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The Importance of Small Actions

The Importance of Small Actions

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The Importance of Small Actions

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  1. The Importance of Small Actions

  2. Every day you will need to remember why you are taking the actions towards your goals. You need to honour the fact that small steps will lead to big wins and believe it.

  3. Every small action will lead you towards your goals but if your goals are huge like buying a home or moving country, you might want to break those down even smaller.

  4. We’d all love to be working on our long term or bigger goals all the time but there will inevitably be other goals or actions we need to take in our daily lives that are important. So it’s always helpful to identify your MITs each morning.

  5. The 80/20 rule argues that 20% of your efforts are responsible for 80% of your results. So, if you’re able to identify which 20% of your work is giving you your best results, you can make sure that your daily goals focus on those specific tasks.

  6. Rather than flopping on to the sofa at the end of your day, take a mindful moment and review what you have achieved in your day

  7. www.navigatelifecoach.com

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