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Compound Words

Compound Words . Two words put together to create a new word. r ain + bow. rainbow. d og + house. doghouse. c ow + boy. c owboy. h ot + dog. hotdog. s ome + one. someone. p ine + cone. pinecone. u nder + line. underline. f lash + light. flashlight. h and + writing. handwriting.

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Compound Words

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Compound Words Two words put together to create a new word.

  2. rain + bow rainbow

  3. dog + house doghouse

  4. cow + boy cowboy

  5. hot + dog hotdog

  6. some + one someone

  7. pine + cone pinecone

  8. under + line underline

  9. flash + light flashlight

  10. hand + writing handwriting

  11. butter + fly butterfly

  12. story + book storybook

  13. bed + time bedtime

  14. skate + board skateboard

  15. sun + shine sunshine

  16. air + plane airplane

  17. Palabrascompuestas dos palabrasqueformanunapalabranueva al unirse.

  18. cien + pies ciempies

  19. pelo + rojo pelirrojo

  20. abre + latas abrelatas

  21. ante + ojos anteojos

  22. sube + baja subibaja

  23. pasa + tiempo pasatiempo

  24. pica + flor picaflor

  25. medio + dia mediodia

  26. rompe + cabezas rompecabezas

  27. saca + puntas sacapuntas

  28. bien + venido bienvenido

  29. saca + corchos sacacorchos

  30. boca + abierta boquiabierta

  31. sordo + muda sordomuda

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