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The NHS Leadership Framework. The foundation of leadership behaviours for all NHS staff Presented by Sue Mortlock, Head of Board Development Paul W Long, CLCF Project Director Alex Bush, Interim Programme Director, Emerging Leaders
The NHS Leadership Framework The foundation of leadership behaviours for all NHS staff Presented by Sue Mortlock, Head of Board Development Paul W Long, CLCF Project Director Alex Bush, Interim Programme Director, Emerging Leaders National Programme Lead, Graduate Management Training Scheme
Background • The Health and Social Care Bill published in Jan 2011 will mean radical change for the NHS England • Frontline clinicians will be at the heart of driving this change forward. • To enable this to happen and support clinicians and other leaders, managers and executives, in this very important role we will need to further develop the leadership capacity within the system. • Liberating the NHS Workforce, Health Education England • This means ensuring the appropriate infrastructure is in place, that it aligns with the new NHS structure, and that it supports the new leadership requirements that will emerge such as fostering leadership talent and overcoming barriers to realising individual leadership potential.
Vision for the NHS Leadership Framework • A single over-arching framework for all staff in the NHS irrespective of discipline, role or function. • Is underpinned by a consistent set of guiding principles which reflect the values of NHS staff and embodies the NHS constitution and represents the foundation of leadership behaviour for staff throughout the NHS. • Combines and builds on the Leadership Qualities Framework and the Medical and Clinical Leadership Frameworks; • Staff are able to understand their progression and development as a leader
Evolution Leadership Qualities Framework • Fifteen qualities, arranged in three clusters • Each quality defined at levels that identify both effective and outstanding leaders • The highest levels relate to the expected behaviours demonstrated by outstanding chief executives within the NHS • Launched in 2002
Evolution Medical Leadership Competency Framework • Jointly developed by Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and NHS Institute • First in use in 2008 now with 2 further ed. • Describes leadership competences for doctors • Applies to all medical students and doctors • Being used to inform formal education and training curricula • Being progressively embedded into regulation
Evolution • NLC commissioned the NHS Institute in 2010 to test applicability of the MLCF to all clinical professions • Is multidisciplinary • Relates to clinician’s practitioners roles and applies to every clinician at all stages of their professional journey • Being used to inform formal E & T curricula • Being progressively embedded into professional, education and regulatory standards.
The NHS Leadership Framework - genesis • Commissioned by the NLC in May 2010 • Contemporary leadership literature review • Build on strengths of the LQF and the MLCF/CLCF to reflect change in the NHS landscape and contemporary theories • LQF factor analysis-meta qualities • National Leadership Council programmes e.g. CL, TL and Inclusion w/streams, SHA Leadership Lead Alliance • The qualities and behaviours described are generic and transcend specific roles • Designed to be applicable to all staff groups including clinical roles • Being progressively embedded in education curriculum and regulation
Consultation with a wide cross section of NHS staff and stakeholders, including: • Clinicians • Chief Executive and Board members • Experts in workforce planning, OD and HR, leadership development and commissioning • Wider workforce • Outside the NHS • Lay advisors representing patient groups • Professional bodies • Regulators • Academics
Current environment NHS GP consortia Private practice & High street Private hospitals Management Training Scheme KSF HR National Framework Nursing careers framework LeAD Workplace Vocational and work place training Organisational development Inclusion, Emerging leaders, Board development Specialist frameworks e.g. CCF LQF Education sector CLCF MLCF Professions Societies, Colleges SIGs, Standards, curricula CPD, revalidation Undergraduate, postgraduate Curricula, and continuing professional development E-learning Regulation Standards of practice & for education and training
The NHS Leadership Framework • The NHS LF combines the Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) (developed in 2002, specifically for senior leaders within the NHS), the Medical Leadership Competency Framework (MLCF)/Clinical Leadership Competency Framework (CLCF) LQF MLCF/CLCF NHS Leadership Framework
The NHS Leadership Framework • It includes 5 core domains, drawn from the MLCF/CLCF: • Demonstrating Personal Qualities • Working with Others • Managing Services • Improving Services • Setting Direction • There are two additional domains • Creating the vision • Delivering the strategy
Stages of Leadership Development Stage 1 Own practice/Immediate team Stage 2 Whole service/Across teams Stage 3 Across services/Wider organisation Stage 4 Whole organisation/Wider healthcare system
Domain 1 • Demonstrating Personal Qualities 1.1 Developing self awareness 1.2 Managing yourself 1.3 Continuing personal development 1.4 Acting with integrity
Elements x 4 For example Effective leaders need to draw upon their values, strengths and abilities to deliver high standards of care. This requires leaders to demonstrate competence in the areas of: Element 1.1 Developing self awareness
Contextual descriptors 1. Demonstrating Personal Qualities 1.1 Developing self awareness And the context is staff... • Recognise and articulate their own values and principles, understanding how these may differ from those of other individuals and groups • Identify their own strengths and limitations, the impact of their behaviour on others, and the effect of stress on their own behaviour • Identify their own emotions and prejudices and understand how these can affect their judgment and behaviour • Obtain, analyse and act on feedback from a variety of sources.
