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MBBS in Russia

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MBBS in Russia

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  1. MBBSDIRECT.COM A U T H E N TIC I N F O R M A T ION B EST GUIDANCE #MBBSABROAD From Nowhereto#1inStudentsChoice The Reason Behind MBBS ABROAD and it’s popularity among IndianStudents Top Medical University InRussia 7 BESTCHOICES TOSTUDY MBBSIN RUSSIA

  2. DON'TWAIT,ACTNOW MBBS in Russia is a top destination for Indian Students. Russian Federation has world class medical colleges at very nominal and affordable fee as compared to othercountries. Russian Medical Universities operating beneath the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation and are listedwithin the World Health Organization Directory of “World Medical Schools”. Medical colleges in RUSSIA are categorized in 3 levels based on 1) Quality of Education, 2) Infrastructure& 3) Labfacilities. Always choose a college which has high patient intake so that students can get more clinical exposure so that they can strengthen their disease diagnosing skills. mbbsdirect.com helps you to find the right colleges based on yourrequirement. Climb the mountains not so the world can see you,butsothatyou canseetheworld

  3. How ASMU Became aHotChoice? AltaiStateMedicalUniversity'spopularityisgrowing daybyday.Indianstudentsaresendingapplications dailyinASMUoffice.Whatarethereasonsbehindthis popularity?ShouldyouconsideritforMBBS? All students have access to its digital library where they can read the medical books. Altai State Medical University students can login to the university website student’s portal and check their attendance, marks in test, lab reports and their grades. AltaiStateMedicalUniversityis one of the finest universities in Russia. It is situated in Barnaul whichisWesternSiberiapartof Russia. Barnaul is a very beautiful city and the capital of AltaiKraiState.Thecityisfullof picturesque natural views all around. Studywise this university provides very high quality education; classrooms are digitally equipped with projectors andLEDs. A Glimpse of Altai State MedicalUniversity Barnaul, the capital of Altai Krai, is one of the richest cities in SiberianReason. Founded:1954 Situated:BarnaulCity,AltaiKrai,Russia Nearest Airport:Barnaul Nearest Metropolitan city:Novosibirsk Physical Location: Western Siberia City’s Development: Developed city Hostel:Veryneatandcleanhostelrooms. Rooms are on 2, 3 & 4 person sharing basis. Food: Indian food is available for Indian students. Food quality is verygood. Fee: University Fees is lower compared to other MBBS universities inRussia. MediumofStudy:Foreignstudentsstudy mediumisEnglish,Russianpeoplestudy in Russianmedium.

  4. Indian Students inASMU Last year there were no Indian student. This year Indian students are crazy to take admission in Altai State Medical University. The reason behind the success of ASMU, is the smile on the faces of Indian Students in ASMU. AltaiStateMedicalUniversity provides enough opportunities for its students to build their leadership and creative skills along with the academics. The Department of the Educational and Extracurricular Activities is established by the university to take care of all extra- curricular activities and appreciate any newtalent. Separate clubs are created for different activities and students can join clubs of their interest areas. The Department even provide students with a platform to give any suggestions or feedback.Studentscanalso initiate a new specific section. Snowfall in Winter, SunnySummer,and chillingmonsoon.All are here inBarnaul. Life'sGoodHerein Altai.

  5. Indian Food in Altai State MedicalUniversity Whoever, planning to move abroad to study, definitely miss the delicious Indian food. But here in Altai University, you will get delicious Indianfood. Delicious Indian food in foreign country. Its likea paradise! ...and itshere inASMU

  6. Kazan Federal University Kazan Federal University, Kazan was established in year 1804. Kazan is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of Russia. KFU is a 200 year old university with Global Rank of 439 and Country Rank 4.It is an A Grade university with sprawling campus. It is a national medical research centre with 33 modernlaboratories. University has world class faculty from all over the world thus enhancing student knowledge best to their ability.KFU is attached with Super Specialty Hospital and modern day technology which provide good exposure to MBBSstudents. KFU has one of the best hostels across Russia with all amenities at lowest fees. High class education, world class exposure and advance classroom makes it a top destination for Indian student to study MBBS inRussia. KFU is highly recommended medical university by mbbsdirect.com. For more info visit“www.mbbsdirect.com" FEELSAFEINRUSSIA.RUSSIAN PEOPLELIKEINDIANS.YOUWILL GETBESTKINDOFHOSPITALITY INRUSSIA.


