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The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Cooperative Agreement 2019-2024

This webinar provides an overview of the ASPR Cooperative Agreement 2019-2024, including expectations and considerations for the Advisory Group. Learn about the purpose of the funds and the partnership with federal and regional organizations.

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The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Cooperative Agreement 2019-2024

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  1. The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Cooperative Agreement 2019-2024 Claudine McCarthyHealth Emergency Response and Planning Unit SupervisorMarch 18, 2019

  2. Today’s Webinar Cooperative Agreement Overview ASPR Expectations Advisory Group Considerations/Actions

  3. Today’s Webinar Cooperative Agreement Overview ASPR Expectations Advisory Group Considerations/Actions

  4. Cooperative Agreement (aka “the grant”) “In a cooperative agreement, the federal government is substantially involved in program activities, above and beyond routine grant monitoring. During the project period, ASPR will monitor and evaluate the defined activities within the agreement and recipient progress in meeting work plan priorities.” This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  5. ASPR: Purpose of Funds • “…improve patient outcomes, minimize the needs for federal and supplemental state resources during emergencies, and enable rapid recovery from catastrophic events…” • “…incentivize and support diverse and often competitive health care organizations with differing priorities and objectives to work together to save lives during disasters and emergencies that exceed the day-to-day capacity and capability of individual health care and emergency response systems…” • “…build acute care medical surge capacity through the maintenance and growth of strong HCCs…” This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  6. Cooperative Agreement Partners Federal: ASPR Recipient: OPEHC Regional HERCs

  7. WHEPP Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Program https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/preparedness/healthcare/index.htm

  8. “These capabilities illustrate the range of health care preparedness and response activities that, if conducted, represent the ideal state of readiness in the United States.” Health Care and Medical Response Coordination Continuity of Health Care Service Delivery Medical Surge Foundation for Health Care & Medical Readiness

  9. “The community’s health care organizations and other stakeholders – coordinated through a sustainable HCC – have strong relationships, identify hazards and risks, and prioritize and address gaps through planning, training, exercising and managing resources.” • Regional hazard vulnerability assessments • Regional work plans • Regional budgets • Governance Documentation • What determines membership? • Leadership structure • Roles and responsibilities • Sustainability Foundation for Health Care & Medical Readiness

  10. “Health care organizations, the HCC, their jurisdictions, and the state’s lead ESF-8 agency [WI DHS] plan and collaborate to share and analyze information, manage and share resources, and coordinate strategies to deliver medical care to all populations during emergencies and planned events.” Health Care and Medical Response Coordination

  11. “Health care organizations, with support from the HCC and the state’s ESF 8 lead agency [WI DHS] provide uninterrupted, optimal medical care to all populations in the face of damaged or disabled health care infrastructure. Health care workers are well-trained, well-educated, and well-equipped to care for patients during emergencies. Simultaneous response and recovery operations result in a return to normal or ideally, improved, operations.” • COOP planning assistance • Training plans Continuity of Health Care Service Delivery

  12. “Health care organizations deliver timely and efficient care to their patients even when the demand for health care services exceeds available supply. The HCC, in collaboration with the state’s ESF-8 lead agency, coordinates information and available resources for its members to maintain conventional surge response. When an emergency overwhelms the HCC’s collective resources, the HCC supports the health care delivery system’s transition to contingency and crisis surge response and promotes a timely return to conventional standards of care as soon as possible.” • Specialty annexes to HERC response plans (burn, pediatrics) • Participation in WI crisis standards of care activities • Coalition Surge Test Medical Surge

