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PTCAS INFORMATION SESSION. 2014-15 Admissions Cycle. Disclaimer. The slide show is intended to provide an overview of PTCAS and NOT be a substitute for the full instructions. You are responsible for reviewing and following all PTCAS and program-specific instructions. . What Is PTCAS?.

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  1. PTCAS INFORMATION SESSION 2014-15 Admissions Cycle

  2. Disclaimer The slide show is intended to provide an overview of PTCAS and NOT be a substitute for the full instructions. You are responsible for reviewing and following all PTCAS and program-specific instructions.

  3. What Is PTCAS? • The Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) allows applicants to use 1 application and set of materials to apply to 176 Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) programs. • PTCAS is a service of APTA and is administered by Liaison International in Watertown, MA.

  4. 2014-15 Application The PTCAS application for the 2015 entering class will launch on JULY 1, 2014

  5. Professional Behavior PT applicants are expected to act professionally in all of their dealings with PTCAS and the physical therapist programs, and to properly follow instructions and meet deadlines. Responsibility, respect, good judgment, and cooperation are qualities valued by the PT profession. Applicants are expected to demonstrate these qualities beginning with the application process.

  6. REQUIRED Materials You must submit the items to PTCAS before your file will be processed • PTCAS Application • All Official U.S. Transcripts • Correct PTCAS Fee Arrange for materials to arrive at PTCAS by the program’s deadline. Once “complete”, file will enter the queue for verification. Processing may take up to 4-5 weeks once your file is complete.

  7. Other Materials Accepted by PTCAS IF REQUIRED by PT program, submit items to PTCAS.

  8. Submit Official GRE® Scores • Request Official GRE® Scores from ETS® • Use the correct GRE®code for each PT program, if required • Many PT programs have a separate code from the university • Login to check status of scores sent to PTCAS GRE codes • Enter Your GRE® Scores on the PTCAS Application • Do not mix and match scores from different dates • Enter any planned GRE® test dates • PTCAS Will NOT… • Verify official scores against unofficial scores • Hold files for missing GRE® scores

  9. Materials Sent Directly to Program • Supplemental Application • Supplemental Fee • Original Foreign Transcripts

  10. Reapplying to PTCAS? If an application was "mailed" to one+ PT programs in the last cycle, PTCAS can pull selected application data and materials forward into the next admissions cycle. PTCAS Will NOT Pull Forward… • References • PT Observation Hours and Verification Forms • Essays • Payments • PT Program Designations • Responses to School-specific (Custom) Questions for PT Programs For more information, go to http://www.ptcas.org/Reapplicants/

  11. Submit U.S. Transcripts to PTCAS • Enterall of your colleges & universities attended • 4-Year Institutions • Community Colleges • Print PTCAS transcript matching form for each one • Registrar sends 1official transcript to PTCAS • Ask registrar to include PTCAS transcript matching form • Do not send student-issued transcripts to PTCAS • Do not request electronic transcripts.

  12. Enter All US Courses on Application • Use a personal copy of transcripts to complete section. • Do notenter courses from memory. • Enter all courses on US transcripts, including… • Credit earned due to AP/CLEP/IB exams • Audited • Deferred • Institutional/Departmental Exam • Incomplete • Pass/Fail • Withdrawn (WP or WF) • If significant errors, PTCAS will “undeliver” your application.

  13. Academic Update (AU) • Enter updated summer & fall 2014 grades • Send updated 2014 transcripts to PTCAS as soon as available • Academic Update Dates: • Dec 12, 2014 –AU OPENS - No edits to coursework until AU opens to you.     • Jan 15, 2015 – Priority deadline for updated transcripts to PTCAS. • Feb 16, 2015 – AU CLOSES - No edits to courses after this date. • Feb 16, 2015– Final deadline to submit AU transcripts to PTCAS. • You can update your coursework only ONCE. • PTCAS will send updated courses & GPAs to programs.

  14. 2nd Set of Transcripts • If accepted to a PT program, submit official transcripts directly to institution before you enroll. • PTCAS cannot forward your transcripts to a PT program for this purpose.

  15. Canadian Courses • Enter any Canadian courses on your application • Determine program requirements for Canadian transcripts • PTCAS will NOT… • verify Canadian courses • include Canadian courses in GPAs • hold for missing Canadian transcripts

  16. WES - Foreign Transcript Evaluations • IF REQUIRED BY THE PT PROGRAM • Arrange for the World Education Services (WES) to send a course-by-course foreign transcript evaluation to PTCAS. • BEGIN EARLY! It may take 4-6 weeks for WES to complete an evaluation. • If received, PTCAS releases a copy to your designated PT programs. • Foreign evaluations are not required for “study-abroad” courses. Some PT programs require original foreign transcripts to be sent directly to the institution.

  17. References • Send up to 4 references to PTCAS. • Only electronic references accepted. • Enter the email address for each evaluator. • Evaluators will login the PTCAS reference portal. • No uploaded reference files are accepted. • No paper references are accepted. • Reference requirements vary by program. • PTCAS will not hold files for missing references. • PT program may not accept late references. • Login to check the status of your references.

