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了解 ISSN. 國際標準期刊號 ( International Standard- Serial Number , 簡稱 ISSN) ,是國際間賦予期刊的一套統一編號。. 也可以直接上網 http://www.ncl.edu.tw/isbn/index.htm 查詢了解. 編號範圍. 常見的期刊、雜誌、報紙、叢刊、年刊等大都屬於國際標準期刊號。. 國際標準期刊編號中心.

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  1. 了解ISSN 國際標準期刊號 ( International Standard- Serial Number, 簡稱ISSN),是國際間賦予期刊的一套統一編號。 也可以直接上網http://www.ncl.edu.tw/isbn/index.htm查詢了解 編號範圍 常見的期刊、雜誌、報紙、叢刊、年刊等大都屬於國際標準期刊號。

  2. 國際標準期刊編號中心 臺灣地區目前仍無法設立國際標準期刊編號中心,業者如欲申請國際標準期刊號,可填妥ISDS申請單逕向法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心(International Serial Data System-ISDS Internation Centre)申請,或請國家圖書館代轉申請。

  3. 作業時間國家圖書館為協助 ISSN 制度之推行,義務為國內出版單位代轉申請信函,所需時間約二個月。

  4. 申請資料1. 填寫ISDS申請單一式二份。填寫表格時可參考ISSN申請單範例。 2. 最近一期期刊之封面、版權頁及目次頁,各影印一份,必要時附創刊號封面影本。

  5. In order to obtain an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for your serial please complete the application form and send it to the ISDS International Centre at the above address.This form must be accompanied by a recent sample issue of the publication or a photocopy of the cover and title page or masthead. □This is a request for prepublication assignment of an ISSN. The first issue of the serial will appear (year): XThis is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which began publication under the present title since (year):1999.01 □This is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which has been published between (year): and (year):and is continued by the following title: TITLE 全國新書資訊月刊(New Books Monthly Recent and Forthcoming Publication in Taiwan, R.O.C.) VARIANT FORMS OF THE TITLE FREQUENCY 月刊(Monthly) LANGUAGE(S) OF TEXT 中文(Chinese) PUBLISHER (name and address) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) 臺北市中山南路20號 #20 Chung-shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. CONTACT PERSON (name and telephone) 張靜怡(Chang Chin-yi) 886-2-2361-9132 ext 701 Telex Fax 886-2-23115330 PREVIOUS PUBLISHER NAME OF ISSUING BODY (corporate author) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) FORMER TITLE which this serial continues and/or ISSN NO TITLES OF OTHER LANGUAGE EDITIONS and/or ISSN NO RELATED TITLES (supplements, insets, series, etc.) and/or ISSN NO Do you publish other serials? If yes, you will be sent additional data sheets for ISSN assignments. DO NOT FORGET TO APPLY FOR A NEW ISSN IF THE TITLE OF THE SERIAL CHANGES

  6. ISSN申請注意事項: 1.國家圖書館為協助國際標準期刊號(ISSN)制度之推行,義務為國內出版單位代轉申請信函,所 需時間約為兩個月。 2.申請時請附下列資料: (1)ISDS申請單一式二份。 (2)最近一期期刊之封面、版權頁及目次頁,各影印一份,必要時附創刊號封面影本。 3.ISDS申請單填寫方式: (1)出版期刊請在第二欄第二行作註記,並在後面註明創刊年月;刊名更動者請在第三行前作註記,並填寫新刊名。 (2)TITLE欄請用中文填寫(若是英文刊物則以英文填寫);其他部份請用中英文對照填寫。 範例: In order to obtain an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for your serial please complete the application form and send it to the ISDS International Centre at the above address.This form must be accompanied by a recent sample issue of the publication or a photocopy of the cover and title page or masthead. □This is a request for prepublication assignment of an ISSN. The first issue of the serial will appear (year): XThis is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which began publication under the present title since (year):1999.01 □This is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which has been published between (year): and (year):and is continued by the following title: TITLE 全國新書資訊月刊(New Books Monthly Recent and Forthcoming Publication in Taiwan, R.O.C.) VARIANT FORMS OF THE TITLE FREQUENCY 月刊(Monthly) LANGUAGE(S) OF TEXT 中文(Chinese) PUBLISHER (name and address) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) 臺北市中山南路20號 #20 Chung-shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. CONTACT PERSON (name and telephone) 張靜怡(Chang Chin-yi) 886-2-2361-9132 ext 701 Telex Fax 886-2-23115330 PREVIOUS PUBLISHER NAME OF ISSUING BODY (corporate author) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) FORMER TITLE which this serial continues and/or ISSN NO TITLES OF OTHER LANGUAGE EDITIONS and/or ISSN NO RELATED TITLES (supplements, insets, series, etc.) and/or ISSN NO Do you publish other serials? If yes, you will be sent additional data sheets for ISSN assignments. DO NOT FORGET TO APPLY FOR A NEW ISSN IF THE TITLE OF THE SERIAL CHANGES

  7. ISSN申請注意事項:範例 : 1.國家圖書館為協助國際標準期刊號(ISSN)制度之推行,義務為國內出版單位代轉申請信函,所 需時間約為兩個月。2.申請時請附下列資料:(1)ISDS申請單一式二份。(2)最近一期期刊之封面、版權頁及目次頁,各影印一份,必要時附創刊號封面影本。

