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CHEMICAL HEALTH HAZARDS IN BREATHING GAS WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF EXPOSURE LIMITS. Rune Djurhuus NUI AS. Occupational Exposure Limit = OEL. Hyperbaric Exposure Limit = HEL. Tool to protect workers against adverse health effects from chemical exposure at the workplace

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  2. Occupational Exposure Limit = OEL Hyperbaric Exposure Limit = HEL • Tool to protect workers against adverse health effects from chemical exposure at the workplace • Knowledge of how the OELs are derived improves adequate application of the tool • OEL - 8 hrs workday onshore • HEL - continuous exposure for days for divers at pressure • Norway: HEL = OEL x 0.2 - primarily to compensate for increased exposure time

  3. Occupational Exposure Limit = OEL • Process for establishing an OEL similar in many countries • Primarily evaluation of potential health effects • Varying impact of other factors - technical, economic • For medical drugs documentation is needed to demonstrate absence of adverse effects before marketing • For industrial chemicals documentation is needed to demonstrate presence of adverse effects before restrictions are imposed

  4. Who establishes OELs ? • Authorities • Directorate of Labour Inspection, Norway • Petroleum Safety Authority Norway • Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), USA • Organisations • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), USA • American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), USA • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA

  5. Basis for OEL • Toxicological data • Studies of effects that chemicals have on living organisms including man, animals, experimental models with cells and microorganisms (in vitro systems) • Data are collected from the scientific literature

  6. Human data • Epidemiological studies - interference from other chemicals, diets, lifestyle etc. • Experimental studies - low exposures of low toxic chemicals - effect observation - ethical conflicts ? • Intoxications - case studies • Accidents - atmospheric pollution - acute and long-term effects • Seveso, Italy, 1976, explosion and release of TCDD (dioxin) • Bhopal, India, 1984, explosion and release of methyl isocyanate

  7. Animal data • Experimental studies - acute effects - from no toxic dose to fatal dose - effects on different organs • Long-term effects - CNS, heart/circulation, pulmonary effects, cancer • Animal studies may provide extensive information of toxic effects and mechanisms • Ethical conflicts - increased pressure to reduce the use of animal experiments

  8. In vitro data • Isolated cells from animals and humans • Bacteria, yeast, algae • No ethical conflicts - may use large number of parallels to compensate for biological variation • Final toxic reaction often intracellularly in the body - the basal reaction is identical regardless if the cells are isolated in vitro or reside in the intact organism • May provide considerable information of mechanisms of action, but lacks the cooperative effect of different organs, distribution by blood stream etc.

  9. LOAEL ? LOAEL NOAEL Dose-response/dose-effect curve LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Level

  10. Uncertainty factors • Chemical substance with limited toxicological data from rats • Long-term effects on several organs - dose-response curves indicate liver effect as critical • Inhalation 8 hrs - 7 days - 3 months - LOAEL = 400 ppm • UF10A = 10 - from rats to man • UF10H = 10 - variability in susceptibility • UF10L = 10 - from LOAEL til NOAEL. • UF = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 • OEL = 400/1000 ppm = 0.4 ppm

  11. Availability of toxicological data variable • For some substances - considerable amount of data • Example - benzene - many studies both on experimental animals and cell cultures and epidemiological studies on humans • Others - lack of data - for some only few observations of single effects on animal species or cell culture, no human data • No. chemical substances > 32 millions (CAS, november 2007) • OELs for 700 - 1000 chemicals • Large number of substances with very few or no data regarding toxic effects

  12. Trends in occupational exposure limits • Trend towards lower OELs due to increased knowledge: • Improved analytical methods • Adverse effects demonstrated at ever-lower levels • Example- OEL for benzene: • 1946: ACGIH, USA - 100 ppm • 1967: HSE, UK - 25 ppm • 1988: HSE, UK - 5 ppm • 1988: DAT, Noway - 1 ppm • 1990: Sweden - 0.5 ppm • 1997: ACGIH, USA - 0.5 ppm • 2003: HSE, UK - 1 ppm

  13. Benzene • Bone marrow depression - suppresses development of cells in the bone marrow - carcinogenic - leukemia • Recent, large study of 250 workers at two shoe factories in China working with glue containing benzene • Significant reduction in most of the white blood cells after exposure to benzene levels below 1 ppm • Implies: Present OEL = 1 ppm may be too high to protect against adverse health effects of benzene Lan et al., 2004. Hematotoxicity in workers exposed to low levels of benzene. Science, 306 (December): 1774-1776. Kim et al., 2006. Modeling human metablism of benzene following occupational and environmental exposures. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev., 15: 2246-2252

  14. Combination effects Detailed knowledge of metabolism and mechanisms of toxicants may reveal unexpected combination effects • Example: • Dichloromethane (DCM) - common solvent - has effects on CNS • DCM is metabolised in the body to CO • DCM affects both CNS and oxygen transport • Combination of DCM and CO at least additive effects at normobaric conditions • Probably similar combination effects at hyperbaric conditions ?

