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EID and Traditional EID recipes Mohit Bansal Chandigarh

Eid is one of the most auspicious and special occasions in India and especially for the Muslim religion. With all the festivities it is also a day which considers a great feast and a lot of awesome recipes.

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EID and Traditional EID recipes Mohit Bansal Chandigarh

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  1. E I D A N D T R A D I T I O N A L E I D R E C I P E S

  2. E i d i s o n e o f t h e m o s t a u s p i c i o u s a n d s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n s i n I n d i a a n d e s p e c i a l l y f o r t h e M u s l i m r e l i g i o n . W i t h a l l t h e f e s t i v i t i e s i t i s a l s o a d a y w h i c h c o n s i d e r s a g r e a t f e a s t a n d a l o t o f a w e s o m e r e c i p e s . H e r e a r e s o m e g r e a t t r a d i t i o n a l d i s h i d e a s f o r y o u t o c o o k o n t h i s E I D -

  3. Z a r d a p u l a o Muslims like eating this celebratory meal made of sweet rice on the occasion of Eid. The Persian word "Zard," which means yellow, is the source of the name. This dessert pulao may be quickly and simply prepared at home without the need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen since it is packed with flavorful spices and topped with mava, ghee, and almonds.

  4. M u t t o n K o r m a This Eid-specific meal is a royal curry made with a variety of meats and rich spices, but it lacks any real gustatory appeal. If you enjoy lamb, this is the perfect main dish for you since the mutton is cooked until it is juicy and tender. There are several Mutton Korma recipes available online, some with an Awadhi flair and others with a more North Indian one. However, during the Eid celebration, you should use a recipe that adheres to the traditional Muslim method of preparing the meal.

  5. M u t t o n K a l e j i Mutton liver, also known as kaleji, is packed with flavours, minerals, and all three in equal measure. One of the most well-known savoury Muslim meals, mutton Kaleji is often eaten during the Eid celebration and is prepared as a delectable curry. After being beautifully stir-fried, the kaleji is placed into a thick gravy or saladn.

  6. S h e e r k h u r m a Rich vermicelli pudding known as sheer khurma is loaded with dates, almonds, and sweetened milk. Sheer Khurma, which is regarded as an auspicious meal to start the holy day with, is a must-have for Eid celebrations. With a few readily accessible ingredients and the help of the appropriate video guide, you can make a bowl or two of this delectable Mughlai delicacy at home.

  7. B a k l a v a Filo pastry is used to make the layers of the dessert known as baklava, which is then filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with honey or syrup. One of the most well-liked sweet pastries in Ottoman cuisine was this one. The dish's pre- Ottoman origin is unclear, but it is a popular dessert in contemporary Turkish, Iranian, and Arab cuisines as well as those of other Levantine and Maghreb nations, the South Caucasus, the Balkans, and Central Asian nations.

  8. B i r y a n i A flavorful mutton biryani that will quickly impress your visitors. No one is ever able to resist biryani. A spicy salan or cool raita would be the perfect side dish with biryani at any celebration or dinner party. For most people, Eid is simply impossible without some delicious biryani. I could drool just imagining the scent of flavorful long-grained rice combined with delicately seasoned pork.

  9. S e e k h K a b a b Seekh Kabab, an Eid-specific appetizer that is perfectly spiced and cooked, is loved by people all over the world because of its delectable flavor. This is the ideal prelude snack to get a juicy smack before the main dishes come at the table. It is often served with a spicy mint or coriander chutney and some vegetable salad.

  10. M u r g h M u s a l l a m Try the royal cuisine! Murgh Musallam is a simple chicken meal made with curd and a variety of spices. Your Eid feast will taste delicious with this treat. This quick and simple chicken meal just requires a few staple cupboard products and won't take much of your time to prepare.

  11. H a r e m a t t a r k i s h a m m i A scrumptious kebab dish called "Hare Mattar ki Shammi" will quickly become a personal favourite. As opposed to all those greasy, deep-fried tikkis, these shallow-fried kebabs or tikkas are healthier. For these delectable Shammi Kebabs, you just need a few basic ingredients. This vegetarian Tikki dish is ideal for you if you want to indulge in the delicious flavour of kebabs. Hare Mattar ki Shammi, which is mostly made of potatoes and peas, can be eaten as a side dish, a snack, or even an appetizer.

  12. M a l a i C h a p You may prepare the delectable Malai Chaap as a chaap variation for gatherings and family meals. Chaap is a meal made of soy and wheat that is high in protein. Chaap typically has a soft, chewy texture, and when prepared according to the recipe, it becomes quite delectable. Cream, curd, and a variety of spices are used to prepare the delicacy known as malai chaap.

  13. K o k u m j u i c e A popular summertime beverage is kokum juice. It is made from Kokum fruit, which has a dark purple hue and is stuffed with nutrients that are awesome for your health. Kerala Fish Curry and Goan Prawn Curry both employ kokum in their cooking. This fruit has several health advantages, including the ability to improve digestion, lower body temperature, and possess anti- ageing, anti-fungal, and anti- inflammatory characteristics.

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