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BAPTISM PREPARATION Part I. St. Patrick Catholic Church. Baptism Preparation. Welcome Introductions Prayer Why are we here?. Baptism Preparation/ Why are we here?. Welcome parents to the Community of St. Patrick Catholic Church Let us build community through sharing

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  1. BAPTISM PREPARATIONPart I St. Patrick Catholic Church

  2. Baptism Preparation • Welcome • Introductions • Prayer • Why are we here?

  3. Baptism Preparation/ Why are we here? • Welcome parents to the Community of St. Patrick Catholic Church • Let us build community through sharing • Give time to reflect upon marriage and parental responsibility • Explore some skills and values for Christian parenting To help the parent(s) feel welcome

  4. Baptism Preparation/ Why are we here? • To appreciate the richness of Baptism as it has developed historically in the Church. • To give a deeper understanding to the theology of the Sacraments of Initiation. • To appreciate the symbolism used in the celebration and become acquainted with the Rite as it is celebrated in our parish.

  5. Baptism In the Rite of Baptism, the celebrant begins by asking: “What name do you give this child?” “What do you ask of God’s Church for (name)?” “You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so, you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him/her up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and neighbor. Do you clearly under- stand what you are undertaking?” Rite of Baptism

  6. Baptism - Group Sharing • Why did you choose your child’s name? • Why are you presenting your child for Baptism and What are you asking of God's Church? • Godparents: How will you assist these parents in raising their child in the faith?

  7. In Baptism we • become a Child of God • enter into a Christian Community that believes in and follows Jesus • are invited to live the Paschal Mystery as Jesus did • experience with Jesus suffering, death, resurrection

  8. Living the Paschal Mystery • God is Loveand he who abides in love abides in God and God in him • Love created our relationships, love brought forth our child • As we care for our physical health when bringing forth a child, we should care for our spiritual health in raising that child

  9. Living the Paschal Mystery • We live following the way of Jesus • When we die, our casket is again sprinkled with Holy Water • How will you live the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ?

  10. Living the Paschal Mystery • Scripture - Matthew 25:35-46, Isaiah 58:6-11 Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Visit the stranger & imprisoned Bury the dead Corporal Works of Mercy 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.'

  11. “Faith is more Caught than Taught.” • Faith is a gift, a relationship • Our response determines its quality • Ever changing, requires strength and growth • Cannot give faith but share faith with our children • Provide Christian atmosphere in the home • Supported by faith community

  12. Baptism Preparation • Parents as Christian witnesses • Example • A married relationship that exhibits love, trust, respect, forgiveness, honesty…….. • What was your relationship like when you were first married? What is it now?

  13. Christian Parenting • Word of God enlightens our minds and hearts to proclaim Him to all, especially our children • Child's religious imagination is formed from the earliest years • Child builds a relationship with family, God and Church • Parents are interpreters of God's love • Father religious behavior most significant

  14. Christian Parenting Some ideas for Raising Children in the Faith • Religious Imagination • Worship • Sacred Scripture • Prayer • Ritual in the Home • Nurturing Compassion, Reconciliation, Forgiveness

  15. Child’s Religious Imagination • Is very delicate and needs nurturing • Wonder is the child's experience of the world • Listen to them, question them, support them • Help them understand mystery, give them sacred words • Encourage creativity - art, music, literature • Engage joyfully in the freedom of play

  16. Children and Worship • Introduce children to ritual and symbol • Sensory experiences • Church - bring them • Symbols - explain • Objects - display statues, rosary, books • Conversation - children live in mystery, talk about God • Home environment - share meals, develop hunger for Eucharist

  17. Children and Scripture • Read age appropriate Bible stories • Talk about God, Jesus, Mary, the saints • Develop religious language allowing child to tell their religious stories • Talk about Jesus' healing stories especially about the "haves" and "have nots"

  18. Children and Prayer • Help children build a relationship with God • Be respectful, listen, affirm, praise, offer thanksgiving • Learn about silence, gesture & song • Pray from the heart, learn formal prayers • Establish a place of prayer in the home

  19. Celebration and Ritual in the Home • Celebrate family traditions - annual birthday, Baptism day, cultural celebrations • Discuss meaning of Church feasts & saints days - Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter/Pentecost, patron saint, Christ the King, Ordinary Time • Home Values • Parental blessings • Mealtime prayer • Family gathered prayer • Reverence the spirit of Sunday • Become people of peace and justice rather than violence • Live a life of simplicity

  20. Nurturing Compassion, Reconciliation, Forgiveness • Show love, support, refrain from arguments, abusive behaviors • Learn to communicate, express feelings, problem solve, make sound judgments, demonstrate security • Deal with stress, anger, extend forgiveness, reconciliation, say "I'm sorry" • Teach compassion, gratefulness, generosity • Perform acts of service, be self-giving • Instruct on moral values, conscience formation, how to reason, choose right from wrong

  21. Nurture life of grace Live a spiritual life Teach child the faith Celebrate the sacraments Grow in their understanding of the faith Give good example Participate in worship and prayer Share wisdom Do good works Practice what they preach Who we are is more important than What we doParents should

  22. Group Sharing • In what ways have either your faith or religious practices changed since you were a child? • Discuss -The greatest gift I can give my child is to grow in my own faith, witness a loving relationship with God in our marriage and family, be a person of prayer, attend Mass and adult formation opportunities. How will you do this?

