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07 年浙江省英语高考 试题分析及启示 绍兴市教育教学研究院 戴军熔

07 年浙江省英语高考 试题分析及启示 绍兴市教育教学研究院 戴军熔. 2007 年 10 月 17 日. 07 年浙江省高考英语试题的总体特点 :. 重视基础 , 强化运用 , 讲究策略 , 贴近生活 , 体现人文。 试题在立足语境、语用的基础上,也充分体现了英语课程标准的五维目标 ( 语言知识 , 语言技能 , 情感态度 , 学习策略和文化意识 ) 。因此,在高三的复习教学中,不仅需要研究考纲,更需要研究课标对上述五个方面的基本要求;

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07 年浙江省英语高考 试题分析及启示 绍兴市教育教学研究院 戴军熔

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  1. 07年浙江省英语高考 试题分析及启示 绍兴市教育教学研究院 戴军熔 2007年10月17日

  2. 07年浙江省高考英语试题的总体特点: • 重视基础,强化运用,讲究策略,贴近生活,体现人文。 • 试题在立足语境、语用的基础上,也充分体现了英语课程标准的五维目标(语言知识,语言技能,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识)。因此,在高三的复习教学中,不仅需要研究考纲,更需要研究课标对上述五个方面的基本要求; • 2007年我省高考英语命题要求与前二年相同,题型未作改变,试卷总体难度适中,以中等题为主,没有偏题,怪题。体现了“关注大众群体,鼓励多数学生”的命题思想,这使中下学生看到了自己的希望,看到了“永不放弃”的理由.同时,也对减轻学生过重的课业负担将起到了良好的导向作用,重视基础就意味着不要将过多精力放在做怪题、偏题、难题上; • 今年的单项填空和单词拼写的难度较往年略有降低。而降低语法测试的难度意味着今后应引导学生将更多的精力和时间花在语言运用能力如阅读、写作技能的培养上;

  3. 07年浙江省高考英语试题的总体特点: • 关注语言知识与语言运用,突出语言综合运用能力的考查: • --语言知识题的命题原则:①对考生语言知识面的考查紧扣考纲;②注重基础知识,保证知识覆盖全面;③增加综合化的因素;④增加语境化的因素; • --语言运用题的命题原则:强化语言知识运用,立足语境、强化语用,体现了“用英语做事”的课程理念。对语言的考查放在实际中,并尽可能体现在不同情景中的运用。比如:在单项填空、完型填空、短文改错、单词拼写等题型中,试卷都要求考生在特定的微型语境中灵活运用语法、词汇和语用知识来完成特定的任务,从而考查其正确运用语境进行理解和交际的能力。

  4. 07年浙江省高考英语试题的总体特点: • 注重选材的思想性和实用性,体现语言学习的教育功能: --素材大多选自英文原版书籍、英文主流媒体和英语国家中学生经常阅读的书刊,语料真实地道,题材广泛,涵盖人文、科技、社会、教育、文化、环保、体育等方面; --文体多样,涉及叙述文、应用文、科普说明文、网络语料等多种类型的文章; --所选语料突出思想性、教育性、实用性和趣味性,有蕴涵道德寓意的科普说明文章(B篇—失语症),有描写价值观形成的个人成长故事(A篇—人生精力:“蝴蝶人”之变;E篇—人生经历:买报),有让学生运用英语进行选择的实用性广告(F篇—订阅报刊),有考查学生运用现代信息技术采集和处理信息能力的网页(C篇—Google奥运网页搜索)。 --完形填空、阅读理解中的文章,尤其是网页与任务型阅读中的英文刊物介绍等资料均是原汁原味的真实语料,体现了语言的真实性和实用性。

  5. 07年浙江省高考英语试题的总体特点: • 从学生的学习和生活实际出发,坚持以学生为中心: • --词汇考查:在确保涵盖词汇表基本词汇的基础上,有意识地适当考查了今年新增的一些词汇。同时,较好地处理了考查对常用词汇的掌握与考查从上下文推断词义的能力之间的关系,以适应不同能力层次考生的需求。 • --试题的内容:贴近学生学习和生活实际,如短文改错设置的梦境与学生的体育活动相关。书面表达更是密切联系学生的英语学习经历,要求学生结合自己学习英语的体会,对英语课堂的教学语言发表意见,并从一个侧面反映学生对中学英语课堂教学的看法,让学生自我反思,体现形成性评价中的自我评价功能,给学生提供了一定的思维空间。 • --试卷的编排:体现人文关怀。为方便考生阅读和答题,今年的英语卷还在卷面上作了改进,在大题与大题之间以及阅读理解题的每个小题之间都适当增加了空间,同时对答题纸上题号的排列等细节也作了修改。

