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16-19 (24) KCC / YPLA Strategy & Funding Briefing Raising Participation/Destination Measures. Developments in Kent

16-19 (24) KCC / YPLA Strategy & Funding Briefing Raising Participation/Destination Measures. Developments in Kent Rob Williamson. What is RPA?.

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16-19 (24) KCC / YPLA Strategy & Funding Briefing Raising Participation/Destination Measures. Developments in Kent

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  1. 16-19 (24) KCC / YPLA Strategy & Funding BriefingRaising Participation/Destination Measures. Developments in Kent Rob Williamson

  2. What is RPA? • From summer 2013, young people will be required to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they turn 17. From 2015, they will be required to continue until their 18th birthday. • Young people will choose how they participate post-16, which could be through: • Full-time education, such as school or college • Part-time education or training if they are employed, an apprenticeship self employed or volunteering for 20 hours or more a week. Source: DfE, Facts for LAs – Jan 2012

  3. How many young people in Kent will be affected by RPA? First RPA cohort Activities of 16-18 cohort November 2011

  4. Key questions for schools and other pre 16 providers: Have sufficient arrangements been made to secure independent impartial careers guidance for all pupils in Year 9-11? How do schools ensure their learners are equipped to successfully participate and progress beyond 18, whichever pathway they choose at 16? Are there clear 14-19 pathways that learners can easily understand? Are robust partnerships in place to deliver the 14-19 pathways?

  5. New ways of working to deliver RPA in Kent – roles and responsibilities The role of the LA through the Employability and Skills Team is to provide leadership, influence and Strategic direction to help providers develop their own local solutions. Delivering RPA will be dependant on local providers developing solutions in partnership with others in their area. To support this process the Employability and Skills Team has applied to the DFE to run a RPA pilot based on the development of three district centres of good practice.

  6. RPA key issues The Skills and Employability Team has undertaken a detailed analysis of the 16-8 cohort and identified barriers to participation. The initial findings have identified a number of key issues: Early intervention Tracking young people Supporting vulnerable learners Raising Aspiration, Achievement and Attitude through CEIAG Realigning the post 16 offer Improving engagement in the Year 13 age group Employer engagement Communication with young people, parents, carers and employers

  7. Next steps To understand the implications of the following and their impact on RPA: National curriculum review 16-19 Programme of study review 16-19 Funding review Work related learning consultation Changes in the Education Act 2011 Bursary funding 2. Restructure local partnerships to deliver RPA 3. RPA consultation ends April 13th 2012 4. Planning for RPA pilots running April 2012- March 2013

  8. The Key Stage 4 Measure • What the measure might look like: • School A had 90 per cent of pupils who progressed to a positive destination within one year of ending Key Stage 4. Of these pupils: • 50 per cent entered further education in School Sixth Form • 20 per cent entered further education in Further Education College • 10 per cent  entered work-based learning or an Apprenticeship • 10 per cent entered employment • Other options we considered, but dismissed, for development of KS4 measures were: • Attainment • Higher Education • Source: DfE October 2011

  9. The Key Stage 5 Measure What the measures might look like: College B had 70 per cent of students who progressed to a positive destination within one year of their 16-18 learning. Of these pupils: 40 per cent entered higher education at University (the DfE may then break this down into top Universities) 20 per cent continued in further education. 10 per cent entered employment Subject to data testing, the KS5 destination measure will be published alongside the KS5 Performance Tables. There are specific challenges facing the development of the KS5 measure. Source: DfE October 2011

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