  8. ULYANOVSK STATEMEDICAL UNIVERSITY,RUSSIA The faculty of the Medical Faculty of USU is composed of 40 Residential Doctors, 15 scientists, about 25 Tutors and more than 150 Medical Staffs. The important priority of USU is international cooperation. The university successfully operate the Russian-American and Russian-German faculty currently. 17 departments of the Faculty of Medicine trains 1490 students in the field of "Medicine" and "Paediatrics". Over the period 2692 students graduated from the Faculty of Medicine specialists. Since 1991 foreign students are studying in USU. The first set of foreign nationals (English Medium) in the internship took place in1999. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "ULYANOVSK STATE UNIVERSITY" founded in 1988 by The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Ulyanovsk State University is the youngest university in the city of Ulyanovsk. The University is founded with the adoption of Council of Ministers to openinUlyanovskbranchofMoscowStateUniversity. During1995,branchofMoscowStateUniversityinthe city of Ulyanovsk was transformed into Ulyanovsk State University. Tradition and quality of the Moscow State University laid USU over the years of joint work, largely determined the character of the development of a new classical university in the Volga, its high educational standards and scientific potential, which allowed for a short time to occupy a key position in the educational and scientific space of theregion. Theeducationalprocessisbuiltinfullcompliancewith state educational standards of the Russian specialties. Use modern technology teaching and learning (computer labs, multimedia support, electronic aids, biological experiments, modelling in medical simulation centres, telemedicine,etc. ULYANOVSK- MOSCOW:873KM F L I G H T T I M I N G : 9 0 M I N U T ES TICKETPRICE:RS.2000/-(PERPERSON)

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  11. BASHKIR STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY,UFA University Name: Bashkir State MedicalUniversity Bashkir State Medical University, located in Ufa (Russia), was established in year 1909. It is one of the best medical universities in Russia offering MBBS courses in 8 scientific majors. Bashkir State Medical University is a top destination for Indian student for General Medicine course due to its lowest fees among RussianUniversities.

  12. PETROZAVODSK STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY,RUSSIA University Name: Petrozavodsk State University Petrozavodsk State University located in Petrozavodsk, Russia, was established in year 1940. It is the largest classical university in Russia. University offers MBBS course for International students which has worldwide recognition. University has 84 laboratories, development & research departments with high tech classrooms where students can enhance their medical skills. It can be a better choice for student to pursue MBBS inRussia.

  13. TYUMEN STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY,RUSSIA University Name: Tyumen State MedicalUniversity Tyumen State Medical University located in Tyumen, Russia, was established in year 1963. It is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia on the basis of clinical research & academic study. In the field of MBBS course it is considered as one of the top 100 best universities in Russia. Availability of all amenities in colleges makes it a popular destination to study MBBS in thisuniversity.

  14. RUSSIAN NATIONAL RESAERCH MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, MOSCOW University Name: Russian National Research MedicalUniversity Russian National Research Medical University, located in Moscow (Russia), was established in year 1930. It is one of the largest and popular medical universities in clinical medicine across Europe & Russia. This university is solely dedicated for Medical Research under various branches of MBBS. Students get high exposure with patients during their internship thus developing their skills to understand disease in better way. This is a #1 University forMBBS

