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Boost Your Career in the Oil and Gas Industry - Enroll in Blitz Academy's Course

Looking for a promising career in the oil and gas industry? Look no further than Blitz Academy in Kerala! Enroll now and secure your future in the world of oil and gas.

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Boost Your Career in the Oil and Gas Industry - Enroll in Blitz Academy's Course

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  1. AThrivingIndustry, InvestinYourFuturein OIL&GAS COCHIN|BENGALURU

  2. Introduction Diploma in oil and gas rig technology is a program designed to provide students with the technical knowledge and practical skills required to work in the offshore/onshore oil rigs. The curriculum usually consists of a combination of classroom lectures, safety training, rig training and hands-on training on equipmentcommonlyusedintheoilandgasindustry. Someofthespecificcoursesthatstudentsmaytakeinadiplomaprograminoilandgasrigtechnology includedrillingtechnology,wellcompletion,productionoperations,safetyandenvironmentalpractices. Students may also have the opportunity to participate in field trips and internships to gain practical experienceandapplywhattheyhavelearnedinreal-worldsettings.Upongraduation,diplomaholdersin oil and gas rig technology may find employment opportunities in a range of roles such asdrilling technicians, production operators, rig supervisors, or safety specialists,can expect to work in various settings,includingoffshoreandonshorerigs “Morethan500+candidatesfrom BlitzAcademygotselectedand presentlyworkingvariousOilRig aroundtheworld” www.blitzacademy.org

  3. WhyChoose Oil& Gas RigTechnology Job security - The oil and gas industry is a major contributor to the global economy, and there is a constant demandforskilledworkersinthisfield.Thismeansthatthosewithadiplomainoilandgasrigtechnologycan expecttohavegoodjobsecurity,withopportunitiesforlong-termemployment. Highearningpotential-Workersintheoilandgasindustryaretypicallywell-compensatedfortheirwork,with salariesthatareoftenhigherthantheaverageforotherindustries.Thiscanmakepursuingacareerinoiland gasrigtechnologyanattractiveoptionforthoselookingtoearnagoodincome. Opportunity for travel -Many oil and gas rig workers have the opportunity to work in different parts of the world,whichcanbeanexcitingprospectforthosewhoenjoytravelingandexperiencingnewcultures. Hands-onwork-Workingon anoilandgasrig canbephysicallydemanding, butit canalsobe rewarding for thosewhoenjoyworkingwiththeirhandsandsolvingproblems. Opportunities for advancement -The oil and gas industryoffers a varietyof opportunities for career advancement,withmany workersstartingoutasentry-leveltechniciansandworkingtheirway upto managementpositions.

  4. WhatWeProvide? CharacteristicsofOiland Gas Exploration, Surveys and Drilling Rights DrillingRigsandDrilling a Well Exploration and Development Drilling ProductionandWork-over Safety Trainings FinalAssessment www.blitzacademy.org

  5. Rig Safety CertificationsWeProvide STCW International convention onstandardsoftraining, certification and watch keeping-Directorate general of shipping (GovernmentofINDIA) STSDSD Securitytrainingfor seafarers with designated security duties HUET Helicopter underwater escapetraining H2S Hydrogen SulphideTrainings. BOSIET Basic offshore safetyinduction andemergency

  6. ProgramStructure Lecture-Theory class DrillingandotheraspectsinOilandGas(BOP/SSV/WellHeadControlOperation,Oil&GasProductionin On-Shore/Off-Shore,PetroleumExplorationTechniques, Horizontal/Directional/SmartDrilling,Gas Processing,OilProductionStation,Processsafeguardingetc. General Engineering awareness, Mechanical QA/QC, Piping Design Engineering and Construction etc. (PipeSupports &Stress Analysis,Statutory Regulations &Safety Aspects,Fabrication,Testing& Installation,Costing&PipingSystems RigTraining Rig training gives a preliminary knowledge into the various stages of oil exploration, production, drilling refinery processes and configuration. It contains the upstream, midstream and downstream processes conveningoperationalmethodsinoilexplorationanddetailsoffshore,onshoreandrigsafetyonOiland Gasfields

  7. CareersinOilRig Roustabout FloorHand/FloorMan DerrickMan Driller Mechanic Electrician SafetyCoordinator RigManager MaintenanceSupervisor HSEManager Control Systems Technician Oilfield Service Operator ConstructionSuperintendent

  8. BANGALORE CORPORATEOFFICE-3rdFloor,No.48,100FeetRoad,NearSonySignal 4thBlock,Koramangala,Banglore-560034 ERNAKULAM MGROAD-Perumpillil Building,MahatmaGandhiRd,KPCCJunction OppMaharaja'sGround, Ernakulam, Kerala682011 ERNAKULAMNORTH-41/2553-D,2ndFloorMetro Palace, Opp.North Railway Station, Ernakulam602018 info@blitzacademy.org www.blitzacademy.org +919061106007,9061903007

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