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GÈANT3 Carbon Footprint 2009

GÈANT3 Carbon Footprint 2009. Jørgen Moth, UNI-C. (jorgen.moth@uni-c.dk). Carbon footprint?. the ‘ carbon footprint ’ measures the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by a person, organization, event or product. DANTE, City House, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK.

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GÈANT3 Carbon Footprint 2009

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  1. GÈANT3 Carbon Footprint 2009 Jørgen Moth, UNI-C. (jorgen.moth@uni-c.dk)

  2. Carbon footprint? the ‘carbon footprint’ measures the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by a person, organization, event or product

  3. DANTE, City House, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK

  4. GÉANT Network

  5. Question: GHG/Year due to GÉANT/DANTE? • GÉANT Climate impact • 200 kg CO2e/year ? • 200 tonnes CO2e/year ? • 2000 tonnes CO2e/year? • 20.000 tonnes CO2e/year? • 200.000 tonnes CO2e/year ? • 2 mio tonnes CO2e/year ? • (Total Europe about 5000 mio tonnes CO2e/year)

  6. Answered by GN3/NA5/task5 • 2000 tonnes CO2e in 2009 • Corresponding to 200 Danish Citizens • 0,00004 % of European total

  7. Who are GN3/NA3/task5? • GN3: Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services • NA3: Networking Activity 3 – Status and trends • Task 5: Study of Environmental impact • Partners: • HEAnet (Ireland - Mike Norris) • NIIF (Hungary - Tamas Maray) • PSNC (Poland - Rafal Sowinsky, Robert Pekal, Artur Juszczyk) • NORDUnet (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden – Lars Fischer, Jørgen Moth)

  8. GN3 Budget (Mio EURO)

  9. How to calculate and report? Use the ISO 14064 standard

  10. Which GHG emissions? • Scope 1: own emissions – standby generators, own cars, own heating, .. • Scope 2: indirect emissions – imported energy, heating and electricity • Scope 3: other indirect emissions – e.g. transportation • Stemming from the operation of the GÉANT network by DANTE

  11. Scope 1 emissions Nothing (no own cars; fuel to stand-by generators ignored) Scope 2 emissions Office – light, heating & cooling, equipment Datacentres – routers, switches, services Backbone - ILAs Scope 3 emissions Transport – business, commuting GÉANT/DANTE Baseline audit (GHG Report)

  12. Calculation of Scope 2 GHG emissions • A two step procedure is used: • Heating and electricityconsumption data provided by DANTE (Kudos to Guy Roberts!) • Consumptionvaluesmultiplied by GHG conversion factors retrieved from UK and EU data bases • http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/reporting/conversion-factors.htm • http://lct.jrc.ec.europa.eu/assessment/data

  13. Calculation of Scope 3 GHG emissions Business travels and commuting by car, bus, taxi ortrain: The distances covered are multiplied by the corresponding GHG conversion factors from the UK DEFRA guidelines http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/reporting/ onversion-factors.htm Business flights: The emissions areobtained by the ICAO Carbon emission calculator: http://www2.icao.int/en/carbonoffset/Pages/default.aspx

  14. Office

  15. Office step 1: consumptions

  16. Office step 2: conversion to emissions

  17. Datacentre

  18. Backbone (GÉANT)

  19. Datacentre & Backbone step 1: consumptions Ex: (3500+1800)*24*365*1,7/1000 = 78928

  20. Datacentre & Backbone step 2: conversion to emissions

  21. Datacentres

  22. Backbone

  23. Transportation

  24. Transport

  25. GÉANT/DANTE GHG Report

  26. GN3/NA3/task5 partner audit results

  27. GHG abatement by GÉANT and other networks

  28. GN3/NA3/task5 next study • Use of networks to reduce GHG emissions • Current best practice: • teleworking • video conferencing • electronic documents, e-mails (don’t print them!) • … • Estimated to save about 50 mio tonnes CO2e per year; • at the expense of about 50.000 tonnes CO2e per year for networks and desktops/portables/notebooks; • An abatement factor of one thousand • To be investigated and confirmed!!

  29. Other examples and new ideas Please share your ideas and proposals with us!

  30. Questions?

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