  8. 3.ISDS申請單填寫方式:(1)出版期刊請在第二欄第二行作註記,並在後面註明創刊年月;刊名更動者請在第三行前作註記,並填寫新刊名。(2)TITLE欄請用中文填寫(若是英文刊物則以英文填寫);其他部份請用中英文對照填寫。3.ISDS申請單填寫方式:(1)出版期刊請在第二欄第二行作註記,並在後面註明創刊年月;刊名更動者請在第三行前作註記,並填寫新刊名。(2)TITLE欄請用中文填寫(若是英文刊物則以英文填寫);其他部份請用中英文對照填寫。

  9. 範例: In order to obtain an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for your serial please complete the application form and send it to the ISDS International Centre at the above address.This form must be accompanied by a recent sample issue of the publication or a photocopy of the cover and title page or masthead. □This is a request for prepublication assignment of an ISSN. The first issue of the serial will appear (year): XThis is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which began publication under the present title since (year):1999.01 □This is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which has been published between (year): and (year):and is continued by the following title: TITLE 全國新書資訊月刊(New Books Monthly Recent and Forthcoming Publication in Taiwan, R.O.C.) VARIANT FORMS OF THE TITLE FREQUENCY 月刊(Monthly) LANGUAGE(S) OF TEXT 中文(Chinese) PUBLISHER (name and address) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) 臺北市中山南路20號 #20 Chung-shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. CONTACT PERSON (name and telephone) 張靜怡(Chang Chin-yi) 886-2-2361-9132 ext 701 Telex Fax 886-2-23115330 PREVIOUS PUBLISHER NAME OF ISSUING BODY (corporate author) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) FORMER TITLE which this serial continues and/or ISSN NO TITLES OF OTHER LANGUAGE EDITIONS and/or ISSN NO RELATED TITLES (supplements, insets, series, etc.) and/or ISSN NO Do you publish other serials? If yes, you will be sent additional data sheets for ISSN assignments. DO NOT FORGET TO APPLY FOR A NEW ISSN IF THE TITLE OF THE SERIAL CHANGES 放大說明於後

  10. 範例: In order to obtain an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for your serial please complete the application form and send it to the ISDS International Centre at the above address.This form must be accompanied by a recent sample issue of the publication or a photocopy of the cover and title page or masthead.

  11. This is a request for prepublication assignment of an ISSN. The first issue of the serial will appear (year): XThis is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which began publication under the present title since (year):1999.01 □This is a request for assignment of an ISSN to a serial which has been published between (year): and (year):and is continued by the following title:

  12. TITLE 全國新書資訊月刊(New Books Monthly Recent and Forthcoming Publication in Taiwan, R.O.C.) VARIANT FORMS OF THE TITLE FREQUENCY 月刊(Monthly) LANGUAGE(S) OF TEXT 中文(Chinese)

  13. PUBLISHER (name and address) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) 臺北市中山南路20號 #20 Chung-shan S. Road, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. CONTACT PERSON (name and telephone) 張靜怡(Chang Chin-yi) 886-2-2361-9132 ext 701 Telex Fax 886-2-23115330 PREVIOUS PUBLISHER

  14. NAME OF ISSUING BODY (corporate author) 國家圖書館(National Central Library) FORMER TITLE which this serial continues and/or ISSN NO TITLES OF OTHER LANGUAGE EDITIONS and/or ISSN NO

  15. RELATED TITLES (supplements, insets, series, etc.) and/or ISSN NO Do you publish other serials? If yes, you will be sent additional data sheets for ISSN assignments. DO NOT FORGET TO APPLY FOR A NEW ISSN IF THE TITLE OF THE SERIAL CHANGES

  16. 國際標準期刊編號中心 臺灣地區目前仍無法設立國際標準期刊編號中心,業者如欲申請國際標準期刊號,可填妥ISDS申請單逕向法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心(International Serial Data System-ISDS Internation Centre)申請,或請國家圖書館代轉申請。

  17. 封面範例:

  18. 版權頁範例: 新書資訊月刊的版權頁

  19. 目次頁範例: 新書資訊月刊的目次

  20. 創刊號封面範例: 新書資訊月刊的創刊號封面

  21. ISSN代轉申請連絡資料 國家圖書館國際標準書號中心 地址:臺北市 100-01 中山南路 20 號 電話:(02) 2361-9132 轉 701-707

  22. 回覆申請者 國家圖書館國際標準書號中心收到法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心回函後,會儘速函覆原申請者。 法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心回函範例: 見下頁

  23. 法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心回函範例:

  24. 國家圖書館國際標準書號中心函覆申請者範例:國家圖書館國際標準書號中心函覆申請者範例:

  25. 自行申請:也可以自行直接申請 手續如下 1、 申請時請附(1)ISDS申請單一式二份,(2)最近一期期刊之封面、版權頁及目次頁,各影印一份,必要時附創刊號封面影本,寄至「法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心」

  26. 2、法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心連絡資料:  機構名稱:ISSN INTERNATIONAL CENTRE  地址:20, rue Bachaumont 75002 PARIS France  電話:33 (01) 44 88 22 20  傳真:33 (01) 40 26 32 43 E-mail:issnic@issn.org 網址:http://www.issn.org/

  27. 印製位置:申請所獲得的ISSN號碼應印在期刊的位置印製位置:申請所獲得的ISSN號碼應印在期刊的位置 1. ISSN應印製在每期封面開口處上端。如:ISSN 1560-6708。 2. 封底近裝訂處、或書名頁、版權頁等明顯位置與條碼並列。

  28. 條碼化圖識 整張條碼稱為國際商品號 ISSN 只有較長的那一段

  29. ISSN書目資料查詢 如欲查證 ISSN 號碼及所屬刊物,請連線至法國巴黎國際期刊資料系統中心查詢。網址:http://www.issn.org/。

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