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002 - Cred in Dumnezeu ca Tata

I believe in God the Father Jesus Christ, His Son And the blessed Holy Spirit Distinct, yet three in one I believe there is forgiveness For everything we've done That is why all the more I will serve Him.

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002 - Cred in Dumnezeu ca Tata

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I believe in God the FatherJesus Christ, His SonAnd the blessed Holy SpiritDistinct, yet three in oneI believe there is forgivenessFor everything we've doneThat is why all the more I will serve Him

  2. I believe the Son of GodWas crucified upon the treeAnd laid within a borrowed tombNot far from CalvaryI believe He rose up from the deadAlive for all to seeThat is why all the more I will serve Him

  3. I have made my decision I have STAKED my claim I have drawn a line in the sand And I'll not be ashamed With the world behind me And the cross beforeBy the grace of God I will serve the Lord

  4. I believe you must be born againJohn 3:16 is trueThe old life can be washed awayAnd everything made newI believe the love of GodCan find its way to youThat is why all the more I will serve Him

  5. I believe there is a right and wrongA time to live a dieAnd the Bible is the blueprintThat all men should live byI believe I'm not aloneWith my faith in Jesus ChristThat is why all the more We will serve Him

  6. We have made our decision We have STAKED our claimWe have drawn a line in the sandAnd we won't be ashamedWith the world behind me usAnd the cross beforeBy the grace of GodWe will serve the Lord

  7. Cred în Dumnezeu ca TatăÎn Isus Hristos ca FiuCred în Duhul Sfânt că esteCred Cuvântul că e viuCred că mai este iertarePentru tot ce-am făcut răuDe aceea alerg la tronul Tău.

  8. Cred că Isus a fost jertfăPe un lemn crucificatŞi-n mormânt lângă GolgotaTrupul I-a fost îngropatCred că a-nviat precum a zisSi viu s-a arătatDe aceea la El am alergat.

  9. Am luat hotărâreaÎnapoi nu voi daCu privirea doar la cruceLumea-n spate-o voi lăsaNu-mi va fi deloc ruşineSă afirm că sunt creştinVoi sluji mereu prin harul Său divin.

  10. Cred Cuvântul care spuneTrebuie să te naşti din nouViaţa veche e spălatăŞi totul s-a făcut nouCred că dragostea lui DumnezeuTe va descoperiDe aceea şi mai mult îi voi sluji.

  11. Cred că este-un bine şi un răuTrăieşti şi apoi moriCred că Biblia e hartaSpre a cerului comoriCred că nu sunt singur în HristosPe mulţi El ne-a salvatDe aceea credinţă i-am jurat.

  12. Am luat hotărâreaÎnapoi nu vom daCu privirea doar la cruceLumea-n spate-o vom lăsaNu ne va fi ruşine să spunem:“Suntem creştini!”Vom sluji mereu prin harul Său divin.

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