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Middle Grades Group #1

Middle Grades Group #1. WebQuest for 8 th Grade Georgia Studies Computer Literacy in Education Fall 2007 Designed By: Amy Ward, Ashley Bailey, & Heide Watson. Introduction.

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Middle Grades Group #1

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  1. Middle Grades Group #1 WebQuest for 8th Grade Georgia Studies Computer Literacy in Education Fall 2007 Designed By: Amy Ward, Ashley Bailey, & Heide Watson

  2. Introduction E.Q. – What misconceptions are there about the Civil War and what do they mean to us? How do these misconceptions affect the history of the Civil War in Georgia? Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  3. The Task • Your group’s mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find as many misconceptions about the Civil War using your social studies book and the websites on the following pages as you can. Once you find one (or more) misconception(s) that you want to discuss, take notes on that misconception. • Your group will then create a “Special Edition” newspaper using Microsoft Publisher, dispelling the misconception(s) that your group has picked. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  4. The Task Your project includes: • An article about a misconception(s) by each member of the group. • Pictures and captions that go along with the misconception(s). • Specific information about the misconception and how it relates to Civil War history in Georgia. Written in the form of an article. • You may include “advertisements”. • Be creative! • Even though this is a group project, you will be asked to fill out a review on each of your group members. These will be handed out during class. • The last component of the project will be a half page reflection on the project. Your thoughts and ideas related to the assignment and how you think you did on the project personally. Due the day you turn in the final product. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  5. The Process There are 4 main parts to this project: • Gaining Background Knowledge • Collecting Information • Writing and Assembling the “Special Edition” Newspaper • Presenting Your Group’s Findings and Information to the Class Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  6. The Process • Gaining Background Knowledge Before researching and collecting information about misconception of the Civil War, as a group, you will need to read the unit on the Civil War for background information. This background information will help you in your research in trying to find misconceptions. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  7. The Process • Collecting Information Use the Websites on the following pages to research for your misconceptions. Check your book to make sure it is not a widely accepted concept before you choose it. For example, many books state that slavery is the cause of the Civil War. Slavery is one of MANY issues that led to the Civil War. Research these… Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  8. The Process • Writing and Assembling the “Special Edition” Newspaper To create the newspaper, follow these instructions: • Click “Start” – “Programs” – “Microsoft Office” – “Microsoft Publisher” • Click “Publications for Print” • Click “Newsletters” • Then Choose a template from the choices in the right side window. • Once you choose a template, you can just click in a space and replace the text with your own. • If you have any questions, raise your hand and a teacher will come and help you. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  9. The Process • Presenting Your Group’s Findings and Information to the Class When your group is finished, your group will print your newspaper and present it to the class. Each person in the group should be able to tell their misconception and explain it and its contribution to the Civil War. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  10. Example Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  11. Websites- Just click on the icon to connect to the site you want to visit. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  12. Evaluation Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  13. Conclusion • The Civil War had many causes and many results that are not necessarily taught in the everyday classroom. The misconceptions that you find will help you, as a learner and as a member of the community, realize these causes and effects that are not “emphasized” in the regular classroom are very important to the history of not only Georgia, but to the history of the United States. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  14. Standards • SS8H6 - The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Georgia. • SS8H11 - The student will evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rights movement. • SS8CG4 - The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government. • SS8H10 - The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgia from 1945 to 1970. • SS8H8 - The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and their impact on Georgia. • SS8H9 - The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia's development economically, socially, and politically. • SS8H7 - The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918. • SS8H3 - The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution. Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  15. Credits and References • www.georgiastandards.org • Thank you to Mrs. Pilgrim for WebQuest help (and questions answered). • Georgia in the Americas, Hartcourt Publishing • The WebQuest Page • Ashley Bailey • Amy Ward • Heide Watson Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

  16. Intro The End Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

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