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W.S. Hein Co. and Cassidy Cataloguing Services

W.S. Hein Co. and Cassidy Cataloguing Services. A Partnership of Quality Products and Customer Service. I. MARC21 Catalog Records for World Constitutions Illustrated Constitutions and fundamental laws Commentaries and other relevant sources Background notes Country studies

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W.S. Hein Co. and Cassidy Cataloguing Services

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  1. W.S. Hein Co. andCassidy Cataloguing Services A Partnership of Quality Products and Customer Service

  2. I. MARC21 Catalog Records for World Constitutions Illustrated • Constitutions and fundamental laws • Commentaries and other relevant sources • Background notes • Country studies • Treatises, texts, addresses of a historical nature • External links – MARC records for the websites cited in the “Bibliography of comparative constitutional drafting resources” and government websites. • Consortia-Style Pricing II. What’s the difference? Aggregator-Neutral Records vs. AACR2Rev.2002 Records Provider-Neutral Records vs. AACR2Rev.2002 Records

  3. About the previous record… At the AALL annual meeting (2010 July : Denver), we asked law librarians for their opinion on how the individual Constitutions should be cataloged. Almost 100% of them preferred a separate MARC record be created for each Constitution. So, that is what we will be doing instead of the group record you saw on the previous screen.

  4. Consortia-Style Pricing

  5. And now…A word or two about Aggregator-Neutraland Provider-Neutral records

  6. The HeinOnline MARC21 Catalog Record Sets that are ANR or PNR • The Law Journal Library • The Bar Journals • National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws • New York Legal Research Library • U.S. Federal Legislative History Library • Scottish Legal History Publications • The Selden Society Publications • Tax & Economic Reform: TERA I & II • History of Bankruptcy: TERA III • The World Trials Library • World Constitutions Illustrated • (Legal Classics) – available in OCLC

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