  23. Godparents • Help parents raise child in the faith • Give Christian witness • Acknowledge child's Baptism • Share faith when they can • Represent the Church to the child and family

  24. Godparents Requirements • Designated by parents • Have a relationship with the child and parents • Sixteen years or older • Practicing Catholic - marriage in conformity with Catholic Church • Full initiated - received Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist • No canonical penalty • Not father or mother • One must be Catholic, the other Christian - one man, one woman • Sign covenant agreement

  25. Baptism Prep 10 minute break!!

  26. History of Baptism • Old Testament • God created us to Know, Love and Serve Him • We are made in His image and likeness • He created all things good • Gave Adam & Eve free will, sinned • Established Covenant Relationship - Abraham, Noah, Moses, David • I will be your God and you will be my people

  27. Baptism Preparation • Historical foundations of Baptism • Theological understanding of Baptism • Celebration of the Ritual of Baptism • Signs & Symbols of Baptism

  28. History of Baptism • New Testament • Baptism of John - repentance • Baptism of Jesus - New Adam • Showed us a Way of Living • Suffered, Died, Resurrected - Living the Paschal Mystery • Gave us the Church • Sent the Holy Spirit

  29. Early History of Baptism • Sacraments of Initiation • Baptism • Confirmation • Eucharist • Normative received as adult

  30. Early History of Baptism • Catechumenate • In Early Church - First Three Centuries • Martyrs • Christian world - Constantine • Households entered • Middle Ages - Black Plague in Europe - Infant Baptism prevalent • Death Bed Baptism

  31. History of Baptism • Baptism Today • Pope Pius X - Quam Singulari - 1910 • Order of Sacraments of Initiation • Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation • Children today - cultural differences • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults • Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist • Profession of Faith, Confirmation, Eucharist

  32. Theology of Baptism

  33. Theology of Baptism • Effects of Baptism • Forgiveness of Sin • New birth in the Holy Spirit • "Door to the Church" - Character Sacrament • Seven Sacraments • Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist • Penance, Anointing of the Sick • Marriage, Holy Orders

  34. Theology of Baptism • Sacrament of radical conversion • Born into a world of alienation • Death experiences - paschal and terminal • Confront evil each day, renounce sin • Rebirth to a new way of living - the Paschal Mystery • Encounter with Jesus Christ - participate in His works

  35. Theology of Baptism • Holy Spirit strengthens - courage, freedom, grace • Sacrament of Belonging • Divine Adoption become Child of God • Incorporation into Body of Christ - Christian Community • Become Priest (holy), Prophet (servant), King (steward) • Baptism in extenuating circumstances - serious illness, near death, adult

  36. Grace • Enables us to believe in God • Power to live and grow in the life of the Spirit • Grow in goodness through moral virtue

  37. Original Sin Passed from Adam and Eve Born into sinful environment "New Adam" Jesus redeemed us from effects Personal Sin (if beyond age of reason) Estrangement from God - self-centeredness Forgiveness of sin Process of conversion Purification from Sin

  38. Questions for Reflection • What message did the presentation give that was a challenge to you? • What questions did the presentation provoke?

  39. Celebration of Baptism

  40. Baptism Ritual • Introduction • Name • Questions • Celebration of God's Word • Readings • Prayer of the Faithful • Prayer of Exorcism & Anointing Before Baptism

  41. Baptism Ritual • Celebration of the Sacrament • Blessing & Invocation of God over Baptismal Water • Renunciation of Sin & Profession of Faith • Anointing with Chrism • Lighting of Baptismal Candle • Clothing with the White Garment • Ephphetha or Prayer Over Ears and Mouth • Conclusion of the Rite • Lord's Prayer • Blessing

  42. Signs & Symbols of Baptism

  43. Signs & Symbols John Michael NAME Our name gives us identity and meaning. We are called by name into the community of believers.

  44. Signs & Symbols WATER is a symbol of life. Baptism is a sign that we share in a new life with Christ. We are called to bring new life to others, to bring the life of God to them. We live in the power of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit through the sign of the pouring or immersion in water.

  45. Signs & Symbols OIL in Baptism is put on the heart and crown of the head in the sign of the cross. We are anointed in the sign of the Cross, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The baptismal oil (chrism) is a sign of life in the Spirit. Oil in ancient times was a sign of royalty, the royal priesthood and was used by athletes as a sign of strength.

  46. Signs & Symbols CANDLE is lighted from the paschal candle, which is a sign of Christ as the light of the world. We are asked to bring light to others and are called to eliminate darkness or sin wherever it is possible.

  47. Signs & Symbols WHITE GARMENT This symbol shows our dignity as a Christian. The color signified our baptismal innocence and grace, of a new birth into a life with Christ. The garment also shows our priestly status, we are a priestly people all ordained by our Baptism. It also shows our renouncingevil or our old life and accepting and taking on a new life in Christ.

  48. Signs & Symbols PARENTS Bring the child for Baptism into the faith community. They are symbols of God’s love for each of us through their concern, their loving relationship and their sacrifice. In Baptism we enter into a community and this community accepts and supports us. That means that we are not alone.

  49. Signs & Symbols GODPARENTS are a sign to the child and the community as models offaith. They sponsor the child and speak in supportiveness toward helping the child and parents grow in their faith.

  50. Baptism - Group Sharing • Assign each group a "Sign & Symbol" reflection • Feedback

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