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Culture of Real Virtuality : The Boundaries are Blurred

Marketplace vs Marketspace Countdown Supermarket Chain – NZ BY Olga, Bharti & Udara POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS APMG 8119: DIGITAL ENTERPRISE 2014. Culture of Real Virtuality : The Boundaries are Blurred. The concept of «Real Virtuality »: (Castells, 2000)

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Culture of Real Virtuality : The Boundaries are Blurred

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  1. Marketplace vsMarketspaceCountdown Supermarket Chain – NZBY Olga, Bharti & UdaraPOSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BUSINESSAPMG 8119: DIGITAL ENTERPRISE2014

  2. Culture of Real Virtuality:The Boundaries are Blurred The concept of «Real Virtuality»:(Castells, 2000) - has been provoked by global informationalism and emergence of the network society is characterized by new forms of time and space: ▪ timeless time ▪ placeless space - virtual experiences successfully imitate, replace, and, in many cases, enhance real activities and real opportunities

  3. Culture of Real Virtuality:OnlineFood Retail

  4. How value is created in Market Space... Place and Time utility Individuality • Possession utility Develop customer relationships Interactivity

  5. Difference between Marketspace and Marketplace of

  6. Source: www.pwc.com

  7. Competitive advantagesAlba et al (1997) discuss the concept of interactive home shopping

  8. Competitive DisadvantagesAlba et al (1997) discuss the concept of interactive home shopping

  9. Thank You!

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