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Bulgaria Balcic1

Queen Mary of Romania loved this magical place so much that she demanded through her testament that her heart should be put to rest here, near the waves of the Black Sea.

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Bulgaria Balcic1

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  1. Balcic

  2. Romania The castle-palace of Balchik (also known as Balcic) is a master works in balkanic-oriental style, with various elements from Romanian traditional architecture. The official name of the palace was the Quiet Nest Palace. It was built between 1926 and 1937 in the Cadrilater, a former part of Romania, as summer residence of Queen Marie of Romania. Balcic este un oraș la țărmul Mării Negre, în nord-estul Bulgariei, în teritoriul numit Cadrilater, care a aparținut de Regatul României. În 1940, Cadrilaterul, inclusiv Balcicul, a fost dobândit de Bulgaria. Datorită versanților de calcar din perimetrul său, localitatea a fost supranumită Orașul Alb. Întreaga zonă a fost numită Coasta de Argint din aceleași motive.

  3. The Balchik Palace was the favorite summer residence of Queen Marie of Romania and her immediate family. The town is the site of Marie's Oriental villa, the place where her heart was kept, in accordance with her last wishes, until 1940 (when the Treaty of Craiova awarded the region to Bulgaria) InteriorulCasteluluiesteextrem de modest, pereţi văruiţiîn alb, uşimasive din lemnsculptat, păstrate din perioadaReginei. Au fost păstrate din aceaperioadăşi câtevaobiecte: dulapurisculptateşipictate, oglinzi, scauneşi un şemineu. Baia de marmură, cu cadaîngropatăîn piatră, chiuvetaşi măsuţa de toaletă au fost păstrateintacte. Petoateobiectele se aflăexplicaţii care spun căele auaparţinutReginei Maria, dar nu se specifică înceţarăa fost Maria Regină…

  4. Marie of Edinburgh, the wife of Ferdinand I of Romania, visited Balchik in 1921 and 1924 liked the location, ordering the vineyards, gardens and water mills of local citizens to be bought so a palace could be constructed at their place. Balkan and Oriental motives were used in the construction of the palace that was carried out by Italian architects Augustino and Americo, while a florist was hired from Switzerland to arrange the park. The main building's extravagant minaret coexists with a Christian chapel În 1924, Regina Maria vizitaBalciculpentru a doua oară, la insistenţelepictoruluiAlexandruSatmari. Probabil căacestacunoştea binezona, deoareceBalcicul era vizitatîn aceeaperioadă de ceimaiimportanţipictori ai vremii. Un an mai târziuîncepeaconstrucţia la Balcic, Regina îndrăgostindu-se purşisimplu de oraş. Arhitecţii AugustinoşiAmerigo, din Italia, împreună cu peisagistul Jules Jany din Elveţia, termină construcţia în 1936.Castelul, numitşi “CuibulLiniştit” (“Quiet Nest” sau “TenhaJuvah” în limbaturcă) este de fapt o vilă cu pereţialbişiacoperişuri de ţiglăroşiestrăjuite de un minaret. Este construit de-a lungul a treiteraseşicombinăelemente ale stiluluimaur, stiluluimediteraneean cu cel al caselorbulgareşti.

  5. In 1940, after the incorporation of Balcic in Bulgaria, the Balchik Botanical Garden was established at the place of the palace's park. It has an area of 65,000 m² and accommodates 2000 plant species belonging to 85 families and 200 genera. One of the garden's main attractions is the collection of large-sized cactus species arranged outdoors on 1000 m², the second of its kind in Europe after the one in Monaco. Other notable species include the Metasequoia, the Para rubber tree and the Ginkgo. The author of the unique arrangement of the garden from Balcic was the park architect and main gardener, Swiss of origin, Jules Janin, (former gardener to Russian Emperor Nicholas II), in whose memory the Queen wrote on a marble plaque in existence even today at Balcic:  “To Jules Janin, who realized my dream through this present garden.  Marie.” Parcul a fost transformat într-o adevarată gradină botanică. Acum conţine peste 3.000 de specii de plante, unele dintre ele rare, precum şi o colecţie de aproximativ 250 de cactuşi, una dintre cele mai importante din Europa. În 1955, grădina a intrat sub tutela Universităţii din Sofia, pentru studiul botanicii. După moartea arhitectului grădinilor de la Balcic, regina i-a așezat o piatră funerară pe care stă scris: „Lui Jules Janin, care a făcut ca visul meu să devină realitate în această grădină”.

  6. Queen Maria wasn’t just a very beautiful woman—Queen Maria had been known in her era as the most beautiful queen of Europe—but also a Queen of Beauty 

  7. In accordance with her will, her heart was kept in a cloister at the Balchik Palace which she had built. In 1940, when Balchik returned to Bulgaria, Queen Marie's heart was transferred to Bran Castle.In 1968 Communist partisans defiled the marble sarcophagus in which the heart was preserved. Both silver coffers containing Queen’s heart were transferred to Bucharest and nowadays are in the custody of National Museum of Romanian History as well as Queen’s heart. The coffers are part of Romanian National Thesaurus and can be seen at National Museum of Romanian History. The decision of preserving Queen’s heart in a museum, even though not open to the public, continues to be a controversial subject Capela “Stella Maris”estefoarte mică, construită din piatrăşipictatăcompletîn interior. O curtemică, cu o fântanăşipietrefunerarecreştine pot fi văzutechiar lângăCapelă. În timpceCapela era încaîn construcţie, Regina Maria a Românieişi-a exprimatdorinţa ca inimasa să fie îngropatăaici.

  8. With its walls and columns covered in ivy, the Nympheum, or the Water Temple, is one of the most beautiful constructions in Balchik. The Biblical symbolism is not absent from here also: though the name is about the ancient nymphs that attracted sailors, the place is also named Bethesda (The House of Mercy). This place existed in real Jerusalem and ill people would gather to be healed by an angel that would touch the water from time to time. There, Jesus Christ did one of his miracles, healing a crippled that could not reach the healing water. Queen Mary used to have her anniversaries between the columns of this fountain replica in Balchik. Templul apei” (The Temple of the Water) O construcţie cu arcade pictate pe interior, în cărămiziu şi albastru puternic, susţinute de coloane imense şi având în interior bazine în care altădată se afla apă.

  9. Text: Internet Fotografii: ♦ Marta Slăvescu ♦ Internet slides 1-5 All copyrights belong to their respective owners Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2012 Fond muzical: George Enescu: Octet, op. 7; Quintet in A minor, op. 29

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