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CRY, THE BELOVED COUNTRY. JEOPARDY!. TRIPLE JEOPARDY!. BOOK III. This person did not return with Stephen to Ndotsheni, although her son did. Characters - 300. Who is Gertrude?. Characters - 300. This character is hired by James Jarvis to help the village improve its agricultural practices.

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  3. This person did not return with Stephen to Ndotsheni, although her son did. Characters - 300

  4. Who is Gertrude? Characters - 300

  5. This character is hired by James Jarvis to help the village improve its agricultural practices. Characters - 600

  6. Who is Napoleon Letsitsi? Characters - 600

  7. This character visited Stephen where he practiced his Zulu. Characters - 900

  8. Who is Arthur Jarvis’s son? (Who is James Jarvis’s grandson?) Characters - 900

  9. This character initially suggests that Stephen should leave Ndotsheni. Characters - 1200

  10. Who is the bishop? Characters - 1200

  11. This character sits with Stephen in the church during the downpour. Characters – 1500

  12. Who is James Jarvis? Characters – 1500

  13. Upon Stephen’s return to Ndotsheni, the villagers react this way. Events - 300

  14. What is with songs, with great joy? Events - 300

  15. Absalom is to be executed by this method. Events - 600

  16. What is by hanging? Events - 600

  17. The four letters that Stephen receives on the same day are from these people. Events - 900

  18. Who are Mr. Carmichael, Msimangu, and Absalom? Events - 900

  19. James Jarvis delivers this to the village after his grandson visits Ndotsheni earlier in the day. Events - 1200

  20. What is milk? Events - 1200


  22. The “planting of the sticks” was to accomplish this. Events - 1500

  23. What is to build a dam for the village? Events - 1500


  25. "Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering." Quotes - 300

  26. Who is Stephen Kumalo? Quotes - 300

  27. "When you go, something bright will go out of Ndotsheni." Quotes - 600

  28. Who is Stephen Kumalo? Quotes - 600

  29. "But when the dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret." Quotes - 900

  30. Who is Stephen Kumalo? (Also accepted: Alan Paton) Quotes - 900

  31. “There is no more news here, so I close my letter. I think of you all at Ndotsheni, and if I were back there I should not leave it again.” Quotes - 1200

  32. Who is Absalom Kumalo? Quotes - 1200

  33. “When it comes to this fifteenth day…I shall remember.” Quotes - 1500

  34. Who is James Jarvis? Quotes - 1500


  36. This is the translation of the name of this song. Vocabulary - 300

  37. What is “God Bless Africa” translated from Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika? Vocabulary - 300

  38. This is the definition of umnumzana. Vocabulary - 600

  39. What is “sir” or “mister”? Vocabulary - 600

  40. This is the definition of inkosikazi. Vocabulary - 900

  41. What is “mistress of the house”? Vocabulary - 900

  42. This is the definition of kraal. Vocabulary - 1200

  43. What is a cattle enclosure? Vocabulary - 1200

  44. This is the term for descendants of the Boers (white settlers of Dutch-descent). Vocabulary - 1500

  45. What is Afrikaner? Vocabulary - 1500

  46. Stephen Kumalo travels here during the execution of his son. Potpourri - 300

  47. What is up the mountain? Potpourri - 300

  48. These are two reason why Stephen has doubts about remaining in Ndotsheni. Potpourri - 600

  49. What is because Stephen’s sister is a prostitute and his son is convicted of murder? Potpourri - 600

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