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Science Root Words

Science Root Words. East Clarendon High School. A- Without Abiotic. 1. Root: Definition: Example:. Nonliving components of the biosphere. Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers. Ab- Away from Abduction. 2. Root: Definition: Example:.

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Science Root Words

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  1. Science Root Words East Clarendon High School

  2. A- Without Abiotic 1 Root: Definition: Example: Nonliving components of the biosphere Vasquez Rock Formation-made famous by Power Rangers

  3. Ab- Away from Abduction 2 Root: Definition: Example: A type of movement which draws a limb away from the median plane of the body Abduction of the leg

  4. Sphin- Squeeze Sphincter 3 Root: Definition: Example: A structure, usually a circular muscle, that constricts to control passage through a bodily canal Location of two sphincters in the GI tract

  5. Thromb- Clot Thrombosis 4 Root: Definition: Example: The formation of a blood clot in a vessel obstructing the flow of blood Deep Vein Thrombosis

  6. Gon- Seed, Offspring Gonads 5 Root: Definition: Example: The organ that produces gametes Structure of an Ovary

  7. Embol- Wedge Embolism 6 Root: Definition: Example: When an object migrates from one part of the body and cause a blockage in a vessel elsewhere in the body Embolism in the Leg

  8. Immun- Protection Immune System 7 Root: Definition: Example: A collection of biological processes that protects an organism from illness White blood cell engulfing an Anthrax bacterium

  9. -Cide Kill, destroy Pesticide 8 Root: Definition: Example: A substance used to kill unwanted pests-insect, mammal, pathogen DDT being sprayed around people to kill mosquitoes

  10. Cervic- Neck Cervix 9 Root: Definition: Example: The neck of the uterus; lower narrow portion of the uterus that adjoins the vagina Female Reproductive Diagram

  11. Mal- Bad Malignant 10 Root: Definition: Example: Severe or worsening disease, commonly used to describe tumors that have the ability to cause death A Malignant Melanoma-skin cancer

  12. -Crin Secrete Endocrine 11 Root: Definition: Example: Body system that secretes extra- cellular chemical signals called hormones Major Endocrine Glands

  13. Aden- Gland Adenoma 12 Root: Definition: Example: A benign tumor (-oma) of a glandular origin 35lb Ovarian Adenoma

  14. Macro- Big,large Macromolecule 13 Root: Definition: Example: A large molecule build through the polymerization of a monomer The most important macromolecule-DNA

  15. Micro- Small, tiny Microorganism 14 Root: Definition: Example: An organism that is to small to be seen by the human eye, also called a microbe Protists Volvox, a colonial algae w/small colonies inside

  16. Alb- White Albino 15 Root: Definition: Example: Characterized by the distinct lack of the pigment melanin Two Albino Fallow Bucks-UK

  17. Lact- Milk Lactose 16 Root: Definition: Example: The sugar that is most notably found in milk Silk-Soy Milk is the great tasting alternative for people intolerant to lactose

  18. Oculo- Eye Ocular 17 Root: Definition: Example: Perceived or pertaining to the eyes, or an eyepiece The Human Eye

  19. Circum- Around Circumference 18 Root: Definition: Example: The distance around the outside of a circle The circumference around the worlds largest Sequoia is approx. 109 feet

  20. Plegia- Paralysis Paraplegic 19 Root: Definition: Example: The impairment or loss of motor/sensory function in the lower extremities Some paraplegics compete in sports, not designed for wimps-Murderball

  21. Thorac- Chest Thoracic Cavity 20 Root: Definition: Example: The chamber of the human body that contains the vital organs-lungs and heart Thoracic Cavity Diagram

  22. Acoust- Hearing Acoustic Nerve 21 Root: Definition: Example: 1 of 12 cranial nerves responsible for transmitting sound and equilibrium info to the brain Auditory Nerve diagram

  23. Logy- Study of Biology 22 Root: Definition: Example: The science of studying living things Blood sucking assassin bug also known as a “wheel bug”

  24. Leukos- White Leukemia 23 Root: Definition: Example: A cancer of the blood, characterized by a prolific amount of white blood cells 3 yr. old, Maddox, was treated at St. Jude’s for acute myeloid leukemia

