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Famous People and Holidays of the United States of America

Introduce students to famous people and holidays in the United States, develop language skills and cultural knowledge.

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Famous People and Holidays of the United States of America

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  1. Қош келдіңіздер!

  2. ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫҢ БІЛІМ ЖӘНЕ ҒЫЛЫМ МИНИСТРЛІГІ Маңғыстау облысының білім басқармасы Маңғыстау ауданы «Тұщыбек негізгі орта мектебі» мемлекеттік мекемесі Ағылшын тілі пәнің мұғалімі: Қуанғалиева Әнел

  3. Famous people and holidays of the United States of America

  4. The aim: • To introduce the students with the famous people of Canada • To develop pupil’s habits and skills in speaking, writing, reading and auding and grammar abilities in Conditional sentences • To bring up them to work together, to learn more about English country’s culture.

  5. Warm up: 4 picture 1 word

  6. Holidays

  7. George Washington

  8. Walt Disney

  9. 1. Before you read the text, answer the questions. 2. Read the text and check your understanding. Write true or false. Have you ever heard the name George Washington? Do you know anything about George Washington? Do you know the city of Washington D.C.?

  10. George Washington’s early childhood

  11. G.Washington was the first President of the USA. G.Washington was only political leader. His grandfather came from England. He studied Mathematics, History and English

  12. G.Washington was the first President of the USA. - T G.Washington was only political leader. - F His grandfather came from England. - T He studied Mathematics, History and English. - F

  13. 3. Write out from the text the following. Name of the school subjects The name of a river The name of the countries Languages The name of a state A person’s name

  14. Name of the school subjects – Mathematics, Geography, Latin, English The name of a river – Potomac River The name of the countries – England, Washington D.C. Languages - Latin, English The name of a state - Virginia A person’s name – George Washington

  15. 4. Read the text and answer the question Have you ever heard the name Walt Disney? What new information have you got

  16. Walt Disney

  17. 5. Before reading the text speak about the picture. A pumkin [ˈpʌmpkɪn]-ты́ква  a roast turkey [rəustˈtɛ:rkɪ]- жареное индюк Candies[ˈkændɪ] - конфе́та a small gift [smɔːl ɡɪft] – небольшой подарок a potato[pəˈteɪtəʊ] - картошка

  18. 6. Read the text. Holidays in the USA

  19. 7. Discuss the questions as a class Do you celebrate Thanksgiving Day in Kazakhstan? Do you celebrate Halloween? What holidays do we celebrate in our country?

  20. Summing up: Active Vocabulary

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