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Synchronization made easy!

Synchronization made easy!. February 2009 Preferred Synchronization methods. УСПЕШНОЕ МОЛОЧНОЕ СКОТОВОДСТВО. Генетика Возпроизводство Здорвье Комфорт Кормление Доение. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ. An extra 1300 litres,for the same feed input. WHY?. Top 20%. Average.

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Synchronization made easy!

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  1. Synchronization made easy! February 2009 Preferred Synchronization methods

  2. УСПЕШНОЕ МОЛОЧНОЕСКОТОВОДСТВО • Генетика • Возпроизводство • Здорвье • Комфорт • Кормление • Доение УПРАВЛЕНИЕ

  3. An extra 1300 litres,for the same feed input. WHY? Top 20% Average (Data is from 1200 herds recorded by Promar FBA and MM services)

  4. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ • Общая индентификация скота • Центральная база данных • Программное обеспечение • Регулярны трансфер информции • Прописаная технология • Стандартные операционные процедуры • Обучение кадров • Система оплата труда

  5. Структура организации потока Цех сухостоя и отела Цех воспроизводства Цех производства молока

  6. Причины выбраковки коров Плохое производство воспроизводство Здорове вымя Хромота Заболевание Другие NAHMS, 1996. Dairy Report

  7. Мониторинг стада Воспроизводство • Сервис период <110 дней • 1 осеменение <75 дней • % оплодотворяемости >40% • Обнаружение охоты >75% • Средняялактация 155 дней • Киста яичников <15% • Метриты <20%

  8. Схема успеха стельности Сперма Факторы коровы Кормление Фертильность быка Цикличность Обработка Болезни Инфекциозные Хранение и транспорт Метаболические Стельность Точность выявление охоты Ветеринарная обстановка Комфорт Техника ИО Место ввода Тепловой стресс Человеческий фактор Внешнии факторы

  9. Conception Rate (Pregnancy Rate/AI) Service Rate (Estrous Detection Rate) Estrous Detection Are we detecting heats? Estrous Expression Are cows showing heat? Factors Affecting Pregnancy Rate • .

  10. The #1 Cattle Breeding Company in the World!

  11. Heat Detection Rate for 2561 Minnesota DHI Herds Ave ~ 35% Stewart, Personal communication. 1999

  12. Heat Detection Rates

  13. Здоровье коровы Качество спермы Квалификация техника Выявление коров в охоте Вариант 1 90 % 90 % 90 % 60 % 90 x 90 x 90 x 60 = 44% Параметры которые влияют на конечный результат

  14. Здоровье коровы Качество спермы Квалификация техника Выявление коров в охоте Вариант 2 90 % 90 % 90 % 35 % 90 x 90 x 90 x 80 = 26% Параметры которые влияют на конечный результат

  15. Жизнь спермиев 18-24ч Лучшее Оплодотво- рение Рефлекс неподвижности Лучшее время для осеменения ОПТИМАЛЬНЫ МОМЕНТ яйцеклетка 5-6ч The #1 Cattle Breeding Company in the World!

  16. Average Estrus Duration (hours) for Cows and Heifers Cows Heifers Range 19.3 17.8 7.6 16.1 15.311.5 6 to 302.5 to 28 .5 to 42

  17. 2000 L/h vs. 900 L/h 50 kg/day 0 kg/day 53 Mcal/d vs. 12.5 Mcal/d Changes in Reproduction in High Producing Dairy Cows Liver Estrous expression Size of ovulatory follicle Double ovulation Early embryonic development Pregnancy rate/AI Pregnancy loss • Estradiol  Progesterone

  18. The relationship between the probability of estrous detection and the level of milk production 6 h interval 12 h interval 24 h interval 100 90 80 70 60 Probability of estrous detection % 50 40 30 20 10 0.0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Average milk production (kg/d) * Analysis included all ovulations (n=350) except first postpartum ovulations

  19. Здоровье коровы Качество спермы Квалификация техника Выявление коров в охоте 90 % 90 % 90 % 100 % 90 x 90 x 90 x 100 = 73% Параметры которые влияют на конечный результат

  20. Synchronization Systems Ovsynch Select-Synch Co-Synch Presynch Heat-Synch

  21. Synchronization Protocols Ovsynch Co-synch Pre-synch MGA Protocols MSU Synch CIDR Estrogens Resynch

  22. Manipulation of Ovarian Function Follicular Function • GnRH • Estrogen Luteal Function • PGF2 • Progesterone

  23. Hypothalamus GnRH NF PF Anterior Pituitary FSH LH Inhibin Ovaries Follicle Growth Ovulation Corpus luteum Estradiol Progesterone Positive Feedback Negative Feedback

