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What Causes Nasal Congestion?

Most minor illnesses such as influenza, colds, and infections of the sinus can lead to nasal congestion. Naselin are nasal drops for a blocked nose that contain oxymetazoline hydrochloride.<br><br>Visit - https://www.naselin.com/

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What Causes Nasal Congestion?

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  1. What Causes Nasal Congestion? As the name suggests, nasal congestion is the inflammation of the nose's mucosal layer that usually subsides within a week of treatment. Nasal congestions that last longer than a week are caused due to certain underlying medical conditions such as hay fever, allergies, chemical exposures, chronic sinusitis, and even nasal polyps. Most nasal congestions can be treated at home by keeping your nasal passage moist since drying of the nasal membrane results in irritation and further congestions. You can resolve nasal congestion by using a humidifier, drinking plenty of fluids, using a nasal irrigator,using nasal drops, or by placing a warm towel over your face.

  2. What causes congestion? Most minor illnesses such as influenza, colds, and infections of the sinus can lead to nasal congestion. It can be caused by any foreign particle that inflames or can cause irritation to the nasal tissue. Allergies frequently cause nasal congestion. It can also be caused by certain irritants such as smoke, tobacco, or even car exhausts. What is the most common treatment for nasal congestion? One of the most common treatments for nasal congestion is administering a nasal spray such as Naselin. Naselin are nasal drops for a blocked nose that contain oxymetazoline hydrochloride. As an active ingredient, it acts as a decongestant and helps to open the congestion. Nasal drops or nasal spray has many benefits, such as: Helps clear stuffy and blocked nose Helps decongest the nose Reduces inflammation and swelling Helps restore the moisture of the nasal membrane Reduces the discomfort caused by nasal congestion Compatible with the nasal membrane What to keep in mind while using Naselin nasal drops for blocked nose? The most active ingredient in the nasal drops -- oxymetazoline -- works as a direct- acting sympathomimetic which helps constrict the vascular system or the mucosal blood vessels, reducing the inflammation. Despite being an over-the-counter drug, you must inquire with your doctor if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, cardiovascular conditions, or before using it on children less than six years. You can expect certain side effects from the nasal drops, these include: Sneezing Irritation Headache Redness in the eye

  3. Irritated nose, throat, and mouth, Dry throat and mouth Stinging sensation You must also consult with your doctor if you are pregnant and have nasal congestion before administering the nasal drops. Conclusion Nasal congestion can be caused due to an irritant that causes inflammation in the nose's mucosal membrane. One of the most common over-the-counter treatments for nasal congestion is the use of nasal drops. Nasal drops for blocked nose help decongest the nose and reduce inflammation. Finally, you must consult with your doctor if you observe any side effects or are currently suffering from medical conditions. Source - Blogger

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