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The 3 Biggest Disasters in black hat seo History

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The 3 Biggest Disasters in black hat seo History

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  1. Let's examine exactly "what is SEO?" "Search Engine Optimization". ™ The term digital marketing or online marketing has become more and more popular in 2019. Organic SEO is the most effective and sustainable method to help build-up your business through Organic Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a product of digital marketing. SEO through digital marketing or marketing a business online through the internet is becoming more and more popular and productive for businesses of all types and size to build their brand and online awareness fast and efficiently while keeping the marketing budget to a =n affordable marketing expense in order to improve a business "ROI". Why SEO? Search Engine Optimization may provide your website, blogs or webpages to be found on top ranking pages by search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Act and much more by optimizing and targeting related keywords, keyword phrases, consumers and or businesses alike using demographics and geography targeting Remember, there are different forms of SEO. For Example: For discussion purposes throughout this article, we are referring to Organic and or Natural SEO. This provides the most affordable SEO options for your dollar and marketing budget. It is also the easiest form of organic SEO to manage a monthly budget for marketing. How Do Search Engines work? First, let's discover the primary responsibilities that search engines offer: What Are Google Algorithms? How SEO Works? Organic SEO, Search Engine Optimization depends on a number ofmarketing factors to influence the top page rankings directly or indirectly. Here are the key factors: SEO Content is King -Website content is one of the most important SEO factors. Anyone who has heard about online or digital marketing have also heard over and over when designing a website for your business that "Content is King". It is true. Google and other search engines alike rewards sites with great content and a continuous flow of fresh content such as weekly and or monthly blogs added and optimized to a website. What are the Different Types of SEO? What Makes a Good Website for SEO? Website Page Load speed -User experience for desktop computers and mobile devices need to be fast and easy to load and read otherwise you will lose the traffic that was redirected and targeted to your site. Good and fast load times help with customer interaction and engagement. Search engines like Google will help a site rank faster if the

  2. load time is fast. Faster sites typically see better ranking results on search engines. Mobile Friendly Websites - Thesite that is easy to read and shop using mobile devices will also rank higher in search engines than sites that are not mobile device friendly. Designing a site to be mobile friendly will effect your SEO efforts in a positive direction. Secure Websites - SSL - Websites that are not a secure site are typically punished by Google and will not rank as well as a secure site which will display the https in from of your http://www. Domain URL. You can typically request your hosting company to add a SSL to your site in a manner of minutes in order to turn your not secure site into a secured site. Customers will also be more likely to contact you, complete online forms and buy from a secured site. Secured sites also rank higher on search engines. Domain Age / URL "DA" Domain Authority & "PA" Page Authority- Age basically means "how old is your www URL domain name" DA and PA are important SEO factors to help improve a websites rankings through onpage SEO and offpage SEO strategies such as content, backlinks, blogs, etc.. Website Pictures / Images -Any image or picture on a website should be optimized for SEO purposes. This method will help when images are found in search engines. You can discover website traffic finding your site images. Does Social Media Help with SEO? Social Media Channels - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Instagram are all examples of social media channels. Yes, social media posts and ads can definitely help improve your overall brand awareness online through the internet. This is also known as another form of digital marketing. Generating links through social media will help boost your company visibility. What We Have Discovered With SEO We typically see results for our customers within 2-6 weeks. Our SEO methods for both On-Page and Off-Page SEO keeps up with Google's updates to assure your website does not fall back in the Google Page rankings. If you are not found online, you can't discover new online clients and sales. If you want to be found online, be found on Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, YouTube and Much More...Please call one of our SEO Experts to discuss our "NO OBLIGATION", "NO CONTRACTS", "CANCEL ANYTIME" SIX (6) month SEO program campaign to help your business grow. SEO or search engine optimization has come a long way down from the old days of directory submissions and article link building techniques. Today SEO is not an exclusive word anymore, and does not even define a single activity or a stream of activities. SEO has become a world in its own, with its intricate guidelines, policing, success secrets and innuendos. However, parallel to the ethical search engine marketing, another technique has reared its ugly head and is currently challenging the ethical practices and results. And like any other malpractice in any other domain, Black Hat SEO (unethical SEO as you must have assumed by now) has a lot of takers – both intentional as well as unintentional. A lot of firms pay huge money for deals that use Black Hat SEO and get duped, while the best of firms are up offering affordable SEO packages for you to climb the SERPs permanently! You might be one of those who are under the veil of misconception that Black Hat SEO will help create wonders. Or you may have been unwittingly taken into the trap of overnight results and fabulous rankings. We have identified 5 factors that define black Hat SEO and can help you choose between the ethical and the black! -

  3. 1. Keyword Spamming – Keyword density, in ideal terms, has to be within 2%-4%. However, many SEO firms stuff the content with excessive keywords. This makes the content lucrative to search engines, but makes the same seem gibberish to the reader. However, this technique is being monitored by the main search engines, and most of the sites that use this are either sandboxed or penalized heavily. 2. Link Farms – Many websites build web pages and websites solely for the purpose of link building. This is again discounted as a valued SEO technique as most search engines have deprecated the value of links coming in from potential link farms. And again – black hat SEO fails the test of sailing through on a long-term basis. 3. Hidden Textual Blocks – Many firms that need to have spare content (such as photography sites, video portals etc) try and use blocks of text that are filled with keywords, but are of no use from the readers' point of view. Till only recently, this Black Hat SEO technique passed off as good – but today search engines can monitor and skim you off the SERPs with the slightest hint of such tactics. 4. Cloaking of Text – Another way of keyword stuffing textual blocks without having it on the reader-oriented content on the site. The webmasters therefore conceal hidden blocks of text which are stuffed with the targeted keywords, making them identifiable by the search engines, but not by the user. This can help you rank quickly with in the SERPs, but when detected (trust us, you will soon be) you will be banned for life. 5. Doorways – Using different but incomplete web pages to help create faster and more black hat seo frequent indexing of the site – but only redirect a stranded user to the real site. Remember, no matter how priced a SEO deal is, if it entails the usage of Black Hat SEO techniques, avoid it. Affordable SEO packages will suit you better, because most of them use ethical SEO techniques! For you will be better off. Because with SEO, perseverance pays – temporary results don't!

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