Bio Fertilizers

NativeIndian Organic supply 100% natural bio fertilizers

When applied to soil, living microorganisms in biofertilizer colonize the rhizosphere or inside of the plant to stimulate growth by making more essential nutrients available to the host plant. They assist plants to take up more nutrients on their own, including those that are naturally present in the soil but sometimes can't be taken up by plants because they are in an insoluble state. Conventional chemical fertilizers, on the other hand, provide the soil with chemical elements that can end up contaminating aquifers if they are not managed in the proper dose and at the right time, despite the fact that they serve as a fertilizer. 

Types of Bio-Fertilizers

 The numerous kinds of biofertilizers that support the plant's growth at various stages include: 

Fixing-nitrogen biofertilizers (Azotobacter, Nostoc, Rhizobium, Azospirillum) Boost the ii soil nitrogen level. fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil so that plants can access it. 

Biofertilizers with phosphate Biofertilizers that solubilize phosphorus (Species of Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Penicillium, Aspergillus)

 To dissolve bound phosphates in soil, you must first dissolve insoluble phosphate from organic and inorganic phosphate sources, release insoluble phosphorus in the soil, fix it in clay minerals, secrete organic acids, and lower the pH. Mobilizing biofertilizers for phosphorus (Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, AM fungi) Invading the cortical cells of the roots, the fungus raises the surface area of the roots, shifts the balance of phosphate ion absorption, increasing the transfer of P ions, and stimulates metabolic activity.