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Microdata Management Toolkit Tools to facilitate archive and dissemination of surveys

Session C3 - Wednesday, May 24 Effective Strategies for Metadata Management. Microdata Management Toolkit Tools to facilitate archive and dissemination of surveys. Pascal Heus pascal.heus@gmail.com International Household Survey Network http://www.surveynetwork.org. Background.

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Microdata Management Toolkit Tools to facilitate archive and dissemination of surveys

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  1. Session C3 - Wednesday, May 24 Effective Strategies for Metadata Management Microdata Management ToolkitTools to facilitate archive and dissemination of surveys Pascal Heus pascal.heus@gmail.com International Household Survey Network http://www.surveynetwork.org

  2. Background • International Household Survey Network • Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics (MAPS) (Feb 2004) • Established in September 2004 • International organizations actively sponsoring household surveys + NSO • Coordination: ILO, DFID, Paris 21, UNICEF, UNSD, WHO, World Bank • http://www.surveynetwork.org • Survey under-use: limited access, poor return on investment limited impact, difficulties in policy making • Common obstacles: quality, technical capacity, legal/political issues • Common problems: Accessibility, Timeliness, Coherence, Lack of metadata / documentation / data, poorly organized archives • Need for new tools and guidelines Microdata Management Toolkit

  3. Toolkit Requirements • User friendly software for microdata • Facilitate metadata exchange (DDI, Dublin Core) • Facilitate archiving (metadata and data, quality control) • Facilitate preservation/dissemination: network, CD / DVD, web sites • Works with common data formats • Multilingual support • Free or Inexpensive • Availability of technical support and training • Supported by national, international and research communities

  4. The Toolkit Process 1 Import data and compile metadata 3 Generate HTML based CD-ROM 2 Import metadata and prepare CD-ROM

  5. Toolkit Components • Archiving: Metadata Editor (World Bank / Nesstar Ltd.) • To compile survey data, documentation and metadata in a standard format (Nesstar/DDI). Free data reader for users. • Built on Nesstar Publisher • Dissemination: CD Builder (World Bank / Mark Diggory) • To facilitate the publication of survey data, documentation and metadata on CD-ROM and on the web (transforms DDI into HTML based navigation) • Based on Eclipse Platform, open source • Nesstar Explorer • Free software • Access metadata & data and export to common statistical formats • IHSN Tools • Reporting, diagnostics and other utilities

  6. What is the Metadata Editor? DDI / Dublin Core specialized editor Template driven Enhanced version of the Nesstar Publisher Import/Export common data files Integrated interface, multilingual support Metadata and data in single file Export to DDI / DC Licensing agreementfor developing countriesand IHSN members

  7. What is the Metadata Editor?

  8. What is the CD Builder? Publish survey metadata, documents and data on a CD-Rom or web site) Transforms DDI into an HTML based interface User can customize the layout (branding) and content of the CD (single or multi-surveys) Open source application Build on the Eclipse Framework Based on DDI / Dublin Core Integrates with Metadata Editor

  9. CD Builder Process 1 Create new CD-ROM Project • Selecting a survey consist in opening the DDI-XML or Nesstar file • The survey “branding” determines the overall look and feel of the CD • The survey “type” determines the default metadata content 2 Add a survey to the project and select its type and branding 3 Click the “Save” button to generate the HTML interface 4 After a few minutes, your CD Project is ready for publishing!

  10. Sample output

  11. Nesstar Explorer • Free software • PDF philosophy • Access to survey metadata • Access to data (no need for specialized software) • Export to common formats • Single file holds data and metadata

  12. IHSN Tools • Free / Open Source • Utilities to complement existing software • Integrates in Editor • Diagnostics • Reporting • Metadata sharing

  13. Benefits and Users • Improves and facilitates documentation preservation, cataloguing, metadata exchange, dissemination, quality, etc. • Users: survey producers, survey sponsors, data archives • Benefits: data producers, national & international survey sponsors, survey data repositories, data analysts policy makers, DDI Community

  14. Status & Availability • Metadata Editor: • Available in English, Commercial release in Nesstar 4.0 (end 2006?) • CD Builder • Available in English & French • IHSN Tools • Diagnostics reports available, Survey Documentation in PDF • Other • I18n: working on French, Spanish, Bosnian, Russian, Portuguese,… • User’s Guide in English • Open source project components hosted on SourceForge at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/toolkit

  15. Roll-out • Roll-out in in 2006/2007 (global) • Completed training / pilot in about 20 countries, mainly in the Africa region • Expected use by UNICEF for next round of Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS, 55 countries) • Asia: Partnership with United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) • Latin America: partnership with Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and Pan-American health Organization (PAHO) • Used by IHSN member agencies (WHO, ILO, etc.)

  16. Surveys and censuses in low-income countries in Africa Available  Not conducted /unavailable  Non-IDA country Poverty survey in last 5 years Coverage: 56 % of countries 62 % of population Pop. census in last 10 years Coverage: 67 % of countries 53 % of population 99 % in Europe, 95% in Asia, only 53% in Africa Health survey in last 5 years Coverage: 82 % of countries 81 % of population

  17. Accelerated Data Program • Growing demand for data for MDG, PRSP, IDA • Must improve timing, sequencing and frequency of surveys and censuses • More surveys is not enough, must address reliability, comparability, relevance & use • Activities: • Inventory and dissemination of existing data • Analysis of existing data • Assess past and on-going survey program; review and improve survey methods • Design and implement improved medium-term survey program (within NSDS)

  18. Accelerated Data Program • Implementation • A MAPS activity (with Advisory Board) • Six pilot countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (12 pilot countries total) • Development Grant Facility (DGF) ($2m per year) • Likely to be extended to all African countries • 3 to 5 years (from 2006) • Cooperation with other donors • Coordination with IHSN • Customized to countries needs/capacity

  19. Next? • Continue roll-out program • Packaging and Users Manual • Regional and national trainings, training of trainers • Country level capacity building, Accelerated Data Program • Translations and support for additional languages • Maintenance, bug fixes and new features • Open source light web based cataloguing tool • Guidelines for archiving, preservation and dissemination in developing countries • Platform harmonization (Eclipse, XForms, DDI 3.0, XML DB)

  20. Thank you! QUESTION / ANSWER

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