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  1. vti_encoding:SR|utf8-nl vti_cachedhasbots:BR|false vti_filesize:IX|4795904 vti_cachedhasborder:BR|false vti_title:SR|Computer Software and Support for Population Activities Project A UNFPA inter-regional project vti_cachedhastheme:BR|false vti_timelastmodified:TR|24 Sep 1998 22:10:04 +0200 vti_cacheddtm:TX|24 Sep 1998 22:10:04 +0200 vti_backlinkinfo:VX|demodynamiques/98-99/gerland.html demodynamiques/98-99/jhupres.ppt vti_cachedtitle:SR|Computer Software and Support for Population Activities Project A UNFPA inter-regional project vti_cachedlinkinfo:VX|H|#335,3,Project\\ Objectives H|#261,4,PopMap\\ Information\\ and\\ Decision\\ Support\\ System\\ for\\ Population\\ Activities H|#413,14,Applications\\ of\\ PopMap\\ \\ for\\ population\\ activities H|#272,15,Geographic\\ \\ Population\\ Databases H|#418,16,Electronic\\ Atlas\\ for\\ data\\ dissemination H|#288,39,Presentation,\\ Visualization,\\ Research\\ and\\ Analysis H|#304,58,Analysis H|#312,65,Research H|#424,66,Global\\ information\\ systems H|#453,67,Time-series H|#320,70,Evaluation\\ and\\ Planning H|#324,74,Management\\ Support\\ \\ and\\ Monitoring H|#427,76,Support\\ MIS\\ for\\ RH/FP\\ \\ and\\ other\\ services H|#328,84,Support\\ to\\ Decision-Making H|#342,97,Key\\ Benefits H|#334,90,Who\\ can\\ benefit\\ of\\ PopMap\\ ? H|#344,96,PopMap\\ Requirements H|#441,99,Training\\ and\\ \\ national\\ capacity\\ building H|#440,100,Software\\ Overview H|#368,101,PopMap\\ Retrieval\\ \\ and\\ Browsing\\ features H|#373,102,PopMap\\ Spreadsheet H|#374,104,PopMap\\ Charts H|#378,105,PopMap\\ Thematic\\ Mapping H|#380,111,Information\\ Retrieval\\ \\ and\\ Data\\ Browsing H|#361,116,Users\\ Data\\ and\\ PopMap\\ Development\\ Tools H|#408,180,PopMap\\ for\\ Windows H|#389,169,PopMap\\ Basics H|#444,187,PopMap:\\ Key\\ Points H|#366,124,Drawing\\ Maps H|#435,125,Cartographic\\ work H|#466,144,Use\\ of\\ Computerized\\ Maps H|#470,148,Data\\ Conversion H|#471,149,Manual\\ Digitizing H|#472,150,Heads-Up\\ Digitizing H|#473,151,Line\\ Following H|#474,152,Automated\\ Vectorization H|#475,154,A\\ Complementary\\ Product\\ of\\ PopMap H|#476,155,MapScan:\\ Procedure\\ &\\ Features H|#478,157,Preparation\\ of\\ Paper\\ Maps H|#487,166,Application\\ for\\ Cartographic\\ Work H|#402,171,Geographic\\ database\\ and\\ Geographic\\ Information\\ System\\ (GIS)... H|#405,177,Why\\ is\\ it\\ important? H|#407,179,Use\\ for\\ population\\ activities H|#451,191,To\\ contact\\ us H|#497,2,Contents vti_extenderversion:SR|

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