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rest is most important

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Presentation Transcript

  1. R.E.S.T Importance of Resting  Group Members .Nickyle Prendergast .Kareem Powell .Oneal Mcintrye .Domonic Myrie .Judaine Mckenzie

  2. R.E.S.T

  3. REST what process do the cells carry out when we are sleeping? The brain stores new information and gets rid of toxic waste. Nerve cells communicate and reorganize, which supports healthy brain function. The body repairs cells, restores energy, and releases molecules like hormones and proteins.

  4. WHY DO WE REST Rest is vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism

  5. DEFINITION OF REST    Rest: is a condition in which the body is in a decreased state of activity without emotional stress and freedom from anxiety.

  6. REST . Prolong our life  . Maintain our metabolic rate and rebuild our body cell . Improve memorizing and learning

  7. REST DISTURBANCE WILL BE IMPLY  . Irritable , anxiety and sress . Fatigue . Reduce work optimally  . Poor connection

  8. PRAESENT HABITANT MORBI TRISTIQUE SENECTUS Maecenas ultricies vel erat eu suscipit. Donec nisl leo, consequat ut metus vel, suscipit interdum libero. Curabitur accumsan vehicula leo, quis blandit nisi convallis.

  9. THANK  YOU! Morbi sollicitudin congue bibendum. Sed gravida ut mi a viverra. Nullam molestie velit sit amet tortor

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