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Using the MedBiq VP Data Standard: A Reality Check

This article discusses the need for a VP data standard to facilitate sharing, repurposing, and adoption of virtual patient simulations. It explores the challenges of exporting and importing cases with the MedBiq VP spec, and presents observations on case importation using different platforms.

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Using the MedBiq VP Data Standard: A Reality Check

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  1. Using the MedBiq VP Data Standard: A Reality Check James B. McGee, Dmitriy Babichenko, Chris Toth, Jane Alexander, Teppituk Krinchai May 2011 Laboratory for Educational TechnologyUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

  2. Disclosure • Chair, Scientific Advisory Board & equity holder • Decision Simulation, LLC - licensee of virtual patient simulation technology from the University of Pittsburgh

  3. WHY A VP STANDARD?sharing | repurposing |adoption

  4. vpSim Experience:Export & Import with the MedBiq VP spec • export is hard – import is (very) hard • > 5000 lines of code • vpSim Player application is 1800 lines • THREE steps: • 1) export to valid XML and content package • 2) import back into vpSim or “round-trip” • 3) import others’ cases into vpSim

  5. The Reality Test • selected 26 representative cases from eVip Referatory • www.virtualpatients.eu • criteria: technical import (y/n), text, media, questions, logic • examples…

  6. CASUS

  7. CASUS

  8. CASUS

  9. Campus

  10. OpenLabyrinth

  11. OpenLabyrinth

  12. OpenLabyrinth

  13. * body text but not questions

  14. sharing | repurposing | adoption

  15. Observations • everyone likes “free” cases • over 550 cases on DecisionSim, none were imported • Web-SP has imported all CASUS cases • better if similar case design (linear vs. branching) • import/export technically challenging • why not just cut & paste from browser window? • many VPs are not MedBiq VPs – DxR, MedU (CLIPP)

  16. thankYou vpSim vpSim.pitt.edu Lab for Educational Technology let.pitt.edu JB McGee mcgee@medschool.pitt.edu | +1-412-648-9679

  17. The way forward… • sharing within VP families • linear <-----> linearbranched <-----> branched • community of VP implementers and users • mash-ups, crowd sourcing…Wiki Cases? • mix of prepared, instant and from scratch virtual patient network

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