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Sjálfs-ritskoðun og þöggun

Sjálfs-ritskoðun og þöggun. Fortíð og framtíð. Um tjáningarfrelsi fjölmiðla eftir Herdísi Þorgeirsdóttur . UM FORHEIMSKUN. “The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.” Louise Brandeis dómari við hæstarétt Bandaríkjanna 1919 “Whitney gegn Kaliforníu.”.

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Sjálfs-ritskoðun og þöggun

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  1. Sjálfs-ritskoðun og þöggun Fortíð og framtíð Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  2. Um tjáningarfrelsi fjölmiðla eftir Herdísi Þorgeirsdóttur Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  3. UM FORHEIMSKUN “The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people.” Louise Brandeis dómari við hæstarétt Bandaríkjanna 1919 “Whitney gegn Kaliforníu.” Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  4. Baráttan fyrir ritfrelsi á 17. öld Areopagitica 1644 John Milton “*Tis true, no age can restore a life, whereof perhaps there is no great loss; and revolutions of the ages do not recover the loss of a rejected truth, for the want of which whole nations fare the worse.” Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  5. Markaðstorg hugmyndanna And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter? Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  6. Ritskoðun í Þýskalandi nasismans Jósef Göbbels 1943 Ávarp til þýsku þjóðarinnar The Führer has commanded, and we will follow him. In this hour of national reflection and contemplation, we believe firmly and unshakably in victory. We see it before us, we need only reach for it. We must resolve to subordinate everything to it. That is the duty of the hour. Let the slogan be: Now, people rise up and let the storm break loose! Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  7. George Orwell sat fund Pen 1945 Again and again, he came down hard on writers who had betrayed their vocation Examination of the speeches (printed under the title FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION) shows that almost nobody in our own day is able to speak out as roundly in favour of intellectual liberty as Milton could do 300 years ago—and this in spite of the fact Milton was writing in a period of civil war. Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

  8. Mannréttindadómstóll Evrópu Dr. juris Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir

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