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Essential Oil DIYs For Summer

Whether youu2019re an aromatherapy enthusiast or just like to make the odd DIY, essential oils are a great way to incorporate natural products into your home cleaning protocol and skincare regimen. With Summer in full effect, itu2019s nice to have bright floral and citrus scents in the products you use; however, artificial fragrances can be quite toxic. Therefore, using essential oils in your DIYs is a healthier choice. Essential oils also offer therapeutic benefits when applied topically or diffused. Letu2019s delve into the history of aromatherapy and explore 5 essential oil DIYs you can make this Summe

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Essential Oil DIYs For Summer

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  1. Essential Oil DIYs For Summer Discover how to mix popular essential oils to make summer scented DIY blends for your skin and home. 1.About Aromatherapy 2.Essential Oil Precautions 3.5 Summer Essential Oil DIYs 4.Buying Essential Oils 5. Whether you’re an aromatherapy enthusiast or just like to make the odd DIY, essential oils are a great way to incorporate natural products into your home cleaning protocol and skincare regimen. With Summer in full effect, it’s nice to have bright floral and citrus scents in the products you use; however, artificial fragrances can be quite toxic. Therefore, using essential oils in your DIYs is a healthier choice. Essential oils also offer therapeutic benefits when applied topically or diffused. Let’s delve into the history of aromatherapy and explore 5 essential oil DIYs you can make this Summer. About Aromatherapy Aromatherapy has a rich and ancient history that dates back thousands of years. The origins of aromatherapy can be traced to various ancient civilizations, including Egypt, China, and India. In ancient Egypt, essential oils were highly valued and used for their medicinal properties. They were often used in religious ceremonies, as well as in the embalming process. Egyptians believed that these aromatic oils had the power to heal both the body and the soul. Similarly, in China and India, essential oils were an integral part of traditional medicine practices. In Chinese medicine, aromatherapy was used to balance energy flow and promote overall well-being. In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, essential oils were used for their therapeutic effects on physical ailments as well as mental and emotional health. The modern practice of aromatherapy began to take shape in the early 20th century when French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé coined the term "aromatherapy." This came about when he discovered the healing properties of lavender oil when he accidentally burned his hand and found that it healed quickly with no scarring. Since then, aromatherapy has gained widespread popularity as a natural health modality. Essential oils are now commonly used in massage therapy, spa treatments, diffusers for home use, skincare products, and even household cleaning products. Today's practitioners of aromatherapy believe that different essential oils have specific therapeutic properties that can help alleviate various ailments such as headaches or muscle pain while also promoting relaxation or boosting mood. As our understanding of natural health continues to evolve and grow, so does our appreciation for this ancient practice. When selecting an essential oil, the distillation process is important. Steam distillation yields the most pure and potent oils and is a process used to extract essential oils from plants for therapeutic purposes. It involves heating plant materials and collecting the steam that contains the concentrated aromatic compounds. These essential oils are the purest and don’t contain nasty solvents like solvent-extracted oils do. Essential Oil Precautions When using essential oils, it’s important to exercise caution and be aware of potential side effects. Essential oils should never be ingested as they are intended for external use only and can be toxic if consumed orally. These oils may also cause skin irritation or allergic reactions when

  2. applied directly to the skin. It is recommended to dilute them with carrier oil before topical application and perform a patch test before full use. Certain essential oils have phototoxic properties, meaning they can cause skin sensitivity when exposed to sunlight or UV rays. Citrus oils such as lemon, lime, and bergamot fall into this category. To avoid adverse reactions, it is advisable to avoid sun exposure after applying these oils topically. Pregnant women should also exercise caution when using essential oils as some may have uterine-stimulating effects or pose risks to the developing fetus. Expectant mothers should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating aromatherapy into their routines. Individuals with certain medical conditions such as asthma or epilepsy should consult with their healthcare provider before using essential oils as they may trigger symptoms or interact with medications. Lastly, it's important to keep oils away from pets, as they are toxic if ingested and some oils can cause irritation if applied topically. Tea tree and Wintergreen oils are highly toxic to dogs, and most essential oils are toxic to cats, even when inhaled from a diffuser. 5 Summer Essential Oil DIYs 1) Glowing Skin DIY With the right mix of essential oils, you can create the glowing, dewy skin of your dreams. To create your own glowing skin essential oil blend, in a 30ml aromatherapy bottle start by diluting: 2 drops of Grapefruit oil 2 drops of Orange oil 15ml of Grape Seed oil 10ml of Avocado oil Shake Well Once you have prepared your blend, gently massage it onto clean skin using circular motions following your nightly skincare routine. Because citrus oils can cause photosensitivity, it’s important to use them at night and use sunblock in the daytime if your skin will be exposed to sunlight. By harnessing the power of aromatherapy and creating your DIY recipe with essential oils, you can enhance your natural beauty and promote healthy-looking, glowing skin. 2) Essential Oil Dry Skin Remedy When it comes to addressing dry skin concerns, certain essential oils are known for their moisturizing and soothing properties. Lavender oil, for instance, is renowned for its ability to calm irritated skin and promote a healthy complexion. In a 100ml aromatherapy bottle, mix: 10-15 drops of Lavender oil 60ml of Grape seed oil 30ml of Avocado or Coconut oil Shake Well To use your DIY blend for dry skin, apply a small amount onto clean hands or fingertips and gently massage it into the affected areas. Allow the mixture to absorb into the skin before continuing with your regular skincare routine. 3) Clarifying Face Oil DIY Some essential oils, like tea tree oil, can also help acne-prone skin and keep skin fresh, smooth and clear. Mix the following into a 30ml aromatherapy bottle: 4 drops of Tea Tree oil

  3. 10ml of Tamanu oil 15ml of Grape Seed oil Shake Well Apply this mixture to clean skin in the morning or evening after or in replacement of your moisturizer and before sunblock if used during the day. 4) Floral Diffuser DIY Using essential oils in a diffuser offers many health benefits depending on the oil you’re diffusing. To create an aroma reminiscent of a summer garden, simply mix the following in your diffuser water: 3 drops Lavender oil 3 drops Rose oil 1 drop of Chamomile oil This blend will not only provide a fresh and elegant scent throughout your home but also create a relaxing atmosphere. Be sure to place your diffuser out of the reach of pets and kids and check to see if the oils you regularly diffuse are safe to use around pets. 5) Lemon Essential Oil Home Cleaner Most generic home cleaners are filled with toxins and chemicals, which is especially alarming if you have pets or small children who play on the floor or you use these products on kitchen surfaces. To create a natural home cleaner that’s better for you, mix the following in a spray bottle: 10 drops of Lemon oil 8 drops of Lime oil Fill the remainder of the bottle with water Shake with each use. Both lemon and lime oils offer antibacterial properties to help keep surfaces clean without the added chemicals and toxins. Buying Essential Oils Remember, if you have any existing medical conditions or are pregnant or nursing, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new products into your skincare routine. When shopping for essential oils remember to buy trusted brands like Naka and Now. Both of these offer steam-distilled oils that are pure, potent and have some organic options. Remember to keep your oils away from pets and children and if you’re applying your essential oils topically, patch test and dilute them with a carrier oil.

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