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Linking the UPR to other Accountability Mechamisms -

Linking the UPR to other Accountability Mechamisms - . The UPR within the context of the UN Human Rights System. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. Main UN intergovernmental body responsible for human rights, composed of 47 UN Member States.

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Linking the UPR to other Accountability Mechamisms -

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  1. Linking the UPR to other Accountability Mechamisms- The UPR within the context of the UN Human Rights System

  2. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL • Main UN intergovernmental body responsible for human rights,composed of 47 UN Member States. • Established by General Assembly resolution 60/251 (2006) as asubsidiary organ of the General Assembly. • Assumed most mandates, mechanisms, functions and responsibilities previously entrusted to the former Commission on Human Rights. • International forum for dialogue. Makes recommendations to the General Assembly on further development of international human rights law.

  3. UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEW • Created through General Assembly Resolution 60/251 and Human Rights Council resolution 5/1. • Cooperative mechanism and a state-driven process which reviews the fulfillment of the human rights obligations and commitments of all 193 UN Member States once every four years. Basis of the Review: • Charter of the United Nations. • Universal Declaration of Human Rights. • Human rights instruments ratified. • Voluntary pledges and commitments made by States. • Applicable international humanitarian law.

  4. International HumanRightsTreaties & Treaty Bodies

  5. Work of Treaty Bodies: • Consideration of State reports to be submitted on a periodic basis, according to the provisions of the respective treaties • Interactive dialogue, resulting in the adoption of concluding observations and recommendations • Individual Complaints: SomeTreaty Bodies may consider individual complaints against violations of treaty provisions, although States parties need to specifically accept such procedure.

  6. International Human Rights Instruments International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Convention on the Rights of the Child. International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

  7. SPECIAL PROCEDURES of the HumanRights Council

  8. - Composed of independent experts (Special Rapporteurs) - Appointed to monitor and publicly report on specific human rights issues throughout the world (thematic mandates), or on the rights situation in specific countries (country mandates) - Conduct country missions, at the invitation of the country concerned; receiveand consider individual complaints from victims of human rights violations; appealto Governmentson theirbehalf

  9. Linkages and Synergies between UPR and othermechanisms

  10. Complement, not duplicate ! • General Assemblyresolution 60/251, whichmandated the establishment of the UPR, providedthatitshall «complement and not duplicatee the work of treaty bodies» • Findings and recommendations of Treaty Bodies and SpecialProceduresform part of the information on the basis of which UPR isconducted • UPR recommendationsfrequently encourage treaty ratification and cooperationwithTreaty Bodies and SpecialProcedures; reiteratefindings of thesemechanisms, and urge thatconcernsbeaddressed

  11. Developing a common vision for thefollow-up ofrecommendations of human rights mechanisms: • Integrated and holistic approach to implementing recommendations from different mechanisms will maximize benefit drawn from the work of the different mechanisms, including the UPR, the Treaty Bodies and the Special Procedures, with a view to enhancing social accountability in a changing region • Follow-up at the national level by the State; civil society and national human rights institutions, supported by OHCHR and UN country teams and agencies

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