  15. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE FMGE TEST,IT'SVERYEASYIFYOUSTUDY WELL" "FMGEResultshowsthatonly20-25%studentspassinMCIexam.Studentsoften worrythatitisaverytoughexam.Forthem,Iclearlywanttosaythatifyouwishto beadoctor,youshouldstudywell" - GAURAVPATHAK You need to understand what are the types of studentsthatcometoabroadforstudyingMBBS. Usually,theyareoftwotypes. Howeverlastcoupleofyears,thescenarioofMBBS admissionsinRussia,hastotallychangedandweare specifically looking for the English speaking and understandingskillsofthestudentsaswellastheir interest to become a doctor (not just because parentswantthemtodoit). First,therearestudentswhowantstorunawayfrom India, run away from the situations, run away from NEET & AIIMS exams. These are the students who wants to achieve everything in life by a shortcut method. These are the students who have the habit of procastination. They continue with their habit in abroad too and that's why they miss the wonderful opportunity of preparing for their FMGE Exam also knownasMCIEXAMduringtheircourseduration. We at MBBSDIRECT including many of the medical universities of China has already started to take interviews of the aspiring students before-hand and then check their credentials. In short, now after 6 years down the line, those students who will go back fromRussiatogiveMCIScreeningtestswillgetmore betterresultsthananyotherlottillnow. Now, there are second type of students who have a clear vision and goal in mind. They toil hard from the Day 1 and clear the MCIExam. HenryWadsworthLongfellowhasrightlysaid,“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companionsslept,weretoilingupwardinthenight”. StudyingMBBSabroadisnotashortcutguysbutit’s an opportunity instead. An opportunity to fulfill your dreams, an opportunity to be something great in life, an opportunity to give a tight slap to our corrupt system in India, an opportunity to prove your mettle. So, please consider it as one. Do proper research about the colleges, the infrastructure, the quality of education, medium of language, clinicals, practical exposure. Don’t believe everything what you see on the Internet. Truth is stranger than fiction. And always remember that nothing great comes easy in life.Therearenoshortcutstosuccess. I’m tellimg this from my 5 years of experience, if the student is willing to study hard and put required efforts,MCIExamwillbeapieceofcake.Thestudent makesthescopeforthemselves.Ifyouhavetheright knowledge,theskyisthelimit:)

  16. ELIGIBILITYCRITERIAFOR STUDYMBBSABROAD According to MCI, a student who wants to study MBBS abroad should have 50% marks in 12th standard in PCB if belongs to GEN category students and 40% if belongs to reserve category. He/She should also qualify NEET2019. MBBS COURSEUNDER 15 LAKH TUITIONFEE AltaiStateMedicalUniversity-21.35lakh RNRMU- 28.42lakh Kazan Federal University- 27.72lakh Petrozavodsk State University- 25.20lakh BashkirStateMedicalUniversity-14.70lakh Tyumen State Medical University- 25.20lakh QUALITY EDUCATIONAT AFFORDABLEFEES Consultwww.mbbsdirect.com

  17. 7 TOPCHOICES For MBBS INABROAD (Russia) AltaiStateMedicalUniversity,Barnaul UlyanovskStateMedicalUniversity,Ulyanovsk Kazan FederalUniversity,Kazan BashkirStateMedicalUniversity,Ufa Petrozavodsk State University,Petrozavodsk Tyumen State Medical University,Tyumen Russian National Research Medical University,Moscow Choose the best university & become a gooddoctor

  18. TOP6REASONSTOSTUDY MEDICINE IN RUSSIA Shouldyoustudymedicine?Therearealotofreasons whypeoplechoosetostudymedicine,rangingfrom personalcallingtocalculatedfinancialgain.Whether it’sthefirstchoiceorthebackupdegreeoption, studyingmedicineataninternationaluniversityisa long-termcommitmentanditisgenerallynottaken lightlybystudents. Herearesomeofthemostimportantanddecisive reasonstoundertakethejourneytobecominga doctororanurse: 1.Diversecareeropportunitiesforgraduates This reason is often not stressed enough. After graduation,thereisabroadrangeofopportunitiesfor afuturejob in thefield medicine. Uponfinishing medicalschool,youcanchoosetoworkinhospitals, scienceinstitutes,publichealthcareprovidersorbe part of the medical department of some other professionalfield.Therearedoctorswhoaremanaging healthcarecostsineconomicssectorsorcontributeto thelegalworkintendedtoverifymedicalerrorsand patients'rights.Itallstartswithchoosingtheright studypath. 2. Theabilitytohelppeopledirectlyandmake happier Mostdoctorswouldsaythatthereisnogreaterjoy thantheoneyoufeelwhenyoumanagetohelpavery sickpatientorwhenyouarepartofagroupof scientistswhodiscoveranewmedicineforacertain disease.Theabilitytodirectlyhelpthehealingprocess isalsoacontinuouschallengeandsometimesitisnot easytocopewithit.Forthisreason,yourmedical educationwillprepareyoutohandlethedifficult momentsandlandonyourfeetin99%ofthecases. them