  6. 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷单项选择分析: (1)试题有良好的知识覆盖面;重点知识考查突出; (2)以考查动词为主(7题),重点考查了动词时态、非谓语动词及动词短语,这也是各省英语高考命题的一个共同特点。

  7. 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷单项选择分析: (3)弱化所谓的“命题技巧” ;强调基础性。试卷中没有刻意设置“陷阱”或故意为难考生的试题。 (4)进一步加大对具体语境中运用词汇/词块这一能力的考查。 (5)强调语言实用性和交际性,多数试题都有明确的、反映真实生活的语境。 7.--- Look! He’s running so fast! --- Hard to _______ his legs were once broken. A.know B.imagine C.realize D.Find 12.Of the seven days in the a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular ____ for a wedding in some countries. A.way B.situation C.event D.choice 7/11/12/13/19 1.--- Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day. --- ________? That’s his third one in just one month. A.Had he B.Did he C.Does he D.Has he 3.--- You should apologize to her, Barry. --- ______, but it’s not going to be easy. A.I suppose so B.I feel so C.I prefer to D.I like to 13.Would you please ______ this form for me to see if I’ve filled it in right? A.take off B.look after C.give up D.go over

  8. 教学启示: 1、高考语言测试重点已从语言形式(form)转到语言意义(meaning)的考查。从05-07年浙江省高考英语单项选择的试题来看,语言教学中坚持意义优先、语言知识第二的原则(Comprehending/meaning first,knowledge/form second)是如此地重要。 2、中学英语教学中,知识传授是语言教学的一个重要方面。但是在实际的语言教学中,语法教学是过度的,而词法教学是不足的(更不用说语篇教学)。目前,高中生的词汇量在2000—3000,远比不上五六十年代高中毕业生的词汇量(5000—6000),更无法与日本、台湾等相比。3000以下的词汇总量,使高考英语的命题陷入十分尴尬的局面,因为“如要学生自由地表达自己的观点,其词汇量必须达到3000以上”(北京师范大学教授张连仲)。 3、高考英语强调应用(Emphasizing applications),重点知识+具体的语言环境是高考英语对基础知识考查的重要方式,而重点知识+具体的语言环境说白了就是结构+意义。为此,高三教学应在帮助学生及时梳理已学语法的同时注重培养学生在各种语境中灵活运用所学语法知识的能力。 4、避免高三教学的一个通病:大量地进行毫无语境体验的、贴标签式的语法教学,避免在课堂中使用大量的语法概念、语法术语来进行抽象、枯燥的语法教学。

  9. 教学启示: 5、复习语法,应以词汇(名词辨析、形容词或副词辨析、动词辨析、短语词块等)、动词(时态、语态、动词短语、情态动词、非谓语动词)和复合句(状语从句、名词性从句、定语从句、强调句、倒装句)的复习为主而展开教学。 在复习语言知识或分析NMET语法选择部分练习时,采用多种语法教学策略。

  10. 教学启示: 6、对于词汇复习: ①在以单元为线索的一轮高三复习教学中,要抓好对每单元重要词汇、短语、句型及片段的听写或默写关; ②不拘泥于课本知识,不受课本内容限制,围绕课本有关语言知识充分拓展和联系关联词汇或类似结构,并充分挖掘词汇的内涵意义(一词多义),形成词汇的纵横网络结构; ③指导学生按照字母顺序对«高考词汇表»中的单词进行逐一过关,通过运用短语翻译、句子翻译、单词拼写、开放型完形填空、相似词汇(形式、意义)的对比性填空、不同语境下一词多义的理解解释(Paraphrase)、运用常见构词法的转换完成所给句子等形式检测学生对这些词汇的掌握程度; ④以教学设计带动词汇教学,把词汇教学、词汇量的扩充贯穿于整个单元、整个课堂教学的始终,在每一个环节、步骤的教学中自始自终体现词汇教学的意识; ⑤以词汇解释词汇,以词汇带动词汇的辨析、比较、拓展和联系,提高词汇的复现率,促进词汇习得(17次);

  11. Module III Unit 2 Healthy Eating

  12. Food security tops the concerns of the people ncreasing With the i________ movement of people and goods around the globe, food security has become topics of widespread international interest. 86 percent of the surveyed people have expressed concerns over the possible h____ damage caused by pollution, with 39% describing the situation as serious, according to the Public Environment Protection Index for 2006. The index shows the food security tops the concerns of people. Many are becoming more careful in eating foods for fear of h______ water and chemicals used in the farming. People also voiced c______ over the safety of drinking water. According to the index, 81 percent said they had paid a_______ to the problem since reports of pollution in the country's main rivers started frequently appearing in the media. ealth armful oncerns ttention