  13. Today’s Webinar Cooperative Agreement Overview ASPR Expectations Advisory Group Considerations/Actions

  14. Recipient (WI-DHS) • Conduct an annual public health and medical preparedness exercise that specifically addresses the needs of people with disabilities and other at-risk individuals or populations • Complete and submit AARs and improvement plans for allresponses to real incidents, planned events, and exercises. • Submit pandemic influenza preparedness plans. • Submit top jurisdictional strategic priorities, noting the data sources used to inform their selection, and listing anticipated challenges or barriers to success during the project period. • Maintain an advisory committee with members involved in homeland security, health care, public health, EMS and behavioral health. • Document 10% match of in-kind or non-federally funded contributions to WHEPP activities ($340,000) This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  15. Recipient (WI-DHS) • Coordinate emergency public health and health care preparedness and response plans with educational agencies and state child care agencies. • Engage state unit on aging in order to address the preparedness, response, and recovery needs of older adults. • Maintain a registry system for volunteer health professionals in emergencies. Encourage collaboration with Medical Reserve Corps units. • Ensure cross-discipline coordination (working with state offices of EMS, mental health, emergency management and other programs previously mentioned). • Comply with public safety communications requirements. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  16. Recipient (WI-DHS) • Fulfill cooperative agreement administrative requirements: • Ensure access to sites, documentation, individuals, and information, to monitor, evaluate and verify implementation of activities and appropriate use of funds. • Plan and participate in site visits where fiscal and programmatic systems are demonstrated. • Participate in mandatory meetings and trainings: • Preparedness Summit • Directors of Public Health Preparedness annual meeting • National Health Care Coalition Preparedness Conference • Training for medical countermeasure coordinators • Other mandatory trainings as announced by ASPR • Maintain all program documentation including evidence of progress completing corrective actions for weaknesses identified during exercises and drills. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  17. Recipient (WI-DHS) • Submit scope of work for HERCs • Conduct tabletop exercises testing administrative preparedness plans (Joint PHEP-HPP) • Testing expedited procedures for receiving emergency funds • Testing reduction of cycle time for contracting and procurement • Testing emergency authorities to reduce time for hiring or reassignment and reporting the average times for recruitment in routine vs emergency circumstances This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  18. HERCs • Submit a workplan. Suggested that it corresponds to phases of the “HPP Readiness and Operations Cycle”: • FY quarter 1: planning and preparing • FY quarter 2: training and equipping • FY quarter 3: exercising • FY quarter 4: evaluating and sharing lessons learned • Participate in current and future federal health care situational awareness initiatives. • Submit a listing of all core and additional coalition members. • Ensure that all core members SIGN HCC-related documentation, such as governance docs, preparedness, response and recovery plans. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  19. HERCs • Recruit additional functional entities that support acute health care service delivery into coalitions, including: • Medical supply chain organizations • Pharmacies • Blood Banks • Clinical Labs • Federal Health Care Organizations • Outpatient care centers • Long term care organizations • Update HVA • Update and maintain resource inventory assessment • Plan for populations at risk during emergency events This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  20. HERCs • Ensure HCC governance documents include specific elements. • Designate a lead health care organization for each HERC • Ensure 2 staff roles, adding up to at least one 1.0 FTE: • Coordinator • Facilitate the planning, training, exercising, operational readiness, financial sustainability, evaluation, and long-term ongoing development of the HCC • Clinical Advisor • Liaison between coalition and medical directors at coalition membership organizations • Review and provide input on plans, exercises, and trainings • Act as a coalition champion • Assure mass casualty/surge plans provide for appropriate distribution of trauma patients • Assure that subject matter experts are available in specialty surge/mass care situations This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  21. HERCs • Ensure NIMS training for HCC leadership and promote implementation amongst members. • Submit a list of planned training activities with the annual work plan. • Ensure that the HCC response plan represents core members. • Ensure the response plan describes the HCC’s operational roles that support strategic planning, situational awareness, information sharing, and resource management. • Review response plan annually and ensure all member organizations have copies of the plan. • Ensure employees from HCC member organizations understand and have access to information sharing platforms. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  22. HERCs • And more…. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  23. 2019 Benchmarks Failure to complete benchmark activities in a timely fashion can result in witholding of a percentage of the cooperative agreement award. • WI DHS • Execution of subawards within 90 calendar days of July 1. • Submission of quarterly federal financial reports • Submission of a multi-year training and exercise plan • Presentation of state budget to HERCs and/or individual organizations • Submission of state-level, pre-event essential elements of information template. • Submission of program data on pandemic response readiness, barriers and challenges to preparedness and operational readiness, and efforts to address the needs of at-risk individuals This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  24. 2019 Benchmarks Failure to complete benchmark activities in a timely fashion can result in witholding of a percentage of the cooperative agreement award. • HERCs • Submission of draft response plan annex addressing pediatric surge completed and uploaded by April 1, 2020; final plans due September 2020. • Submission of final budgets to DHS and in Coalition Assessment Tool including percentages received from DHS, other federal sources, and non federal sources. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  25. 2019 Benchmarks Failure to complete benchmark activities in a timely fashion can result in witholding of a percentage of the cooperative agreement award. • HERCs • Submission within 30 days of the subaward of annual work plan into the CAT based on HVA and resource analysis, developed with stakeholders, to include: • medical equipment and supplies • real-time information sharing • communication systems • training • exercises • lessons learned • health care personnel This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  26. Today’s Webinar Cooperative Agreement Overview ASPR Expectations Advisory Group Considerations/Actions

  27. Advisory Group Considerations • Incorporation? • AG-Lead Projects: Marketing • (Develop materials that identify and articulate the benefits of HCC activities and promote preparedness activities to both members and additional stakeholders.) • Recipient Level Direct Cost Exemption • Standardization of Work Plan Items • Strategic Planning for 2020-2021, and forward? This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

  28. Questions & Answers

  29. THANK YOU Claudine McCarthy Health Emergency Response and Planning Unit Supervisor Wisconsin Department of Health Services claudine.mccarthy@dhs.wisconsin.gov

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