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Health Care in Canada

Health Care in Canada. In Canada we have a publically funded medical system We pay for our healthcare through taxes, the Government then distributes it to our Medicare The Canadian Health Act (CHA), 1984:

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Health Care in Canada

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  1. Health Care in Canada • In Canada we have a publically funded medical system • We pay for our healthcare through taxes, the Government then distributes it to our Medicare • The Canadian Health Act (CHA), 1984: • Federal health insurance legislation establishing guidelines to ensure that all Canadian citizens have equal access to medically necessary services • Hospitals, surgeries, and family doctor visits – regardless of their ability to pay • CHA = no out-of-pocket expenses to be paid by those who visit the hospital etc. • CHA = provinces receive money from federal government (called transfer payments) to help pay for health care • Doctors and hospitals charge the Province for all visits /staff/etc.

  2. Pros & cons of Canadian health care Pros System has become very expensive to run; every year the gov’t is spending more and more money trying to keep up with funding costs; services are deteriorating Staffing along with new technologies (CAT scans/MRIs/etc.) are expensive Not enough money = increase in waiting lists Common practice involves going to USA for procedures, and paying-out-of-pocket People that cannot afford, wait long, and often die… If you are homeless, or a millionaire, you can go visit a doctor and still get the same level of service, without having to pay out-of-pocket Cons

  3. (possible) future of health care in Canada • Two-tier system: • Growing concern that if the CAN system stays the way it is, it will go bankrupt and collapse • Federal gov’t has set up numerous reports (Romanow Commission) to establish guidelines and make suggestions for the future of healthcare • Some have stated that we need to follow an “American-style of healthcare” with private doctors offices and hospitals – as well as having public facilities • AUS also follows this two-tier structure • Private = those who can pay, get the services faster. These facilities are like any private business  they want a profit, this could cost more in the long run • Public = would still be available for those who could not afford private • PROS: this will reduce waiting lines & lower stress on public system • CONS: would be a way for gov’t to further lessen their $$ commitments to public • BC & QUE have private facilities; known as the “grey zone” as gov’t turns a blind eye to them…

  4. (possible) future of health care in Canada II • Privatization: • Opposite of “public” government run system • This is already occurring to some degree in British Columbia • Involves laying of public employees and then they are re-hired to do the same job, in the same hospital, but employed by a private company that the government has hired to run entities within the hospital • i.e. cleaners and food producers • Quality of care etc. is decreasing  profit not care is the goal! • i.e. private nursing homes

  5. Canadian – American relations • 1980s, PM Mulroney was pro-CAN – USA relationship • This was a cause for concern for many Canadians • He made numerous economic, environmental, and military agreements (or lack there of) with the US • Canadarm: • 1974, NASA gave Canada the option to design, develop,and build the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS). • Result was the 15-metre long robotic arm known as theCanadarm • Cost $100 Million; can lift 30,000kg on Earth, 266,000kg in space • CAN gave NASA first arm for free, NASA bought 4 more for $600 million • 50 missions no malfunctions; ‘98 helped in assembly of Int. Space Station; Canadian scientists & engineers recognized worldwide

  6. Canadian – American relations II • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): • Known as “Star Wars”, this was an American proposal to developa defensive “umbrella” over the United States to prevent incomingmissiles from reaching their targets • Vision for a “laser system suspended in space” which would target and vaporize any incoming missiles • PM Mulroney was not a fan of this… • This upset Soviets = it would upset nuclear parity • End of President Reagan’s presidency (1989), SDI was not continued – until 2000, when President George W. Bush • Canada’s unwillingness to get involved in this caused some tensions…

  7. Canadian – American relations III • The Pacific Salmon Wars: • The Problem: who owns the fish off of the West Coast? • Native peoples fished this area before the Europeans, they had built a culture that revolved around it • Rapid stock losses due to overfishing = problem • Pacific Salmon Treaty, 1985: disputes between CAN & USA were constant until 1985 • Pacific Salmon Treaty, was successful until 1997; “quotas” were an issue of contention (not enough) – both sides were able to set their own limits • American fishing boats seized in CAN waters, Alaskan Ferry seized in Prince Rupert • Fish and the way of life for numerous families were at stake…

  8. Canada – USA Salmon Wars II • Solution: June 1999, Canada & USA signed a new Pacific Salmon Treaty • Agreement signed between Ottawa, the US federal government, the states of Washington, Alaska, and Oregon – along with representatives from 24 native tribes • Significant: Government of BC was not present at negotiations • Issues at the time between Victoria and Ottawa • The Deal: $140 million US fund to protect and rebuild salmon stocks; redistribution of quotas – CAN fishermen could catch more, USA claims in Fraser River (sockeye) has been cutback, USA increased stock of Chinook and Coho

  9. Canadian – American relations IV • Landmines: • United States continues to be the only major power not to support Canada’s push for global treaty banning the use of landmines • The Kyoto Accord: • President Bush (George W.) withdrew American support for Kyoto (2001) • Kyoto: reduce global warming causing pollutants by 5.2% worldwide by 2012 • Canada withdrew in 2011

  10. Canadian – American relations V Conspiracy? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsmc_rS2jOo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhROd7Jt3-w The War on Terror: September 11, 2001: Commercial airplane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in NY; this was shortly followed by a second plane Further planes crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, DC & a plane was downed in a field in Somerset County, PA (thought to be on route to DC)

  11. War on terror ii • Operation Enduring Freedom: • The United States military entered into a war against global terrorism • President George W. Bush ordered the deployment of American troops to Southwest Asia and countries around Afghanistan (Al-Qaeda & Bin Laden) • NATO’s Response: • NATO responded to 9/11 by invoking that part of their agreement stated that an attack on one member would be regarded as an attack on all • 13 members of NATO contributed to Operation Enduring Freedom • Canada’s Response: • Operation Support: Canada’s initial response involved the provision of landing space for planes diverted to Canadian airfields. • Operation Yellow Ribbon, 255 aircraft to 17 airports across Canada • Secondly, Canada increased its commitment to humanitarian assistance. Further commitments to NORADthrough the establishment of CF-18 fighter jets at strategic locations in CAN • Operation Apollo: Canada’s military contribution to campaign against terror. PM Chrétien announced he would contribute air, land, and sea forces to international campaign.

  12. Canadian – American relations VI • War on Iraq: • As the war on Al-Qaeda was coming to an end in Afghanistan, President Bush decided (I mean declared) that Iraq was also a part of the “Axis of Evil” • Axis of Evil = Iran, Iraq, and North Korea • Military action should also be directed towards them, going after their leader Saddam Hussein, and “weapons of mass destruction” • Canada’s Response: • PM Chrétien would only commit Canada vs. Iraq if the UNSecurity Council approved it… didn’t happen • France and Germany took similar action • War on Iraq part 2 started March 19, 2003 • Canada has contributed $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Iraq; this is consistent with Canada’s emphasis on human security, development, and peace building • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlwyNc1IcOw

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