  13. 21.7 percent of the people surveyed are not s______ with drinking water. The Ministry of Science and Technology will carry out a new series of scientific programs ranging from a_________ to public health, the ministry's head Xu Guanhua a________ at a n________ working conference for science and technology which ended yesterday in Beijing. Special e______ will be made to ensure food security - based on increasing quantities and i________ quality of rice, wheat and maize production in the northeastern, northern and central areas of China, said Xu. atisfied griculture nnounced ational fforts mproving

  14. Summary: frustrated Wang Pengwei felt _________in an empty restaurant because no eaters have come to his restaurant ever since he got up early and _______ his menu as usual. He wanted to find out why. Driven by________,he followed Maochang into a newly-opened restaurant. He found the owner named Yong Hui was _______ s_______ foods. Wang Pengwei came f_______ to take a close look at the menu. He could hardly believe his eyes. He was amazed at what he saw. He __________ the menu and hurried outside. He could not have Yong Hui _______________ telling people_____ ! He decide to do some ________ on his food. After a lot of reading, he r_______ that Yong Hui’s food made people become tired quickly because it was no ____________ food. Arriving home, he rewrote his own sign. ……? prepared curiosity limming serving orward threw away getting away with lies research ealized energy-giving

  15. Discussion: Imagine what will happen to both of the restaurants. Please go on writing the story and give the passage a happy ending according to your own imagination. After arriving home, Wang Pengwei rewrote his sign. To his joy, ……

  16. Discussion: In your opinion, what makes a healthy & balanced diet? There is no secret to a healthy and____________. Be sure to eat a variety of foods, including plenty of_________, fruits, and grain products that will do good to your_________. The food you prepare should contain f_____, enough e______ and l______ fat, which _______ (should) include low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish and so on but should not_________. Besides, you need to drink lots of water and go easy on the salt, sugar and alcohol. In this way, it will b_______ your health from the balanced diet and enable you to keep s_____ and e_______. balanced diet vegetables digestion nergy ibre ought to imited taste of fat enefit lim nergetic

  17. 实例1: **increase: to make or become larger in number or amount ----the population/ the size/ the number/ the amount/ the speed/ the production/ the difficulties/ the price/ one’s knowledge/ one’s wages/ one’s health **improve: to make sth. better ----improve one’s English/ the conditions/ the living standard/one’s abilities/ the shape/ relationship/ friendship eg. (06) Their living conditions have been ____ in the past few years. Eg. (03) One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) ___ in the number of natural disasters. A. result B. account C. reason D. increase 实例2: **lead /live a hard/ good/ happy/ busy/ simple/ difficult/ comfortable life **gain experience/ knowledge/ a medal/ a prize/ one’s citizenship **win a match/ competition/ contest/ an honor/ an award for…/a good reputation **under discussion/treatment/construction/repair/pressure/ **apologize/ admire/ forgive/ praise/ excuse/ scold/ blame sb for (doing)… 实例3: --The situation contributed to the rise of their tempers; as a result, there were always quarrels between the tourists and customers. (help to bring about/make for) ----It is not how much you read but what you read that really counts. (have value, be of value/ importance, be valuable/be important )

  18. 教学启示: 7、对于语法复习:狠抓基础知识和基本技能的落实,系统总结归纳知识点,将零散的知识系统化,构建立体的网络思维模式,如一词多义,一义多词以及一些结构相似或功能相似的固定用法等。注意在纵横联系、比较对照中学习句型和语法,培养思维的广阔性。 8、高考英语单项选择试题常使人有“似曾相识”、”某一考点反复重现“的感觉,因此研究历年来的高考英语试题对中学英语教学有十分积极的意义。 9、提高试卷讲评质量。避免分析中平均施力,就题论题,“语法-翻译”一成不变、教师讲解一灌到底、不提问一个学生、不留一个思考余地等等无效的做法。 10、遵循新课程理念下语言教学的“发现、体验、实践、探究”的特点,关注学生在练习中的自我思考和感悟、自我发现与归纳,促使学生在思维中学(Learning with thoughts),在做中学(Learning while doing),在完成各种语言任务的体验和实践中习得语言知识。

  19. 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷完形填空分析: • 试题特点分析: --完形填空旨在考查学生运用所学语言知识的能力,在对篇章进行整体理解的基础上,考查学生在一定的语篇环境下(上下文的意思和逻辑联系)进行词义辨析和上下文逻辑推理、判断的能力。同时,也考查了对词汇搭配、惯用法以及语法知识的掌握及运用情况。因此,完形填空部分对考生理解语境和语篇的能力有一定的要求。 --2007年浙江省高考英语完形填空短文长度为296词(不含选项),在字数上比前二年稍有所增加。短文的体裁为记叙文(叙述一件事情),讲述的是关于孩子第一次去图书馆的经历,难度上较去年更易理解。 --语篇选项设置遵循了整体性和连贯性的原则。答题时不仅需要读懂设置考点的句子,还要理解相邻句子乃至上下文以及段落之间的有关内容及其内在联系。每个选项的设计都都与前后文字、语段形成某种搭配,每题都重在语意的理解,即不仅考查学生对语言形式的掌握,而且注重考查其对语言知识的灵活运用。

