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Hemija je jezik Chemistry is a language

Hemija je jezik Chemistry is a language. Anđela Sladojević Katarina Ducić. Hemija. Engleski jezik ima svoju azbuku .

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Hemija je jezik Chemistry is a language

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  1. Hemija je jezikChemistry is a language Anđela Sladojević Katarina Ducić

  2. Hemija • Engleskijezikimasvojuazbuku. • I hemijaimasvojuazbukukoja se takođesastoji od slova. Samoštohemijakoristisvojaslova da označielemete. Ta slovailielementi grade formule, rečenice.

  3. Chemistry • The English language has its own alphabet. • Chemistry too, has its own alphabet that also uses letters. But chemistry uses letters to name the elements. Those letters or elements make formulas, sentences.

  4. P-fosfor Present Simple/Present Continuous

  5. Fosfor • Fosfor je veomareaktivanizato se čestonalazi u prirodi. On se nalazii u našimkostima. Fosfor je poslednjidoprinoskojisualhemičaridalihemiji. • Takodje se nalazi u: • Šibicama • Pastizazube • Detrdžentima • Eksplozivima

  6. Phosphor • Phosphor is a very reactive element and that’s why it’s commonly found in nature. It’s also in our bones. Phosphor is the last contribution that the alchemists made to chemistry. • It can also be found in: • Matches • Toothpaste • Detergent • Explosives

  7. Present Simple/ Present Continuous • Present Simple is used for routines/habits and facts that don’t change. She always goes to the park.I play piano. Time expressions: never, often, always, sometimes, usually, regularly. • Present Continuous is used for things happening now, temporary situations and change and development. He is doing his homework now. They are heading to practice right now. Time expressions: now, at the moment, these days, this year.

  8. S-sumporState and action verbs

  9. Sumpor • Sumpor se javlja u čistomoblikuioblikumineralasulfidaisulfata. Sumpor se koristizaizraduveštačkihplamenova. • Sumpor se takođekoristiza: • Proizvodnjulekova • Proizvodnjupapira • Lečenjekožnihbolesti • Proizvodnjuposebnihvrstabetona

  10. Sulfur • Sulfur in nature can be found in his pure form and in the form of minerals sulfides and sulfates. It is used for making artificial flames. • Sulfur is also used for: • Production of medicine • Production of paper • Treatment of skin diseases • Production of special types of cement

  11. State and action verbs • We can only use simple tenses with state verbs. • Examples of state verbs are: believe, belong, hate, know, love, like, see, understand, prefer, need. I love it. I’m loving it. • We use simple and continuous tenses with action verbs. The meaning of the verb doesn’t change. I always clean my room. I’m cleaning my room.

  12. I-jodIndirect questions

  13. Jod • Imejod mu dolazi od grčkereči ,,ioeides`` zaljubičastubojuzbogkarakterističnebojenjegovih para. • Prizagrevanjujodsublimira,gradiljubičaste pare karakterističnihmirisakoje se prihlađenjuodmahkristališu. • Jod se slaborastvara u vodi,aligazatoorganskirastvaračiodličnorastvaraju. • Jod je jakodezinfekcionosredstvo,ubijabakterijeigljivice. • Koristi se u proizvodnjifarbii u fotografiji. • U medicini se koristizalečenjeoboljenjaštitnežlezde.

  14. Iodine • The name iodine comes from the Greek word `ioeides` because of the characteristic color of its powder. • When its heated, iodine sublimates and makes purple fumes which crystalize once it cools. • Iodine doesn’t dissolve well in water, but organic solvents dissolve it well. • Iodine is a disinfectant remedy, it kills bacteria and fungi. • It is used in the production of dyes and in photography. • In medicine it is used for mending the thyroid gland.

  15. Indirect questions • Indirect questions are a more polite way to ask for information or make requests. We often use them when asking something of strangers or people we don’t know well. They are also used for asking favors from friends. • Common phrases for indirect questions are: • Can/Could you tell me…? • Do you know…? • Would you mind…?

  16. F-fluorFirst conditional

  17. Fluor • Na sobnimtemperaturamafluor se pojavljujekao gas žuto-zeleneboje. • Fluor se danasnalazi u: • morskojvodi • kostima • krvi • mleku Najreaktivniji element u periodnomsistemu, jedini se sasvimelementimaosimsahelijumom,neonomiargonom. 13.po redunajzastupljeniji element u zemljinojkori.

  18. Fluorine • In room temperature, fluorine is seen as a gas yellow-greenish color. • Fluorine today can be found in: • See water • Bones • Blood • Milk It is the most reactive element in the periodic table. It can make a bond with all the elements except helium, neon and argon. It is the 13th most common element in the earth’s crust.

  19. First conditional • We use the first conditional to talk about a realistic situation that will/might happen in the future. The condition The result If + Present Simple will + infinitive If we start the project now, we will do it more efficiently. If you don’t do your homework , you won’t get a good grade.

  20. Ar-argonArticles

  21. Argon • Argon je plemeniti gas. Primenjuje se u: • metalurgijizatermičkuobraduiproizvodnjučelika • elektronicizaproizvodnjupoluprovodnika • tehnicizavarivanja,čistili u gasnimsmešamasa CO,CO2,H2 i N2 • Pod normalnimuslovima je u gasovitomagregatnomstanju. • Na -186 stepenion je u tečnomagregatnomstanju.

  22. Argon • Argon is a noble gas. It is used in: • metallurgy for thermic processing and steel production • Electronics for the production of semiconductors • Welding technology, pure or in gas mixtures with CO, CO2, H2 and N2 • In normal circumstances it is in a gaseous aggregate state. • In -186 degrees it is in a liquid aggregate state.

  23. Articles • We use A/AN to mention a person or a countable objet for the first time. • We use NO ARTICLE to mention people or things for the first time. (plural) • We use THE when it is obvious what we are talking about because: • we have mentioned it before • it is something or someone unique • We use A/AN in general statements.

  24. The End

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