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美國 TELS 中心之科學課程與評量

美國 TELS 中心之科學課程與評量. 張欣怡 國立高雄師範大學 科學教育研究所助理教授. Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science. TELS 為美國國家科學委員會所資助成立 研究科學表徵融合於探索式科學教學模組對科學學習之影響 如何設計成功有效的動態視覺表徵? 如何有效將視覺表徵融入探索式教學活動?. Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) http://www.TELSCenter.org. 2. TELS Partners.

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美國 TELS 中心之科學課程與評量

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  1. 美國TELS中心之科學課程與評量 張欣怡 國立高雄師範大學 科學教育研究所助理教授

  2. Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science • TELS為美國國家科學委員會所資助成立 • 研究科學表徵融合於探索式科學教學模組對科學學習之影響 • 如何設計成功有效的動態視覺表徵? • 如何有效將視覺表徵融入探索式教學活動? Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) http://www.TELSCenter.org 2

  3. TELS Partners Pennsylvania State University Chris Hoadley Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Yael Kali University of California, Berkeley Marcia Linn University of Toronto Jim Slotta Arizona State University Doug Clark The Concord Consortium Bob Tinker, Paul Horwitz, Ken Bell Mills College Jane Bowyer Christopher Newport University S. Raj Chaudhury North Carolina Central University Tun Nyein, Gail Hollowell

  4. WISE at TELS Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE) (Linn, Clark, & Slotta, 2003) WISE2: wise.berkeley.edu WISE4: wise4.telscenter.org

  5. WISE Inquiry Map and Embedded Assessment

  6. WISE Experiment : Probing Your Surroundings Activity 1 What Do You Think?

  7. WISE Interactive Visualizations 熱傳導分子模擬前後表現 7 7

  8. WISE Interactive Visualizations 8 8

  9. WISE Interactive Visualizations 9

  10. WISE Interactive Visualizations 10

  11. 如何使用WISE 地科課程 Join WISE as Teacher (http://wise.berkeley.edu) Keep your username and password Sign in Click “Project Library” then “TELS project family” Select the project you are interested in Click “See the project”

  12. 當決定課程之後… • Go to the project’s introduction page • Click “Use this project” • Go to “My projects” • Find the project and click “Use this project with my class” • Follow the prompt • Congratulations!! You’ve successfully set up your run.

  13. 學生的部分呢? • Join WISE as Student(http://wise.berkeley.edu) • They only need the registration code from you. • Let’s try it out!!

  14. Too much technology? • WISE team supports teachers to run the project.

  15. 嵌入式評量 Challenge questions (multiple-choice & feedback) Self test (multiple-choice & feedback) Student notes (open-ended short) Discussion forum (open-ended long) WISE 評量 形成性評量

  16. WISE 形成性評量 教師如何給予回饋? • Go to “Management” • Click “Assess student work”or “Feedback to students” • Then just follow the prompt • 形成性評量幫助教師依據教學現場學生反應調整教學

  17. WISE 評量 總結性評量 • 前後測 • Student assessment • 延宕後測

  18. WISE 評分系統 知識整合評分標準(Lee & Liu, in press)

  19. TELS課程之成效 Linn, Lee, Tinker, Husic, & Chiu (2006). Science

  20. 溫度與熱課程中文版 • http://wise.berkeley.edu Project # 37240

  21. 學生學習成效: 初步結果 張欣怡 (2009), 美國網路探究課程對台灣學生學習科學之成效

  22. 教師使用WISE之個案研究 Chang & Linn (2010)

  23. Mr. Sun: Background • Seven years of teaching science • Past experience of instructional technology: Used Powerpoint, Interactive Whiteboard, Flash animations in lectures. • Past teaching style: Lecture • Inquiry-based instruction only for gifted students or high achievement students participating in national science project fairs

  24. Mr. Sun’s Ideas Before Implementation

  25. Mr. Sun’s Ideas After Implementation

  26. Instructional Practice of Interactive Visualizations • Mr. Sun’s ideas about the visualizations before instruction: positive, different degrees of difficulty (his predictions for his students) Easy Difficult

  27. Time Percentage by Activity

  28. Time for Whole-Class Versus Small-Group Discussions

  29. Mr. Sun’s Guidance During Whole-Class Discussions

  30. The Impact of The Instruction Student performance on the embedded assessment

  31. The Impact of The Instruction Student performance on the pre-post assessment • The students (n=30) made significant gains from the pretests to the posttests (t=9.54, P<0.001, d=1.65). • The impact has no different effect on high versus low prior knowledge students.

  32. The Impact of The Instruction Student performance on the delayed assessment • WISE students: WISE Thermodynamics & Regular instruction • No WISE students: Regular instruction • t = 5.36, p<0.001; d = 1.4

  33. 謝謝您的寶貴時間!!

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