  20. 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷完形填空分析: • 考查知识内容分析: 完形填空涉及的词类情况分析: 此篇完形填空的考查内容以考查实词为主,其中考查频率最高的为:动词及短语、名词、形容词、副词及短语。

  21. 考查特点分析; (1)在保持对实词考查的同时,着重对句子与句子之间的逻辑关系词的考查。完形填空经常出现连环题,一题做错,后面几题连续出现错误,因此,要完”形” 首先须完”义”; Eg. David stepped out of the toilet and stopped in 28_ --the library lights were off. The place was 29 . The doors had been shut. They 30be opened from the inside. He was trapped—in a library! 28. A. delight B. anger C. surprise D. eagerness 29. A. lonely B. empty C. noisy D. crowded 30. A. wouldn’t B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t Eg. He was surprised to discover that this place was not so unpleasant, __37___. Rows and rows of shelves held books, videos and music. He saw a book about Michael Jordan and took it off the shelf. He settled into a chair and started to ___38___. He knew he had to __39___, but now, that didn’t seem to be such a __40__ thing. 37. A. at most B. after all C. in short D. as usual 38. A. watch B. play C. read D. write 39. A. wait B. stand C. sleep D. work 40. A. bad B. cool C. strange D. nice

  22. 考查特点分析 (2)语言由两部分内容组成,一部分是综合的,记忆中的词块 (lexical chunks) ;另一部分是分析性的语法规则(Widdowson, 1992)。因此,完形填空始终强化对词汇(词法)的考查力度,即在考查单词在具体语境中的辨析使用的同时关注对短语、词块的考查。比如: --文中出现了许多的短语表达,如:set foot in, be about to do, be trapped in, what’s worse, search for, stick sth to, be surprised to discover, settle into a chair, etc. --20个小题中,有6小题采用短语运用的形式来考查学生的语言运用能力。如: drop the books in…(23); in surprise (28); make a telephone call (31); get through (32); at last (34); after all (37)

  23. 考查特点分析; (3)完形填空着重考查学生对语意、语境、语篇的深层次理解,并在掌握文章主旨大意的基础上,根据词汇线索(如:动词及动词短语的考查、动词/名词/形容词等单词特殊含义的考查、相近词/同义词比较或辨析)、句法线索、社会文化线索(背景知识或常识线索)和上下文线索(环境/语境线索、因果线索、转折或让步线索、顺序线索、比较线索)等,正确理解句与句、段与段之间的内在联系。 Eg. What he wanted to do was to play basketball with Eric, but his mother told him he would have to return his sister’s book to the library first.[转折线索] Eg. He had neverset foot in a library and he wasn’t about to do so today.[语境线索/句法线索] Eg. He tried to makea telephone call, buthe was unable to get through.[词汇线索/转折线索]

  24. 教学启示: (1)高三学生应多阅读、欣赏和背诵时代感强、英语国家的文化气息浓厚、体裁多样和题材广泛的原版英文材料,以体会异国文化,在阅读中习得英语的思维和表达方式,增强语感和跨文化交际意识。 (2)每周加大对完形填空的训练,保证每天一篇左右的训练量。 (3)完形讲评阅读化,注重训练学生的语篇结构意识(大意、篇章结构分析)、逻辑思维能力(文章细节、词句的理解和推断)、对语言知识(文章的词汇、句型以及相近词辨析)以及语言运用(完形基础上的话题写作、体裁写作)能力的关注意识。 (4)提高语篇材料的利用率。好的语料本身就是语言运用的示范,无论在语篇结构上、语言表达上,都能为学生提供多种借鉴和参照。因此,对好的语篇要充分运用,科学处理,从语篇理解、语言知识、语言技能等角度进行多层次、多角度处理。做到一个语篇多种使用,比如:完形填空—阅读理解、短文改错、语法填空、单词拼写、书面写作--课后背诵、语篇听写等。

  25. II. Cloze test(NMET2007) • Read Para.1-2 and think about the following questions: What can we learn about David? According to the text, he is a what kind of student? How do you know? Try to find out the details to support your idea. • 2. Skim the rest paragraphs and give the passage a title. • 3. Fill in the blanks according to the context.[语法填空] • 4. Choose the correct answer to each blank according to the given choices.[完形填空]----Discuss: What happened to David that day? 5. Try to discover and underline the useful expressions and sentences. 6. Write a composition with the title “I’m trapped inside!”, using 6-7 of the following given expressions. What sb. wanted to do was to…/set foot in/be about to do/go into…,only a few minutes before…/after a brief stop in…/in surprise/be surprised to…/ be trapped in…/try to make a phone but was unable to get through/search for/stick sth to/settle into a chair/…sb knew…had to…,but that didn’t seem to be such a bad thing

