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WHO Snake Antivenoms Website. Snakebite envenomings: A silent killer…. 1 patient treated = 1 life saved or 1 permanent disability prevented. Antivenom immunoglobulins*:. A 100% cost effective treatment. (*) WHO Essential Medicines List.
Snakebite envenomings: A silent killer…. 1 patient treated = 1 life saved or 1 permanent disability prevented Antivenom immunoglobulins*: A 100% cost effective treatment (*) WHO Essential Medicines List
PRODUCTION OF SNAKE ANTIVENOM IMMUNOGLOBULINS: Technology in the public domain (not protected by intelectual property) A – Selection and preparation of snake venoms C – Collection of plasma for fractionation B – Immunization: Mixtures and Regimens D – Purification of immunoglobulins
A functional starting point • Guidelines for the Production, Control and Regulation of Snake Antivenom Immunoglobulins approved by ECBS in 2008 • Major component was an Annex containing a listing of medically important snake species. • Need to disseminate information on distribution of venomous species and to provide basic data about the antivenoms that are currently appropriate. • These are fundamental steps towards creating a platform for improving access to these products. 5 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Medically Important Snakes EURO: 15 Species (Cat 1: 3) SEARO/WPRO: 94 Species (Cat 1: 42) AMRO: 75 Species (Cat 1: 30) AFRO/EMRO: 54/25 Species (Cat 1: 31) 6 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Website Concept • Website development started in February 2009. • Relies on SQL database application that enables information to be cross-referenced and queried online. • The website includes a searchable index linking to individual species accounts that provide: • Recent taxonomic history; • Local names; • Distribution maps; • Antivenom data; • Photographs of the snakes. 7 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Target Audiences • Central information source for data on the current availability of antivenoms for specific species. • Aimed at a wide audience, that includes: • National Regulatory Agencies • Ministries of Health • Antivenom Manufacturers • Medical Professionals, Health Workers • Procurement Personnel in Industry and NGO’s • Objective is to use the website to distribute accurate data that can be used to plan improvements to existing supply and distribution. 8 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Data Sources: Worldwide Snakes Distributions • Accurate distribution limits in countries determined from reference to: • Published literature in books and journals; • Herpetological specimen collections in more than 60 major Natural History Museums worldwide; • When necessary, photographs of specimens and taxonomic data requested from Museum curators to validate ID; • Consultation with in-country experts. 9 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Distribution Maps Question marks (?) (Indicates expected presence not yet confirmed due to lack of exploration Allocation to CATEGORY 1 shown in red (Indicates common, widespread species that causes numerous snake bites with high morbidity, disability or mortality) Allocation to CATEGORY 2 shown in orange (Indicates highly venomous and capable of causing morbidity, disability or mortality, but exact country data lacking, or less frequently implicated in these countries) 10 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Data Sources: Antivenoms available The antivenoms database was created using: • Data verified with individual manufacturers, providing: • Manufacturer data (address and contacts) • Product data (venoms used for immunization, label claims of species coverage) • Production registration/licensing data sought from 62 NRA’s in AFRO, EMRO, SEARO & WPRO • Available literature on preclinical/clinical efficacy and clinical safety reviewed • Decisions based on NRA compliance & literature 11 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Antivenom products recommendations • There are relatively few products for which we have evidence of registration with relevant NRA’s and good quality, published evidence of acceptable safety and efficacy. - Several manufacturers would not provide data on the species used to provide immunizing venoms (i.e.: location of origin or supplier data) - Products without evidence of registration by an appropriate NRA were excluded. - Products for which no positive preclinicalor clinical data available were also excluded. 12 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Photograph Gallery • Used a wide network of sources to obtain very high quality images of each species, often representing several different regional, sexual or age-related colour variations. • Aim was to provide users with images that illustrate features that may aid visual identification. • Objective was to illustrate every species account. • Photographers donate images. 13 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Photography 14 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Applications for website data • The data contained in the website has a number of applications, including: • Identifies the most widely distributed, and medically important species, enabling rational identification of key reference venoms needed in specific regions; • Assist procurement offices to determine appropriate antivenom selections for a given location; • Cross-matching of species distributions to health facility locations for the purpose of distributing appropriate antivenom supplies; • Provides manufacturers with data on the priority species for antivenom development in a given geographical area. 15 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Guiding selection of reference venoms • Combined with distribution data assembled for the website project this provides information needed for experts to further prioritize essential venoms for use in antivenom production. • Regional reference venoms are essential as: • Sources of standardized immunogens for raising antivenoms; • Reference materials for standardized preclinical assessment by both manufacturers and NRA’s. • Creates a framework for uniform comparison. 16 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014
Website Demonstration Please wait while the website demonstration takes place... http://www.who.int/bloodproducts/snake_antivenoms/en/ 17 WHO Snake Antivenoms Website |August 29, 2014