  18. PT Observation Hours • Enter your PT experiences on the application. • Programs may require that a PT verify your hours. • PT hour requirements vary by program. • Not all PT programs require PT experience or a signed form. • PTCAS will not determine if you met requirements for PT program. • PTCAS will not hold files for… • missing PT signatures • missing PT observation hours

  19. Updating Your PT Observation Hours After you e-submit, you … • Can add new PT experiences. • Can request new PT signatures. • Can make edits to in-progress / planned PT hours. • Cannot make edits to completed PT hours. • Cannotmake edits to hours verified by a PT on a paper form.

  20. PTCAS Essay Question APTA's vision for physical therapy is “transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.” How will you embody this vision as a future physical therapist? • Essays are limited to 4500 characters with spaces (~1 page single spaced) • You cannot edit your essay after you submit your PTCAS application. • Review your essay for typos and errors before you submit your application. • Tip: Do not enter comments for a specific PT program in your essay.

  21. School-specific “Custom” Questions • If required, PTCAS will prompt you to respond. • You cannot submit PTCAS application until complete. • Programs can only view responses to their own items.

  22. 2014-15 PTCAS Application Fees • $140base fee to apply to one program • $40incremental fee for each additional program • FEE WAIVER is available for financially disadvantaged applicants

  23. PTCAS Fee Waiver • Fee waiver is available for financially disadvantaged. • If approved, $140 base fee is waived. • Pay $40 for each additional designation over first. • Only US citizens & permanent residents are eligible. • Use PTCAS fee waiver request form. • Submit form and most recent tax return BEFORE you submit your PTCAS application. • There are a limited number of waivers available.

  24. Deadlines • APPLY EARLY • Deadlines expire at 11:59 pm EASTERNtime. • Many programs have a rolling admissions process. • Program may not consider late applications or materials. • FIRM Deadline - You can NOT apply after the deadline. • SOFT Deadline - You can apply after the deadline, but program will only consider you if space is still available in class.

  25. 2014-15 Application Deadlines 02/16/2015 03/02/2015 03/16/2015 04/01/2015 04/15/2015 05/01/2015 05/15/2015 Visit the PTCAS Directory for program-specific deadlines. http://www.ptcas.org/ProgramPrereqs/ 10/01/2014 10/15/2014 11/03/2014 11/17/2014 12/01/2014 12/15/2014 01/15/2015 02/02/2015

  26. Early Decision Aug 15 – Early Decision Deadline for Applicants Sep 25 – Deadline for Programs to Submit Decisions to PTCAS for ED Applicants • Early decision is a binding option for applicants. • Not all programs participate in Early Decision. • If accepted, you cannot apply to other PTCAS programs. • If denied or moved to “general” status, you can apply to other programs in PTCAS.

  27. Transcript Verification • Courses on application compared to U.S. transcripts • Transcript grading scheme verified • Staff corrects minor errors to course history • Application will be undelivered, if numerous errors

  28. PTCAS GPA Calculation Rules EXCLUDED: Foreign Coursework AP/CLEP/IB Audit Deferred Inst/Dept Exam Incomplete Pass/Fail Withdrawn INCLUDED: • Repeated Courses • Failed Courses • Study Abroad PTCAS will email you when your GPAs are posted online

  29. PTCAS GPAs • Overall Cumulative GPA • Undergraduate Cumulative GPA • Graduate GPA • GPA for Each College / University Attended • GPA by Academic Status • freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate, & post-BS • Combined Science and Math GPA • Science GPA (no math) • Upper-Division GPA • Course Subject GPAs • Core PT Prerequisite GPA

  30. PTCAS Customer Support Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EASTERN Time PTCAS P.O. Box 9112 Watertown, MA 02471 617-612-2040 ptcasinfo@PTCAS.org Login to your PTCAS application frequently to check the real-time status of your application and materials PTCAS Mobile App https://portal.ptcas.org/mobile/

  31. Stay in Touch! • Check your email daily for important messages • You will receive a confirmation for every document received. • Login to your PTCAS application frequently to • Check for missed messages from PTCAS staff • Check on the status of your materials • Respond immediately to any requests

  32. Important Dates for 2014-15 • Jul 12014-15 ApplicationOpens • Jul 31 GRE Deadline for Early Decision Applicants • Aug 15 Early Decision Deadline for Applicants • Sep 25 Decisions for ED Applicants Due to PTCAS • Dec 12 Academic Update Opens • Jan 15 Priority Deadline for Academic Update • Feb 15 Academic Update Closes

  33. Follow These Steps FIRST • Review instructions and PT program requirements. • Create a new PTCAS application account. • Complete “Institutions Attended” section first. • PTCAS cannot post transcripts to your application until this section is done. • Print transcript matching form for each institution. • Request official transcripts to be sent to PTCAS. • Enter all of your college courses.

  34. PTCAS is your first step toward an exciting career in physical therapy

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