  26. 教学启示: (5)完形填空所提供的四个选项一般都属于相同词类或同一范畴。考查词类多为动词和名词,其次是形容词和副词等;而对介词、连词和冠词等虚词的考查则相对较少。因此,教学中对有关动词的学习应是重中之重。 (6)加强训练学生完形填空的解答技巧,具体包括以下几点:①细读句首,预测主题;②跳读全文,领会大意;③通读全文,试选答案;④细读全文,推敲难题;⑤复读全文,复核答案。 (7)完形填空这一经典考试题型将随着课程改革的进一步深入,出现以下命题形式的变化,如:①增加所提供的语篇量;②改变高考英语完形填空中四选一这一命题方式,采用开放型的不给选项的完形形式。为此,在平时教师亦可提供开放型完形的材料加以训练。

  27. 篇目 A B C D E F 文段总词汇量 选项总词汇量 2005年浙江省高考英语试卷阅读理解分析 文段 选项 文段 选项 文段 选项 文段 选项 文段 选项 文段 选项 词汇 354 154 306 116 329 166 329 140 363 186 335 236 2016 1098 2005年浙江省高考英语阅读理解词汇量统计表 (1)尽管试题的难度与去年基本持平,但阅读量有所增加。

  28. 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷阅读理解分析 2007年浙江省高考英语阅读理解试题设计技术统计表 (2)在阅读理解题的设计上,要求学生在关注表层语义的同时,深入理解所读语篇,把握语言的深层含义,增强对所读语篇中包含的语言、社会、文化等各方面信息的综合理解和推断能力。整份试卷较全面地考查了学生对书面英语的理解能力,包括:①理解文章主旨;②理解文中具体信息,了解重点细节;③根据上下文推测词义;④理解长难句意思;⑤根据上下文作出简单判断和推理等。但不足的是本次考试中未体现对理解语篇基本结构和理解作者的意图与态度这二大重要技能的考查。

  29. 考查特点分析: (3)该部分选取了6则很有教育意义的语篇,题材广泛,关注社会和人文现象,时代感强,特别是一则基于Google情景的网络语言材料——有关北京2008奥运的介绍。选材上突显语言与文化相结合,“语言是文化的载体”这一理念。 (4)继续采用任务型阅读--阅读配对这一形式,体现“用语言做事”的最低要求,即只考查学生对信息的获取、查读、确认或加工的能力,不考查学生的推测、归纳能力,更不考查学生在阅读理解信息的基础上,根据试题要求将信息重新输出。

  30. 考查特点分析; (5)单词运用灵活,高级词汇较多。例如: A:break into a smile, die out, land in prison, put mom through that pain, but for, earn something more, turn his life around B: had the opposite effect on, lack the ability to, get carried away words C: set off, concept, environment protection/symbol, be composed of, on behalf of, be aimed at, be engaged in, put forward, forum, on display D: open up lines of communication, dig up, bw linked to, the benefits of, spread culture, focus on the value of, influence the way of, be vital to E: make something of myself, address adults with self-confidence, afford to be without…, a good-for-nothing, insist that…, scold, be dissatisfied with my father’s plain workman’s life, determined that… F: is eager to, develop a curiosity about, range from beauty to the risks of drinking, seeks to stimulate, delight, and challenge every curious child…, features articles on…, devoted to helping…, inspires parents to see the world through the eyes of…, is intended for a generation of…, explore and experience the world, offers an exciting mix of …, dishes up these and more interesting activities, enrich the lives of families, lifelong learners, look into…, engage readers with attractive content

  31. 考查特点分析; (6)阅读理解题答案项的设置方法:①直接选用原文中的词句(难度最低);②使用原文词句的同义词或相似结构;③使用原文词句的反义词或相反结构;④组合原文中几个上下句之间的关键词/句信息;⑤答案项是对生词、长句或难句的解释;⑥答案项是对原文词句或段落的归纳、推理或演绎; ⑦使用原文的上下义结构。 Passage D:They regard storytelling not only as a useful tool in child education, but also as a meaningful activity that helps adults understand themselves as well as those whose culture may be very different from their own. 52. What do we learn about American storytellers from Paragraph 2? A. They share the same way of storytelling. B. They prefer to tell stories from other cultures. C. They learn their stories from the American natives. D. They find storytelling useful for both children and adults. Passage E: She wanted me to “make something” of myself, and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of keeping up with the competition. 56. Why did the boy start his job young? A. He wanted to be famous in the future. B. The job was quite easy for him. C. His mother had high hopes for him. D. The competition for the job was fierce. 组合原文中几个上下句之间的关键词(句)信息 使用原文词句的同义词或相似结构

