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Dalykas, ugdymo sritis: Tema: Klasė: Priemonės paskirtis:

About me. Dalykas, ugdymo sritis: Tema: Klasė: Priemonės paskirtis: Ugdomi gebėjimai pagal Bendrąsias programas : Autorius: Mokykla:. Pradinis ugdymas , angl ų kalba Apie save ( i švaizda , plaukai, akys, kūno sudėjimas) 4 klasė

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Dalykas, ugdymo sritis: Tema: Klasė: Priemonės paskirtis:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. About me Dalykas, ugdymo sritis: Tema: Klasė: Priemonės paskirtis: Ugdomi gebėjimai pagal Bendrąsias programas : Autorius: Mokykla: Pradinisugdymas, anglų kalba Apie save (išvaizda, plaukai, akys, kūno sudėjimas) 4 klasė Mokymasis atpažinti ir apibūdinti išvaizdą, paklausti ir atsakyti, kas ką turi, apibūdinti save. 1.1.2. Suprasti asmeninio pobūdžio klausimus (pvz., apie save, ūgį, plaukus) 2.2. Tikslingai vartoti kalbos priemones, reikalingas numatytoms komunikacinėms intencijoms reikšti 2.2. Dalyvauti trumpame pokalbyje, siekiant komunikacinio tikslo Violeta Kubiliūtė-Piaseckienė, vyr. mokytoja, Jurgita Volbikienė, mokytoja Jurbarko r. Eržvilko gimnazija

  2. Lessonaimsandobjectives To recognizeandusenew words about height, build, facial features, hair, eyes To askandanswerthequestionhas she/he got? Describeyourself

  3. Describingpeople • There are a numberofexpressionsused to askandanswerquestions to describepeople. • Certainverbs are typicallyused to describepeople’sfeaturesorphysicalappearance: • Is/are; has / havegot

  4. Warm-upQuestions • Who’syourfavouritemoviestarorsinger? • Whatdoeshe/shelooklike? • Howdoyoudescribeyourself?

  5. APPEARANCEHeight Tall-greaterthannormal Short-smallerthannormal Of medium height-normalheight

  6. Tickthecorrectanswer It is short. It is tall.

  7. Is he short? Yes, he is No, he isn’t

  8. BUILD Match. Thenpointandsay Skinny Fat Slim Well-built

  9. HAIR. Matchandsay Plaits Curly Straight Fair Dark

  10. Clicktherightanswer Shehasgot longbrownhair. Shehasgot shortbrownhair.

  11. INTRODUCING EYES Green Blue Grey Brown

  12. Typeofcomplexion Matchandsay Asian White Pale skin Black Tannedskin

  13. Describe the person. Click the right answer She is Asian and slim. She has got long black hair and brown eyes. She is black and fat. She has got short dark hair and blue yes. She is white and skinny. She has got curly grey hair and green eyes.

  14. Very well Introduce one’s height, build, hair and eyes OK Use have/has got Describe myself Not very well I can

  15. Draw how you feel Not very well OK Very well

  16. Naudotosliteratūros sąrašas http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/appearances.htm http://www.esl.net/samples/touchstone/TE2U11.pdf http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-past-progressive.php http://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/webdata/resources/files/Lesson_plan_Describing_People.pdf http://www.learnenglish.de/basics/appearances.htm

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