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Lesson Planning for a Communicative Classroom

Lesson Planning for a Communicative Classroom. UVG Altiplano EFL Teachers´ Conference. Warm up. Colors: Chain activity Person #1: “I like blue.” Person #2: “She likes blue. I like red”. Person #3: “She likes blue. He likes red. I like

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Lesson Planning for a Communicative Classroom

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  1. Lesson Planning for a Communicative Classroom UVG Altiplano EFL Teachers´ Conference

  2. Warm up • Colors: Chain activity Person #1: “I like blue.” Person #2: “She likes blue. I like red”. Person #3: “She likes blue. He likes red. I like yellow.”

  3. Why do weteach English? Knowledge? Jobs, communication?

  4. Call Center Job

  5. How do wehavetoteach? Forunderstanding? For Use? Can I helpyou? Can I helpyou? yes

  6. Wehavetoteachstudentstouse/communicate in thelanguage • Describe toyourpartnerwhatisdifferentaboutthetwoclassrooms?

  7. Watch videos WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 2 CLASSES? 100% student speaking Pair work Teacher as Facilitator/Monitor

  8. Whichclass do youwantto be in? Class #2 - CommunicativeClassroom

  9. Who should be speaking in a language classroom: the teacher or the students? STUDENTS!!!!!

  10. Cooperative Learning Pair Group

  11. Communicate • Leaner should interact with other people; either face-to-face, in group or pair work, or in writing.

  12. Groups for Communication Groups of 4 What is this color? This color is ________.

  13. Purpose is to use REAL communication • Ex. Objectives are focused on communication • Student asks another student what colors are in the pictures.

  14. LessonObjectivesWhatisanobjective?

  15. What do youwantyour final activityto look like? This? OrThis?

  16. Whatdoesyourobjective look like? • Objective: I willteachcolors. • Objective: Studentswillaskeachother “Whatisyourfavorite color?” and answer “My favorite color is………” • Whichoneis a final communicativeactivity?

  17. Writing a CommunicativeObjective • Objective: • I will….. Or • Studentswill…..

  18. Whichoneiscommunicative? • Studentswillcopyfromtheboard… • Studentswillrepeataftertheteacher… • Studentswillspeakwith a partner….

  19. Example of CommunicativeActivities • PAIRS Runningreading/description– video • Small Groups Ssspeaking in smallgroups = video • EntireClass Mingle – video

  20. Running Description

  21. PairsThereis…… There are…….

  22. Small GroupsSurvey

  23. Which is communicative? • Ss will learn color vocabulary words. • Ss will know color vocabulary words. • Ss will describe the colors in a picture to a partner. • Ss will write a list of colors. • #1 Objectives should be communicative.

  24. Do you want to learn Chinese/Mandarin? • yi = 1 • er = 2 • san = 3 • Hold up fingers= observable

  25. Observable 1st Person: Ni hao? 2nd Person: hao! • Then have them talk to each other- communicative.

  26. Objectivesmust be Observable

  27. Observable Objective • I will teach students …. • Can I observe myself? • Can I observe my students? • Students will …..

  28. What the STUDENTS WILL DO

  29. What is the difference between the verbs in the left column and the verbs in the right column according to learning objectives? Observable NOT observable TellRank Answer Create Evaluate List Categorize Ask Describe Use Point Give Identify Write • Understand • Appreciate • Learn • know

  30. Rank Colors #1-5From most to least

  31. Rank- What colors do you see?Rank from biggest to smallest • 1. Orange • 2. Red • 3. Yellow • 4. Brown • 5. Black

  32. Rank Colors #1-5From most to least

  33. Which is observable? • Ss will learn color vocabulary words. • Ss will know color vocabulary words. • Ss will describe the colors in a picture. • Objectives should be communicative and observable.

  34. Math objective • Ss will learn algebra • OR • Ss will learn how to graph a point on a line. Ss will learn division 27/ 3 374273482374/6.49384038

  35. Studentswilllearnaboutclothing Statements: You are wearing a bluedress. Questions: What are youwearing? Conjugations: I am wearing. You are wearing. Etc. Vocabulary: Beltdresshat pants skirtshirtblouseshoessandalssneakerstiescarfsocksboots shorts tank top polo shirtlongsleevedshirt short sleevedshirtjacketcaphighheeledshoesstilletosglovescoathoodiesweatshirtsweat pants suitunderwearbathingsuit robe pajamasslippersloaferspantyhosestockings … Withcolors: blue, white, red, Usingthearticles: a, an, the

  36. Objectivesmust be Specific

  37. Specific Objectives Objective Language • USE: • TO: • IN: What that means…… Grammar Communicative Action Final Activity Examples “She/He is wearing…” “describe” “small groups” Students will use “She/He is wearing….” to describe a partner’s clothes in small groups.

  38. Examples Students Will Use: 10 colors and “this” and “that” To: tell what is in a picture(“That is blue.”) In: a pair activity Students Will Use: 20 clothing items and “She/He is wearing.” To: describe a classmate’s clothes In: in small groups

  39. Communicative? • Observable? • Specific?

  40. 1. Students will use furniture vocabulary and next to, in, between, by, on, over to describe a picture of a house in an information gap activity. GOOD

  41. 2. Students will use their speaking and listening skills to improve their English. Notachievable in onelesson Not observable Notspecific

  42. 3. Students will use past tense questions, negatives and affirmatives to study. Notspecific Not observable No communicative use

  43. 4. sTudents will use future tense with “will” and “going to” correctly. Not observable

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