  32. 教学启示: • 2007年高考英语阅读理解存在着一个比较明显的缺陷——阅读理解中对学生的思维品质要求不高,很多问题都只是事实细节题。平常教学中仍应重视对学生提出更高的思维品质要求。 • 高考英语对学生的阅读速度要求从来没有达到大纲对学生阅读速度的要求;阅读速度和阅读难度成正比关系,阅读速度要求越高,阅读的难度也就越高; • 高三英语阅读教学中,应当遵循在教材的基础上适当拓宽,广泛阅读的原则。在阅读材料的选取上应注意扩大阅读范围, 关注不同领域知识的相互渗透,材料内容应涉及科技、新闻、经济、社会、教育、环保、人文、体育、日常生活等等方面。尤其要阅读话题不熟悉的短文,使学生获得更多的心理图式; • 文体多样,选材应涉及叙述文、应用文、说明文、夹叙夹议等多种类型文章; • 运用好每一篇阅读理解材料,针对材料的不同特点进行不同方式的处理分析。如: --整体阅读:采用自上而下的信息处理方式,只浏览文章标题、图片和导语,对文章进行策略性地整体理解,把握其主旨、段落大意、语篇结构; --仔细阅读:采用自下而上的信息处理方式,不仅关注文章细节内容,更多地关注文章的词和句; • 关注阅读速度,每周安排一定时间进行限时阅读训练; • 对阅读理解的训练要从难度大的文章做起。一是要适当增加文章的难度和长度,加强对600-700词左右短文的理解训练;二是问题难易的顺序和五篇短文的长短顺序应经常变换;

  33. 教学启示: • 对学生进行一些必要的阅读技能训练,尤其要进行主旨题、推断题以及细节题的理解训练;在技能训练中,加强对解题技巧方面的训练,如: 正选法:根据材料所读内容从正面选择最佳答案。 排除法:排除与短文内容相反、不相关、在原文中找不到依据、不能完全满足题目要求等选项。 定位法:根据题干和选项所提供信息直接从原文中找到相应的句子(即定位),然后进行比较、分析和判断,从而选出答案。 跳读法:根据题干和选项所提供的信息跳读原文,并找到相关的一个或几个句子或段落,然后综合进行分析和推理等。 概括法:根据所读内容(首段、尾段、反复出现的高频词汇)概括文章主题、要点、标题和中心思想等。 推理法:根据所读内容的字面意思,通过语篇的逻辑关系以及各个细节的信息和暗示,推敲作者态度,理解文章的寓意,悟出作者的言外之意和弦外之音。 画图与列表法:通过画图与列表建构语篇结构或框架。

  34. 跳读法(E篇) Eg. “ How many did you sell, my boy?” my mother asked. “ None.” “ Where did you go?” “ The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues.” “ What did you do?” “ Stood on the corner waiting for somebody to buy a Saturday Evening Post.” “ You just stood there?” “ Didn’t sell a single one.” “ My God, Russell!” ……. One day, I told my mother I’d changed my mind. I didn’t want to make a success in the magazine business. “ If you think you can change your mind like this,” she replied, “ you’ll become a good-for-nothing.” She insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me. 56. From the dialogue between the boy and his mother, we learn that the mother was _____. A. excited B. interested C. ashamed D. disappointed

  35. 列表法 Eg. (06安徽) What Elizabeth Taylor and Velvet Brown had in common was that they were both ______. A. popular all their lives B. famous actress C. successful when very young D. rich and kind-hearted

  36. 教学启示: • 学会在遇到生词时通过上下文暗示、运用构词法以及信号词进行预测和推理;衔接是语篇特征的重要内容,语法手段(如照应、替代、省略等)和词汇手段(如复现关系、同现关系)的使用,都可以表现结构上的衔接。 ----文中出现的频率较高的实词可以帮助确定语篇的主旨大意;       ----情态动词语must/should/ought to等,以及转折词but/ however/ yet/ although/ though 等词语后面的内容往往是读者在阅读中须关注的内容