  25. Lympha- Water Lymph Node 24 Root: Definition: Example: Lymph nodes are found throughout the body and act as filters or traps for foreign objects Lymph node map

  26. Lysis- Loosen, breakdown Lysosome 25 Root: Definition: Example: A cell organelle filled with digestive enzymes that destroy excess and worn out organelles Lysosome filled with digestive enzymes

  27. Intra- Inside Intramuscular 26 Root: Definition: Example: Dealing with the inside of the muscle tissue Intramuscular Injection Diagram

  28. Inter- Between Interstitial Fluid 27 Root: Definition: Example: A solution which baths and surrounds the cells of a multi-celled organism Process of delivering nutrients to a cell

  29. Cyst- Bladder Cystitis 28 Root: Definition: Example: An inflammation of the urinary bladder Urinary Bladder

  30. Gen- Initiation Agent Antigen 29 Root: Definition: Example: A substance that causes an immune response How the immune system can respond to antigens

  31. Super,Supra- Above Superior Vena Cava 30 Root: Definition: Example: A Large yet short vein that returns deoxygenated blood to the heart from the upper body Heart Diagram showing venous structure

  32. Melan- Black Melanoma 31 Root: Definition: Example: A malignant tumor of dark colored, pigment producing cells called melanocytes ABCD’s of Melanoma Skin Cancer

  33. Peri- Around Pericardium 32 Root: Definition: Example: The double-layered sac that contains the heart Diagram of the Pericardium

  34. -Rrhea Flow, discharge Diarreha 33 Root: Definition: Example: The condition of having frequent loose or liquid bowel movements Water reabsorbtion in the colon

  35. Rhin- Nose Rhinoceros 34 Root: Definition: Example: A larger, highly endangered critter with a “horn” made out of matted hair Rhino size comparison

  36. Hyster- Uterus Hysterectomy 35 Root: Definition: Example: The surgical removal of the uterus Before and After a Hysterectomy

  37. Hepat- Liver Hepatic Artery 36 Root: Definition: Example: A short artery the supplied oxygenated blood to the liver Vasculature of the Liver

  38. -Rrage Excessive flow Hemorrhage 37 Root: Definition: Example: Loss of blood from the circulatory system Subconjuctival hemorrhage

  39. Myo- Muscle Myocardium 38 Root: Definition: Example: The involuntary striated muscle found in the walls of the heart Normal Heart Cross section

  40. Polys- Many Polymer 39 Root: Definition: Example: A large molecule made of repeating structural units called monomers DNA is a polymer made up of nucleic acids

  41. Post- After Posterior Cruciate Ligament 40 Root: Definition: Example: One of the four major knee ligaments, keeps your knee from going backwards PCL role in the knee

  42. Pseudes- False Pseudopodium 41 Root: Definition: Example: False Foot/Temporary protrusion of the cytoplasm used for locomotion by sarcodine protozoans Structure of a sarcodine protozoans

  43. Re- Again Reproduce 42 Root: Definition: Example: Biological process by which new organisms are produced Hoverflies mating in mid-air

  44. Muta- Change Mutagen 43 Root: Definition: Example: A physical or chemical agent the alters the genetic information of an organism Frog that has been effected by mutagen

  45. Pre- Before Prehistoric 44 Root: Definition: Example: The time before written history- since the beginning of the universe Comparison of modern with prehistoric man-Neanderthal

  46. Mast- Breast Mastectomy 45 Root: Definition: Example: Surgical removal of one or both of the breasts Mastectomy diagram

  47. Arter- Artery Arteriosclerosis 46 Root: Definition: Example: Hardening of the arteries Diagram of a normal blood vessel

  48. Natal- Birth Prenatal 47 Root: Definition: Example: The period of gestation for a embryo or fetus, from conception till birth Human fetus at 30 weeks pregnant

  49. Al- Pertaining to Visceral 48 Root: Definition: Example: Pertaining to the viscera, organs of the abdominal cavity Diagram of the Visceral organs

  50. Lass- Torn Laceration 49 Root: Definition: Example: Irregular tear-like wounds cause by blunt trauma Hand Laceration

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