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-Drivers are asked to leave their cars @ home 1 day a week -Citizens are encouraged to ride bus, train, or carpool -Cars inspected to control exhaust emissions -On bad days, some businesses close -Working on cleaner burning fuels. Mexico City, Mexico. Emissions from Factories & Cars
-Drivers are asked to leave their cars @ home 1 day a week -Citizens are encouraged to ride bus, train, or carpool -Cars inspected to control exhaust emissions -On bad days, some businesses close -Working on cleaner burning fuels Mexico City, Mexico Emissions from Factories & Cars Very High Population Density (19 Million) *Geography doesn’t help→ Mexico City is surrounded by mountains, which trap smog in the city by blocking winds. Ugly brown cloud over the city Breathing problems among the population- High amount of lung/breathing related diseases
Timber companies clearing land for wood & to make room for agriculture (farming) Amazon Basin (Brazil) New laws limit the amount of trees that can be cut down *These laws are not very well enforced Loss of habitat for plant & animal species Approx. 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest
Polluted waters affect plant/animal species *Hurts the fishing industry Breathing problems associated w/ air pollution Nothing substantial is being done yet *B/C the government runs the oil industry & doesn’t want to regulate itself Venezuela Coastal Areas & Lake Maracaibo Oil Spills dump oil into water Burning of Oil- Introducing CO2 Into the air
Return to Our Essential Question(s)….. What are the major physical features of Latin America and the Caribbean, and where are they located on a map? What are the major countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and where are they located on a map?
Today’s Standard….. SS6G2 The student will discuss environmental issues in Latin America. a. Explain the major environmental concerns of Latin America regarding the issues of air pollution in Mexico City, Mexico, the destruction of the rain forest in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela.
Intro to Our Essential Question(s)….. What is the impact of development and trade on the environment? (air pollution in Mexico City destruction of rain forests in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela)
TEST GRADE #4 Environmental Awareness Poster Project Due Wednesday (2/22)
Environmental Awareness Poster: Latin America (SS6G2a) Purpose: Familiarize student with particular environmental issues of concern in Latin America, focusing on causes, effects, & potential governmental & public solutions to the problem(s). Task: Research your assigned environmental issue. Create a poster to inform the public about this issue. 10pts. – Completed Note-Taking Sheet Your Poster Must Include: 15 pts. - 1. A description of the environmental issue 15 pts. - 2. Where in Latin America it is happening 15 pts. - 3. What is causing it 15 pts. - 4. What the effects on the environment are 15 pts. - 5. What the national governments or regular people are doing to deal with the problem 15 pts. - 6. A relevant image (Drawing) MY ISSUE: Mexico City & Air Pollution (CRCT p.15) Destruction of the Rain Forest in Brazil (CRCT p.16) Oil-Related Pollution in Venezuela (CRCT p.19)
Oil Related Pollution in Venezuela ISSUE Water-Oil spills into the water Air-Burning of oil & natural gas So what’s being done about it? Unfortunately, very little to nothing. The oil & natural gas industries are so important to the economy, that anything that may limit their ability to produce & earn profit is usually not done. WHERE The on & offshore coastal areas of Venezuela CAUSES The practices and accidents of Oil and Natural Gas industries, which are very important to the economy of the nation. EFFECTS 1. Water Pollution 2. Reduction in Fish/Animal Populations 3. Breathing problems for children & the elderly 4. Possible contribution to “global warming”