  37. 教学启示: • 现行高中英语新教材对学生所进行的阅读训练,从根本上说是让学生形成一定的阅读习惯、形成一定的阅读技巧,从而提高阅读能力。但也应关注阅读中的词汇学习和词汇的附带习得,因为语篇的另一重要特点就是承载了大量的词汇与表达方式,因此,在语篇阅读中关注词汇应视为拓宽词汇量的一个重要途径: ①对于平时在阅读理解中出现的高频词汇,虽然在高考词汇表中没列出,但也应要求学生认真记忆,这样在阅读理解中才不会因为生词量过多而影响阅读速度和对文章意思的正确理解; ②鼓励学生在阅读中依据词汇知识(构词知识)或语境线索猜测生词意思; ③对于无法猜测的重要高频词汇,要鼓励学生通过查阅词典或参考译文来确定其含义; ④在语篇阅读理解过程中,训练学生将一些好词好句划下来、做摘抄或者训练学生通过中译英、词汇拼写练习、完形填空(补全信息)等形式找出文中的好词、好句、好段,训练学生在阅读中主动关注词汇、关注语言知识的意识,提高学生在阅读过程中的词汇附带习得效率; ⑤以话题为依托,将题材和体裁上比较类似或接近的语篇放在一起集中阅读,由于这些文章的话题或体裁相同,因此,其中一些核心词汇或句子结构的复现率将大大提高,这非常有利于学生对这类词汇或句子结构的习得; ⑥以任务型语言教学为依托,把阅读中的词汇附带习得与听、说、读、写、译等各种任务结合起来,训练学生运用语篇中的核心词汇或结构去完成任务。

  38. A:break into a smile, die out, land in prison, put mom through that pain, but for, earn something more, turn his life around B: had the opposite effect on, lack the ability to, get carried away words C: set off, concept, environment protection/symbol, be composed of, on behalf of, be aimed at, be engaged in, put forward, forum, on display D: open up lines of communication, dig up, be linked to, the benefits of, spread culture, focus on the value of, influence the way of, be vital to E: make something of myself, address adults with self-confidence, afford to be without…, a good-for-nothing, insist that…, scold, be dissatisfied with my father’s plain workman’s life, determined that… F: is eager to, develop a curiosity about, range from beauty to the risks of drinking, seeks to stimulate, delight, and challenge every curious child…, features articles on…, devoted to helping…, inspires parents to see the world through the eyes of…, is intended for a generation of…, explore and experience the world, offers an exciting mix of …, dishes up these and more interesting activities, enrich the lives of families, lifelong learners, look into…, engage readers with attractive content

  39. 题号 66 67 68 69 70 词性 动词 名词 动词 名词 形容词 forget season depend birthday dangerous 初高中词汇 初中 初中 高中 初中 高中 题号 71 72 73 74 75 词性 fever quickly worries accepted remind 初高中词汇 初中 初中 初中 初中 高中 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷单词拼写分析 2007年浙江省高考英语单词拼写分析表 得分情况:0(11%);0-4 (34.5%);6-10(57.5%);10(9%)

  40. 考查特点分析; 单词拼写题难度比去年有所下降。注重考查基础词汇,且设置了较为充分的语境,因而对词汇的运用能力也有所要求。所考查的单词均为实词,其中突出考查动词(五个)和名词(三个),但要求变形的不多。 • 句意理解; • 单词记忆中音和形混淆; • 英语词汇曲折变化的要求;如:worries/accepted/quickly • 单词形式记忆; 过去高考只要求掌握2500个,2007年英语高考词汇量增加了93个,其中绝大部分都是高级词汇,并与日常生活密切相关。对应新增部分词汇,在平常教学中更应予以关注。

  41. 93个新词汇: abstractacademicalbum anniversaryappearancearrestaspectbellybudgetcancercashcasualclimatecoachcomedyconcreteconfirm consumecountrysidecrash creditdeadlinedeserve destinationdistinguish documentearthquake electronicexitfailurefile foggy generousharmonyhesitateinnocentinstantInternetkeyboardlicensemedalmediamisunderstandmobileMsnoodlenoveloccupationOlympicsoptimisticpanicpassportperformancephenomenonprinciplepromoterangereactreceptionreformregisterreliableremote reputationreserverob sacrificesatellitescholarshipselectselfishsignificance slim solarstadium strawberrystylesupermarketswitchsymboltalenttargettechnologyteenager temporarytrendtypical undergroundurbanvictimvisaweekdaywitness

  42. 教学启示: 1、关注单词拼写这一环节,词汇表应认真过关,《词汇手册》中最后附录“不规则动词变化”及“词缀变化“二部分不能忽略; 2、在解答每一个题目时,必须首先引导学生弄清楚词性及变化形式,如:①冠词或所有格之后应使用名词; ②形容词或介词之后应使用名词等;③动词作为名词性成分,如主语、宾语时应使用ing形式;eg.Collecting stamps is what he likes when he is not working. ④动词的第三人称形式;⑤动词作修饰词就应考虑使用现在或过去分词形式。Eg. His words had a hidden meaning besides the face meaning. ⑥看到助动词就应考虑正确变化形式,eg. The old lady was climbing the stairs with difficulty. ⑦复数含义的修饰词语之后,可数名词使用复数形式;eg. People from different countries speak different languages. 3、在书写时务必注意书写清楚、规范,避免出现意外扣分现象; 4、复习中密切注意与日常生活、食物、世界知识或常识相关词语(67-season/ 69-birthday/71-fever); 5、密切注意上下文一些关键词语、信息或逻辑线索的提示。 6、注意把握以下8种基本命题思路。

