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Only putting on braces cannot help you to solve your dental problems or say give you proper bite alignment. It is essential that you clean your braces and maintain them. Read the pdf to know how can you floss with braces.<br>
HOW TO HOW TO FLOSS FLOSS WITH WITH BRACES BRACES www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com
Remove the buildup around Remove the buildup around your orthodontic appliance your orthodontic appliance Once the teeth have been straightened Once the teeth have been straightened with an orthodontic appliance, it is easier with an orthodontic appliance, it is easier to reach the plaque on and between the to reach the plaque on and between the teeth. There are more places for plaques teeth. There are more places for plaques and food fragments to accumulate while and food fragments to accumulate while in the port of the device. Use an Oral-B® in the port of the device. Use an Oral-B® electric brush with a specially designed electric brush with a specially designed Ortho® brush to clean around dental Ortho® brush to clean around dental appliances effectively and gently. Be appliances effectively and gently. Be prepared to spend three times as much prepared to spend three times as much time on your oral hygiene if you have an time on your oral hygiene if you have an orthodontic device. This is really worth the orthodontic device. This is really worth the effort. effort. www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com
Take care of your gums after Take care of your gums after braces with an electric braces with an electric toothbrush toothbrush If you wear braces, we recommend using If you wear braces, we recommend using the Gentle mode on your Oral-B electric the Gentle mode on your Oral-B electric toothbrush. The Gentle mode oscillates at toothbrush. The Gentle mode oscillates at low speed for additional care and comfort low speed for additional care and comfort around gums, braces and wires.Brushing around gums, braces and wires.Brushing your teeth with braces your teeth with braces www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com
Flossing with braces Flossing with braces Flossing with braces Even though using a dental floss with an Even though using a dental floss with an orthodontic device can be challenging, orthodontic device can be challenging, the following steps will help you get the the following steps will help you get the hang of it: hang of it: · · Once a day, use the dental floss: Use a Once a day, use the dental floss: Use a cire dental floss (the non-cire dental floss cire dental floss (the non-cire dental floss is more likely to become stuck in your is more likely to become stuck in your appliance), a dental rubon, or a product appliance), a dental rubon, or a product specifically designed to clean your specifically designed to clean your orthodontic appliance. Use a criss-crossed orthodontic appliance. Use a criss-crossed dental floss and tuck it under the phone's dental floss and tuck it under the phone's main cable before putting it between your main cable before putting it between your teeth. Move it slowly from top to bottom, teeth. Move it slowly from top to bottom, then remove it and move on to the next then remove it and move on to the next set of teeth. set of teeth. www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com
Oral-B Essential Floss or a regular dental Oral-B Essential Floss or a regular dental floss with a pass-fil can be used to pass floss with a pass-fil can be used to pass above and below the orthodontic wire. above and below the orthodontic wire. · · Use enough: About 45 cm of floss Use enough: About 45 cm of floss should be enough. should be enough. · · Put it on carefully: Take the dental Put it on carefully: Take the dental tubing and carefully place it under the tubing and carefully place it under the main tubing of the bags before passing it main tubing of the bags before passing it between two teeth. After that, remove between two teeth. After that, remove the dentist's floss and put it back in place the dentist's floss and put it back in place under the main floss so that it can pass under the main floss so that it can pass between the next two teeth. between the next two teeth. www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com
Summary Summary Summary It's critical that you see your orthodontist It's critical that you see your orthodontist for regular checkups and adjustments. for regular checkups and adjustments. Repairing damaged parts, answering Repairing damaged parts, answering general concerns, and examining general concerns, and examining potential issues like cavities or gingivitis potential issues like cavities or gingivitis are all things this person can do. Your are all things this person can do. Your dentist may recommend fluoride dentist may recommend fluoride treatment as a preventative measure. treatment as a preventative measure. www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com
You should see the orthodontist about You should see the orthodontist about once a month while undergoing once a month while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontic orthodontic treatment. Your orthodontic device and other devices will be checked device and other devices will be checked by this person to ensure that they exert a by this person to ensure that they exert a constant pressure on the teeth to achieve constant pressure on the teeth to achieve the desired results. the desired results. Regular visits are also crucial to spot Regular visits are also crucial to spot potential concerns. potential concerns. www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com www.miamiorthodontistgroup.com