  15. Chemical exposure in a hyperbaric system • Effect is a combination of at least 4 factors: • Chemical compound • High ambient pressure • Elevated oxygen level • Prolonged exposure for many days - no restitution period • Available scientific data: • Considerable knowledge of the effect of a number of chemicals • Some knowledge of the effects of pressure per se • Considerable knowledge of the effect of oxygen per se • Very limited knowledge of the combination effects of chemical compounds, pressure and oxygen

  16. Examples - available data from hyperbaric exposure • Elevated oxygen level - data indicate negative effects on lung - data from divers and subjects exposed to HBO • Both in vivo and in vitro data indicate toxic effects of high pO2 • In vitro study indicated that 50 kPa O2 increased cytotoxic effects of the solvent limonene on human lung cells • Human study from simulated dive indicated reduction of detoxification system in blood cells - divers more susceptible to adverse effects of chemical contamination ? • When data is limited it is important to take into account those few that do exist !

  17. OELs/HELs as protective tools are affected by • Aavailable knowledge and uncertainty in establishing OEL/HEL • Impact of other considerations than health - technical, economical, feasibility, utilsation value of chemical • Effect- threshold may not exist • Individual response varies - may find one or more individuals in a population that respond to the ever-lowest possible concentration • Ethical dilemma - some workers may not be protected by a OEL/HEL • Professional evaluations are subjective - conclusions may differ

  18. OEL/HEL - no safe limit for adverse health effects • Risky to consider OEL/HEL as absolute borders for adverse health effects • Urgent need for more data - in particular concerning combination effects - and at hyperbaric conditions • The attitude of assuming that everything is OK as long as the working atmosphere is just below the actual OEL/HEL - may impede the continous effort to improve the working environment for divers

  19. NUIs medarbeidere er helt på toppen Takk for oppmerksomheten !

  20. Examples combination effects • Solvent: • Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4, solvent) + ethanol (EtOH) - fatty liver • CCl4 is metabolised to toxic metabolite by enzyme CYP2E1 • EtOH induces CYP2E1 - increases production of toxic metabolite • Increased toxic effect • Drug: • Acetaminophen (paracetamol, analgesic) + EtOH • Toxic metabolite formed by CYP2E1 - detoxified by GSH • EtOH induces CYP2E1 - increases production of toxic metabolite - exceeds detoxifying capacity - liver necrosis

  21. Establishing hyperbaric exposure limits (HEL) - ideally • Collect all available data for each compound • Evaluate data with assumption of prolonged exposure up to 30 d • Consider available data on effect of elevated oxygen level on uptake, metabolism, elimination and toxicity • Consider available data on effect of high pressure on uptake, metabolism, elimination and toxicity • Determine critical effect - and the corresponding NOAEL • Evaluate the complete data set • Extrapolate data if necessary - use of uncertainty factors

  22. For comparison - NASA - SMACs • NASA has established exposure limits for personnel in space • Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentrations (SMACs) • Spacecrafts/space stations are comparable to diving systems concerning "isolated room"-situation • Continous exposure 24 hrs a day for up to 180 days • Normal atmospheric oxygen content • Normal atmospheric pressure • NASA has issued SMACs for approximately 50 compounds - limits for 1-7-30-180 days of exposure • Process may be used as model for establishing HELs

  23. Acquired knowledge - experimental studies • Hypothesis: • High oxygen level may increase toxic effects of chemical contamination • Example: Toxic effects of the solvent limonene increased by 50 kPa oxygen in human lung cells Rolseth et al., 2002. Toxicology, 170: 75-88.

  24. Acquired knowledge - human studies • Both high oxygen level and pressure seem to affect cellular defence systems • Defence systems in blood cells reduced during saturation diving • Are divers more susceptible to adverse effects of chemical contamination ? Djurhuus et al., 2006. Aviat. Space Environ. Med., 77: 597-604.

  25. Be prepared for lower HELs Reduce chemical contamination to lowest possible level!

  26. Uncertainty in establishing OEL/HEL depends on • Available data and quality of data • Amount of data - more data probably reduce uncertainty • Systematic approach - current practice not always based upon systematic evaluation of all available data • Evaluations subjective - different professionals may reach different conclusions based upon same dataset

  27. LD50 LOAEL ? LOAEL NOAEL Dose-response/dose-effect curve LD50 = Lethal Dose 50 % LOAEL = Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level NOAEL = No Observed Adverse Effect Level

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