  43. 注意下列10种命题基本思路: 1、名词需要考虑单/复数:(主要是单复数错误:①看修饰语;②看主谓语的一致性:③可数名词前无单数修饰语一定要用复数) make achievements in, make contributions to, burst into tears, sports, by means of, congratulations, make preparations for, in good conditions, politics, salesman, spokesman, outdoor activities, eg. Health is wealth./ My knowledge of French is limited. eg. Young people usually have more energy than the old. eg. The students were all anxious about the results after the test. 一次多义性:work/works, paper/papers, sand/sands, water/waters 2. 数词:( 基数/序数词) ninth/fifth/twelfth/twelve/fourth/forty/fortieth/twentieth/eightieth/ninetieth/ nineteen (几十岁的复数形式:in one’s forties/fifties) 3. 形容词/ 副词: truly/gently/immediately/possibly/terribly/comfortably/completely/ Separately/naturally/fortunately/luckily,etc. 4. 由其他词性演变而来的形容词: friendly/lovely/deadly/fatherly/rainy/cloudy/noisy,etc.

  44. 5. 注意动词的曲折变化 (1)动词的第三人称单数形式、动词的过去式及过去分词(73\74) (被动语态/现在完成时态或过去完成时态) 73----worries; 74----accepted eg. He walks to work every day, Sunday included. eg. The mother’s words have comforted/calmed Mary a lot. eg. The police’s visit is closely connected with the attempted murder. (2) 不规则动词的变化形式 (尤其是双写的情况) eg. forbid-forbade-forbidden; forgive-forgave-forgiven; forget-forgot-forgotten; fly-flew-flown; write-written regret-regretted-regretted; awake-awoke-awoken control/admit/plan/chat/equip/refer/permit/prefer/occur slip/beginning/swimming/permission, etc.

  45. (2)注意在有些动词或结构中使用—ing 形式 suggest/finish/avoid/keep(on)/mind/admit/enjoy/delay/stand/imagine/Resist/practise/risk/appreciate/excuse/deny/miss/escape/feel like/devote…to/contribute…to/look forward to/object to/What (How) about …?/It’s no use(good)…/insist on/stick to/take turns at /spend/have no difficulty (trouble)/waste time/be worth/There’s no doing…/with…,etc. eg. The patient kept coughing all night. eg. They’re busy preparing to go on holiday. eg. With the years slipping by, I thought less about her. (3) 注意在有些动词之后使用不定式Want/wish/hope/long/manage/warn/persuade/refuse/agree/fail/ Arrange/hurry/prepare/ask/offer/promise/pretend/attempt/decide/ Learn/happen/choose/expect (4) V + doing/V + sb. + to do consider/advise/encourage/allow/permit/forbid/recommend (5) V + doing/V + to do go on/mean/stop/remember/forget/regret/love/like/hate/can’t help

  46. 6.使用形容词或副词 (在考试中一般形容和副词各1题) 提醒:考前请注意认真复习《高考词汇手册》附录中的“词缀变化形式” 部分 (1) 原级 eg. The students were listening to the teacher attentively. eg. Children are curious about everything around them. eg. He considered the plan of little practical value. (unvaluable) (2)语境中含有比较或最高级 eg. You should have arrived a little earlier. 7. 考虑代词的变化形式 eg. They do the work themselves. eg. Their camera is the same as yours. 8. 考虑词缀变化widen/broaden/visitor/excitement/valuable/growth review—revision; explain—explanation; pronounce—pronunciation Decide—decision; organize—organization; educate—education Permit—permission; graduate—graduation; absent—absence; Patient—patience;danger—dangerous (2007-70)

  47. 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷短文改错 2007年浙江省高考英语短文改错分析表 0分(3.6%); 0-4分(23%); 6-10分(69.3%); 峰值8分;

  48. 小题号 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 2007年浙江省高考英语试卷短文改错试题分析 考查 形式 错误 多词 错词 错误 错误 少词 正确 错误 错误 错误 考查 词性 冠词 标记词 连接词 动词 副词 介词  形容词 名词 代词 考查 类型 a/an误用 情态动词 用法 时态错误 行文 一致 固定词组 系表 搭配 单复数 估计 难度 中等 中等 中等 中等 中等 中等 中等 容易 2007年浙江省高考英语短文改错命题技术统计表 行文 逻辑 代词误用

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