.
Classwork • What are thebasicneeds of an animal thatlives in water? • How do fishbreatheunderwater? • Nametwoadaptationsthatenablethe barracuda toswimswiftlythroughthewater.
AdaptationsforLand • Animalsonlandfacechallengesnotfacedbyorganismsthatlive in thewater. Theymustget and retainwater, extractoxygenfromthe air, and supporttheirweight. • Landanimalshave a variety of adaptationsthatenablethemto movearound, includingjointedlegs and wings.
Examples of AdaptationsonLand • Owlshavestrongwings. Theirspecialfeathersmake theswishingsoundmostbirds make as theyfly. This Adaptationhelpsowlshunt.
Hard-shelledEggs Thehard-shelledeggs of birdshavetinyholes. Theholes are largeenoughforoxygentopassthrough, butthey are toosmallforwatertopassthougheasily. Thisadaptationspreventsthedevelopingbirdfromdryingout.
Skin The skin thatcoversthedeer´sbody has manyfunctions. Itkeepsthedeer´sbodyfromdryingoutbyslowingwaterloss. Legs Thewhite-taileddeer has stronglegs. Bones and muscles are adaptations thatsupporttheweight of thedeer and helpitrun awayfromenemies.