  24. PGF2a FSH E2 Ovulation LH Ovulation CL Progesterone Endometrium PGF2a THE ESTROUS CYCLE Courtesy of Pharmacia Dominance Atresia Hormone Concentration Deviation Recruitment Estrus 5 10 15 Estrus

  25. Progesterone Atresia Dominance 9 Deviation 8 Recruitment Follicular size, mm Ovulation 10 21 Two Follicular Waves Days after ovulation

  26. Progesterone Follicular size 14 - 17 9 21 Ovulation Three Follicular Waves Days after ovulation

  27. Estrous cycle characteristics in lactating Holstein cows

  28. Estrous cycle characteristics in nulliparous heifers

  29. Estrous Cycle Control • Precise control of estrous cycle requires: • Manipulation of follicular waves. • Manipulation of Luteal Lifespan.

  30. A closer look at prostaglandin • What does prostaglandin do? • Causes the CL to regress (luteolysis) • Does not synchronize the growth of the follicles! • Does a poor job of synchronizing estrus to a given day. • What is expected? • When we randomly inject a group of cows we expect 66% of the cows to show estrus with in a 7 day period.

  31. Targeted Breeding™ TAI* “Setup” “Breeding” PGF PGF PGF heat  AI heat  AI –14 0 +14 Days from PGF Day 0 = end of volunteer waiting period If no heat - TAI at 80 hr after PGF

  32. Synchronization of estrus using PGF2a Estrous detection + AI Estrous detection + AI Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat PGF2a PGF2a PGF2a Timed AI at 80 h after 3rd PGF2a treatment

  33. Time to estrus after 1st PGF2a treatment Pregnancy Rate / Artificial Insemination (PR/AI) 50 49% Bred 46% PR/AI 40 30 Cows in estrus (%) 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Days from PGF2a treatment

  34. Time to estrus after 2nd PGF2a treatment Pregnancy Rate / Artificial Insemination (PR/AI) 50 33% Bred 46% PR/AI 3rd PGF2a treatment: Timed AI at 80 h 18% Bred 4% PR/AI 40 30 Cows in estrus (%) 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Days from PGF2a treatment

  35. PGF2a PGF2a Time to estrus after PGF2a treatment 7 Ovulation 10 21 Days after ovulation Momont and Seguin, 1984

  36. Synchronization of estrus using PGF2 Advantages • Concentrate labor associated with estrous detection and AI Disadvantages • Poor conception rates with timed AI • Must rely on estrous detection for AI

  37. Synchronization Goals • Optimize Labor • Consumer Concerns • Optimize Cost • Maximize Pregnancies

  38. Синхронизация полового цикла • Схема Ovsynch • Схема Co-Synch • Схема Pre-Synch • Схема Re-Synch

  39. Ovsynch Protocol GnRH GnRH TAI PGF2 7 days 48 hr 0-24 hr CL(s) LH surge Dominant Dominant regresses follicle follicle ovulates ovulates Note: Majority of animals do NOT show heat

  40. Injection Schedule forOvsynch™ Protocol GnRH PGF GnRH TAI 48 hr 0-24 hr

  41. Ovsynch Advantages • Improves pregnancy rate by improving AI service rate • Conception rate to TAI is similar to that of AI to a standing estrus • Eliminates estrous detection for first postpartum breeding • Cost effective Disadvantages • Most cows are not in estrus at TAI • Poor conception rate in virgin dairy heifers

  42. Pregnancy exam decision tree Pregnancy Exam Pregnant Open Cystic Other DONE! CL Yes CL No Ovsynch DNB, infuse, Other as directed Prostaglandin & HD Heat No Heat Yes Breed

  43. Co-synch Protocol GnRH GnRH and %TAI PGF2 7 days 48 hr LH surge CL(s) Dominant regresses follicle ovulates Note: Majority of animals do NOT show heat

  44. GnRH + TAI GnRH PGF2 Co-synch 7 Days 36 - 48 hours

  45. 50 50 45% 41% 41% 37% 40 40 36% 34% 32% 32% 32% 30 30 23% Conception Rate (%) Calving Rate (%) 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 8 16 24 32 0 8 16 24 32 Hours after 2nd GnRH injection Hours after 2nd GnRH injection Conception and Calving Rates of Lactating Cows Receiving a Timed AI at Various Intervals from the Second GnRH Injection Calving Rate Conception Rate

  46. Co-Synch Advantages • Reduces handling periods form four to three Disadvantages • Does not optimize timing of AI for maximum conception rate

  47. MGA ProtocolsMelengestrol Acetatesynthetic progestational steroid MGA-PG MGA-Co-synch 7-11 Synch MGA Short Synch

  48. MGA-CO-Synch GnRH & AI PGF GnRH MGA 14 days 1 14 26 33 36

  49. Fixed-Time AI Pregnancy Rates Perry et al., 2001.

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