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Parent-Athlete-Coach Fall Sports Preseason Meeting

Parent-Athlete-Coach Fall Sports Preseason Meeting. Harwood Union High School Chris Langevin, Harwood Athletics/Activities Director. Mental Health vs. Mental Illness Mental Health vs. Mental Illness Mental Health vs. Mental Illness Mental Health v. Mental Illness.

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Parent-Athlete-Coach Fall Sports Preseason Meeting

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  1. Parent-Athlete-CoachFall Sports Preseason Meeting Harwood Union High School Chris Langevin, Harwood Athletics/Activities Director

  2. Mental Health vs. Mental IllnessMental Health vs. Mental IllnessMental Health vs. Mental IllnessMental Health v. Mental Illness • Mental Health: An important part of overall health and well-being. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. • Mental Illness: Associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work, academic, or family activities (Reference: Center of Disease Control & Prevention)

  3. Dr. Melody Frank • Director of Students & Well-Being • Email: mfrank@huusd.org • Phone: 802-583-8167

  4. Get Involved • Booster Club • Concession Stand, 50/50 raffles etc • Volunteer to keep stats or ‘the book’ • Bring oranges/drinks for halftime • Bring snacks for the team for after the game • Host a Team Dinner • Car Pool

  5. Registrations • Please register on FamilyID • Currently about 1/2 of the athletes are registered • This MUST be done before the First Practice! • No Registrations = No Practice • Physicals Must be Up-to-Date • Updated Every 2 Years

  6. Attendance & Behavior • Must attend a full day of school or school-related activities. In by 8:00am for the start of school • Athletes may NOT practice or compete in contests if they are • Absent or Tardy • Absent on a Friday (no play on Saturday) • Serving Detention, Suspension, Missed Classes • Bottom line is – Come to School, Behave Appropriately and Enjoy your Sports afterschool.

  7. Hazing, Harassment, Bullying Hazing Harassment Bullying • ILLEGAL by LAW • Requiring “new” members to do “something” in order to “be part of the team” • Potentially dangerous and always harmful • EVERYONE’s responsibility to report if you see it or hear about it • Report it to ME • ILLEGAL by LAW • Behavior directed toward “9 protected categories” • e.g. race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, etc. • EVERYONE’s responsibility to report it if you see it or hear it • Report it to ME • ILLEGAL by LAW • Student-to-student • “Repeated over time” • Embarrass, humiliate, intimidate, demean • How the “victim feels” NOT how the perpetrator “meant it” • EVERYONE’s responsibility to report if you see it or hear about it • Report it to ME

  8. Athletics for PE Credit • For students in Grades 9-11, Harwood has developed a system for students to meet proficiencies by participating in athletics: • Sign up on Family ID for spring sport • Once sports rosters are finalized Katie Pike, PE teacher, will send the student a link to Google Classroom • Students and parents should review Google Classroom expectations and adhere to instructions on how to meet the proficiencies • At the end of the season your coach will verify a full season of participation, Katie Pike will verify the proficiencies and it will be recorded in Jump Rope

  9. Academic Eligibility • All Students who participate in Co-Curricular Programs will demonstrate a commitment to academic achievement • You are STUDENT-athletes. The emphasis is on Student first. • Coaches support this position, and are here to help balance academics with co-curricular activities

  10. Academic Responsibility • All Summative Assessments must be completed • Learning Expectations & Course Scores must meet minimum requirements • Academic Status will be monitored quarterly, and if necessary, your eligibility will be effected until you meet expectations • Bottom Line: Complete your work, go to class, be respectful, and you will be able to play this fall with no worries. Co-Curricular activities are a privilege, so be sure you’re earning that privilege.

  11. Drug & Alcohol Policy • A student participating in co-curricular activities must not use or possess drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products. • Failure to follow this policy will result in: • 1st Offense: • Suspension from games (21 days) • Still eligible to practice, but NO traveling • 2nd Offense: • Removal from Activities/Athletics for 1 calendar year • 3rd Offense: • Removal from Activities/Athletics for the rest of your HU career

  12. Vaping is a Violation • During the duration of the season, as outlined in the Student Handbook… • “Students who participate in co-curricular activities will be held to a high standard of conduct as a requirement. Participation in such activities is a privilege, not a right. During any period of participation, participants are required to adhere to a zero (0) tolerance standard, 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, both when at school and school-related activities and when not at school or school-related activities”

  13. Uniforms • Please take care of all equipment and uniforms you use this season • Keep them clean and in good shape, so the student-athletes coming after you can enjoy them as well. • Turn the uniforms in ON TIME • You will not be eligible for your next season until you turn the uniform in • If you trade any part of your uniform with someone else, notify your coach and/or Danni, so you’re not blamed if they don’t show up.

