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Case Presentation

Case Presentation. Weijun Cao Department of Respiratory Medicine Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital March 16, 2012. 60-year-old woman presented with…. Chronic cough productive of purulent sputum , intermittent fever for one year

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Case Presentation Weijun Cao Department of Respiratory Medicine Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital March 16, 2012

  2. 60-year-old woman presented with… • Chronic cough productive of purulent sputum, intermittent fever for one year • Without chest pain, hemoptysis, joint pain, night sweats, or weight loss • Chest CT scan showed bilateral poorly defined nodules and infiltrates, mildly enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes • No response to empirical antibiotic treatment

  3. Medical History • Tuberculosis 20 years ago. Treated with anti-tuberculosis for a peroid of 6 months • Neutropenia • No exposure to chemicals, organic dust, toxic gas, bird feed or smoking

  4. Physical Examination • T:37℃ P:80bpm R:20bpm BP:120/78mmHg • Moderate inspiratory rales at both lung bases • Rashes on her body skin • No clubbing or peripheral edema • Cardiac, abdomen, central nervous system and superficial lymph nodes examinations were unremarkable

  5. Laboratory Tests • Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 38mm/hour • The ratio of CD4 to CD8 was 0.11 (lower than normal range: 1.45±0.59) • Rheumatoid factor, anti-DNA, anti-nuclear antigen and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody were negative • Sputum culture was negative. PPD skin test was negative • Pulmonary function tests (PFT) revealed mild restrictive dysfunction

  6. Chest CT Scan (2011.5.30 )

  7. 2011.5.30 2011.7.2

  8. Differential Diagnosis • Infectious • Bacterial • Miliary TB • Fungal: invasive aspergillosis • Parasitic • Malignant • Primary: lung, lymphoma • Metastatic disease • Granulomatosis • Wegener's granulomatosis • Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sarcoidosis, Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis

  9. Is there anything else to do? • The tracheobronchial airways appeared entirely normal by bronchoscopy. There was no bleeding tendency, spontaneously or during the transbronchial lung biopsies • The examination of bronchoalveolar lavage is negative • CT-guard needle aspiration was performed. Some lymphocytes in the lung tissue.

  10. Next Step? • Open Lung Biopsy

  11. HE

  12. CD79a(B cell)

  13. CD3 (T cell)

  14. Labeling in situ hybridization for EB virus (+), T cells rearrangement (-), B cells heavy chain rearrangement (+).

  15. Final Diagnosis • Pulmonary Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis

  16. Treatment • Treated with chemotherapy of 4 period CHOP regime

  17. Follow up 2011.5.30 2011.7.2 2011.11.3

  18. Follow up 2011.5.30 2011.7.2 2011.11.3

  19. Definition • Pulmonary Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis is related to EBV positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

  20. Etiology • An EBV-driven B lymphoproliferative disorder, probably arising in a background of immunodeficiency in most case

  21. Localization • Masses or nodules can involve a variety of organs, most often lung and central nervous system, and kidney; skin may be involved

  22. Clinical features • Up to 70% of patients show bilateral, usually peripheral, lung nodules • Cavitation may or may not be present • Other radiographic patterns include diffuse reticulonodular or alveolar infiltrates, localized infiltrates or a solitary mass.

  23. 1,2: Infiltrates 3,4: Solitary mass 5,6: Nodules 7:Infiltrates,solitary mass, nodules,consolidation

  24. Histopathology • Less than 30% of transbronchial biopsies are diagnostic, so a surgical lung biopsy will be necessary in most cases to achieve a diagnosis.

  25. Histopathology • Grade 1 lesions: few or no EBV-infected cells (less than 5 per high-power field), usually lack necrosis • Grade 2 lesions: scattered EBV-infected cells (5-20 per high-power field) and foci of necrosis • Grade 3 lesions: Sheets of EBV-infected cells, necrosis, and are considered a subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

  26. Immunophenotype • LYG is a T-cell-rich, B-cell lymphoproliferative process, as show by a number of studies, both in lung and in other sites, such as skin.

  27. Treatment • Grade 1, Grade 2:Interferon α-2b • Grade 3:Chemotherapy

  28. Thank you!

  29. Metastatic adenocarcinoma

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