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A. Nikitenko, Imperial College, London Search for radion decay into Higgs boson pairs in CMS. f ->hh-> gg bb f ->hh-> tt bb ( t 1 ->l, t 2 ->hadr) f ->hh->bbbb. Approved CMS study by D. Dominici, G. Dewhirst, S. Gennai, L. Fano’, A. Nikitenko
A. Nikitenko, Imperial College, LondonSearch for radion decay into Higgs boson pairs in CMS • f->hh->ggbb • f ->hh->ttbb (t1->l, t2->hadr) • f->hh->bbbb Approved CMS study by D. Dominici, G. Dewhirst, S. Gennai, L. Fano’, A. Nikitenko CMS Note under preparation, published in Les Houches 2003 proceedings CP meeting in CERN, 3 Dec, 2004
Introduction 5D Randall-Sundrum model; Free parameters of theory: mf, mh, Lf, x Constraints from Precision EW Data J. F. Gunion, M. Toharia, J.D. Wells hep-ph/0311219 • We fixed : • mf=300 GeV, mh=125 GeV • and scan in the • (x, Lf) plane • full simulation for signal • fast simulation for background • MadGraph for • ggjj, ggcc, ggbb background • CompHEP for Zbb background • Signal with corrected PYTHIA • s, Br with modified HDECAY + HIGLU
Radion f->hh; phenomenology (II) Max s Br at Lf = 1 TeV, x=-0.35 ggbb : 71 fb ttbb : 960 fb Br(t->l, t->hadr) included bbbb : 10 300 fb
Radion f->hh->ggbb search. selections - Two isolated photons, - Two jets of ET > 30 GeV, |h | < 2.4, at least one b-tagged jet - Mgg, Mbj, Mggbj mass cuts
Radion f->hh->ggbb search.radion mass after selections at 5 s discovery point at maximal signal sBr point in Lf-x plane
Radion f->hh->ggbb search.the 5 s discovery in Lf-x plane ggbb signature is also very important for MSSM H->hh search at low tan(b) with high luminosity U.Baur, T.Plehn, D. Rainwater CERN-TH/2003-186
Radion f->hh->ttbb search.assumed that Higgs mass will be known Background : Selections: - hadronic and leptonic tau, - 2 jets with ET> 30 GeV and at least one b-tag - ETln < 35 GeV At maximal s Br point
Radion f->hh->bbbb search.assumed that Higgs mass will be known Selections: - Level-1 multi jet trigger - double b tagging at HLT - mass constraint in off-line In order to have the 5 s discovery at the maximal s Br the uncertainty of the background extrapolation to the signal region should be less than 0.1 % Signal at maximal s Br point with 30 fb-1
Radion and Higgs boson search complementarity Scan in (Lf, x) plane for mf=300 GeV/c2, mh=125 GeV/c2 Scan in (mf, x) plane for Lf=300 GeV/c2, mh=125 GeV/c2 Lf= 2 TeV/c2, mh = 125 GeV/c2 f->ZZ->4l is observed 30fb-1 h is lost* f->hh is observed, mf=300 GeV/c2 * with combined channels: h->gg, tth(h->bb), h->ZZ*->4l, h->WW*->2l, qqh(h->2t) and Wh(h->gg); data from CMS Note 2003/033 were used