  14. Athletics Communication Plan • 1st Communication: PLAYER TO COACH • Self-Advocacy is one of the great LIFE SKILLS that we can teach our athletes • This will allow them to speak on their own behalf and work through problems • Coach will provide specifics on the problem and work through a solution • Why cut/placed on a team → What to do to increase playing time • There is an APPROPRIATE Time and Place for that Conversation • 24 Hour Rule -- Practices/Events

  15. Athletics Communication Plan • 2nd Communication: PARENT TO COACH • Usually this conversation is when the problem persists • This conversation should include the Parents/Guardians AND the athlete • Again, there is an APPROPRIATE Time and Place for that Conversation • Final Communication: Athletic Director Involvement • This should be the last resort in finding a solution to the problem • The Coach, Athlete, and Parents/Guardians will all be involved in this meeting

  16. Athletics Communication Plan Communication You Can Expect from a Coach • Their Philosophy and Expectations • Locations and Times of Practices/Games • Disciplinary Procedures • Requirements/Off-Season Plans Appropriate Concerns for Parents to Discuss w/ Coaches • The treatment of your child, mentally and physically • Ways to help your child improve • Concerns about your child Issues NOT Appropriate for Parents to Discuss w/ Coaches • Playing Time • Team Strategy • Play Calling • Other Students

  17. Sportsmanship • You are a representative of the school and your programs at all times. • Behavior unbecoming, unlawful, or in violation of Harwood’s co-curricular participation standards such as poor sportsmanship or improper behavior during school, practices, rehearsals, performances, games or in the community may result in immediate or future suspension from the activity or other consequences deemed appropriate by the coach/activity advisor or Athletics/Activities Director.

  18. Transportation If transportation is provided – all players must be on the bus to and from a game: Possible Exceptions: • Parent/Guardian (with approval by coach) may drive player home from an away game. • Another adult (with approval by coach AND written note from parent/guardian) may drive a player home from away game. • Weekend Game (with approval by coach) if you live closer to site than school. • SAT/ACT testing conflicts etc.

  19. SAT Conflict Date **NOVEMBER 2nd** This is State Championship Saturday This is also an SAT Day Don’t schedule your SATs for Championships Saturday They won’t move the game

  20. Loyalty Clause Per VPA rules, any member of a Harwood Union High School team is a student-athlete who is regularly present for, and actively participates in, all team tryouts, practices and competitions. Members of a school team are prevented from missing a high school practice or competition to compete with an out-of-school team/club, practice or competition (including tournaments, showcases, combines or other athletic events). Whenever a conflict arises between the high school team practice/competition and an out-of-school practice/competition on the same day, the high school team practice/competition MUST be honored by the student athlete. Priority must be given at ALL times to the high school team, its practices, and its contest unless a waiver has been granted by Athletic Director.

  21. After-School Options • Students – May stay after-school ONLY if waiting for practice/game or attending a supervised activity such as Homework Club, rehearsals, etc. • Must leave campus after practice or activity • May NOT wait around at school for an activity starting later than 5:00. • There is NO supervision after 5:00 – please do not allow your student to just ‘hang out’ • Late buses run at 5:00pm to central drop off points only • You can find these points on the new Athletics Website under Resources and Documents

  22. No Pet Policy • Pets are not allowed at the practice fields or game fields at any time. • Pet: a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure • Yes, Comet is absolutely adorable. Comet should not be on our sidelines… or race course… or Harwood. • I know… you hate this rule. I know… I’m the bad guy. All I ask is you please be respectful of the rule, and leave your pets at home.

  23. Tandem Calendar • This is the one-stop-shop for all scheduling needs • Sign up for an account, and check your notification settings • You can receive Texts and Emails when anything is changed (cancelled, time moved, etc.) • Subscribe to the team for all your student-athletes!

  24. www.HarwoodHighlanders.com • Has all of the information you are looking for • Contact a Coach • Contact the Athletic Department • Forms • Schedules • Team Pages/Photos • Links to important pages and information

  25. Danni LaFlamme, ATC • Phone: 802-583-8140 • Email: dlaflamme@huusd.org • Instagram: @harwood_sports_med

  26. Chris Langevin, Athletic Director • Phone: 802-583-8137 • By Email – clangevin@huusd.org • Twitter – @Harwood_AD • Facebook - Harwood Highlanders • Instagram - @huhs_highlanders

  27. Breakout Sessions • Field Hockey – Music Hallway • Volleyball – Lobby • Cross-Country – Gymnasium • Girls Soccer – Auditorium • Boys Soccer – Auditorium • Golf – Lobby • Bass Fishing – Stage

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