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9 /04/13 Seventh Day of School

9 /04/13 Seventh Day of School. Learning Goal: I will be able to identify and recall the steps in the Scientific Method Due Today: Foldable Assignment: Foldable of Steps in the Scientific Method. On a blank piece of paper… Write your first and last name

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9 /04/13 Seventh Day of School

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  1. 9/04/13Seventh Day of School Learning Goal: I will be able to identify and recall the steps in the Scientific Method Due Today: Foldable Assignment: Foldable of Steps in the Scientific Method

  2. On a blank piece of paper… • Write your first and last name • List the steps of the scientific method (without looking at textbook, computer, or neighbor) Do Now

  3. Watch the video clip to see if you recall the steps of the scientific method: http://www.brainpop.com/science/scientificinquiry/scientificmethod/ Brain Pop Video

  4. Fold your copy paper hotdog style. • Measure and cut only the top portion for flaps. You should have 7 flaps. • Label the outside flaps with the 6 steps plus the title (Scientific Method.) • Write explanation (in your own words) of each step on the inside left flap. Scientific Method Foldable

  5. Identify Problem/ Make observations Do Research/ Make Hypothesis Design Experiment to test hypothesis Scientific Method Collect Data (observations) Analyze Results/ Make Conclusions Communicate Results Adapted from http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml#overviewofthescientificmethod

  6. Watch the following video to view how scientists use the scientific method to investigate a real-world problem: • http://www.pbs.org/saf/1204/segments/1204-4.htm Video: Dust in the Air

  7. 1. Add information from the Dust in the Air Video to the right inside page of your foldable. 2. Be sure each label fits the description of what the scientists are doing. Completing your foldable

  8. Complete the foldable and review the steps in the scientific method. Assignment to complete at home

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