  19. GLOBALLY RECOGNISEDFIELD Allovertheworld,thereisagreatuniformityof medicalscienceknowledgeandpractice.Thismeans thatbygraduatingfromamedical collegein Russia youcanfindajobandworkinanyhospitalinAmerica oranywhereelseintheworld.Somethinginaccessible to many other disciplines. Furthermore, the largest partofmedicalliteratureisinEnglishandmostofthe basic medical terms are in Latin. You will get acquaintedwithEnglishandLatinduringyourstudies sothatwordslikevertebraeorpatellawillbegeneral knowledgetoyouandtoadoctorontheothersideof theworld. Agreatneedforgooddoctors Theworldneedsmoredoctors.ThesituationinIndiais bad compared to some other countries like USA/UK/EUROPE. Certain specialisations are becoming insufficient locally andglobally, such as paediatricians, oncologists, immunologists and gynaecologists. Stablejobandsafecareer Anotherpertinent reasontostudy medicineisa certainstabilityupongraduation.Thisreasonis becoming even more prominent in countries still copingwithrecessionanddifficultiesforyoungpeople to find a job. Not to mention that students are attractedtodoctors’salarieswhichstartat100,000 USD/yearin EUcountriesand160,000 USD/yearin theUS. Statusandrespectinsociety Doctorsareseenasasymbolofdignity,responsibility and service towards the community. Members of everylocalcommunityareawareofthehardworkand sacrificesthatthemedicalprofessionalgoesthrough toachieveandmaintainthisjobatanefficientlevel. Therefore,theirpositionsandopinionsrelatingtothe welfareofthecommunityaretakenintoserious consideration, as well as their example in behaviour andmoralstanding.


  21. MBBSADMISSION TIPS BEFLEXIBLE. Search good universities, take proper information about those universities, do research on YouTube, Google and Facebook. MAKE ALIST. Makealistofsomeuniversitiesbasedonyour selection criteria, i.e., budget, education quality, living conditionsetc. TAKEPROPERGUIDANCEFROMANEXPERT Students should talk to an expert before taking admission. You should discuss about the living conditions there, monthly pocket money expense, your fees expense and other things. Students may call to +91 8750467185 to get 100% authentic information about MBBS fromabroad. GETYOURADMISSIONDONEBYA CONSULTANCYNOTANAGENT once you get all information about the university andliving condition and you decidedtogotoan university. Initiate admission process by an consultancy. There may be many agents calling you and offering admission at low fees, you should not consider that option as it has high chances of big financialloss. PREPAREYOURSELFFORANEWDESTINATION It would be very exciting for many students to go abroad.Makesureyouhavedoneproperpackingas most students will come back to India after 8 months.Don'tforgettotakesomeIndianspicesor namkeenwithyouasyouwillmissitthere. GETYOURFLIGHTTICKETANDGOABROAD If your admission process will be done by MBBSDIRECT.COM, someone as a guide, will go with the studentsbatch.

  22. APPLYNOWFORMBBS Petrozavodsk State University,Russia Last Date August20, 2019 ApplyNow!

  23. For More InformationContact: Tollfree +916391010339 Website www.mbbsdirectindia Email admission@mbbsdirect.com

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