Supporting infrastructure and resources For Individuals • Online 360° diagnostic • Development Toolkit, including self assessment • LeAD (e-learning modules) • Case studies For Organisations • Organisational Toolkit For Facilitators • E-learning training & materials For further information, please visit www.nhsleadership.org.uk/framework.asp
Why have a National Framework? • The framework is a consistent description of the leadership skills, competences and behaviours required to: • Embed the NHS constitution and values • Articulate the leadership behaviours required to deliver the reforms • Provide a common language and consistent approach to leadership across the education, regulation and professional sectors • Align these with those in the NHS • Common language for leadership that spans professional • Negate the requirement of existing & new organisations to create their own frameworks • Support leaders to access the right development opportunities throughout their career trajectory • Build leadership capability from under/post graduate training through continued professional development using a consistent set of descriptors
The Vision NHS GP consortia Private practice & High street Private hospitals Management Training scheme KSF HR National Framework Nursing careers framework LeAD Vocational and work place training Organisational development Inclusion, Emerging leaders, Board development Specialist frameworks eg NCF Workplace NHS LF (CLCF & MLCF) Professions Societies, Colleges SIGs, Standards, curricula CPD, revalidation Education sector Education sector Undergraduate, postgraduate curricula, and continuing professional development E-learning Regulation Standards of practice & for education and training
The Vision Embedding Usage NHS GP consortia Private practice & High street Private hospitals Management Training scheme KSF HR National Framework Nursing careers framework LeAD Vocational and work place training Organisational development Inclusion, Emerging leaders, Board development Specialist frameworks eg NCF Workplace NHS LF (CLCF & MLCF) Professions Societies, Colleges SIGs, Standards, curricula CPD, revalidation Education sector Education sector Undergraduate, postgraduate curricula, and continuing professional development E-learning Regulation Standards of practice & for education and training
Campaign • A three pronged campaign is proposed to achieve the goal to create long term sustainable change and a stronger foundation for developing high-level leadership capability across the health service. • One strand will focus on embedding clinical leadership into professional, regulatory and educational standards. • The second strand will focus on adoption within the workplace by marketing the key tools to support individuals and organisations apply and use the NHS LF • A third strand will focus on determining and gathering of evidence to document adoption of the NHS LF which will illustrate usage and feed into the long term narrative to support continued leadership development.
Campaign Strand 1 – 1. Embedding in the professions The clinical professions
“Am sending email to our members setting out the importance of this initiative and suggesting early and prolonged engagement.” Paul Hitchcock, AHP Federation Campaign Strand 1 – 1. Embedding in the professions “Leadership is fundamental” Professor Audrey Patterson, Society and College of Radiographers The clinical professions “We are very pleased to endorse this framework for the nursing profession, which recognises the very great value of clinical leadership in delivering the care of the future. We will be integrating this framework into our work developing clinical leaders, as it has obvious benefits for the delivery of care, the development of staff, and above all the work of nurses in meeting the demands of the modern NHS. Nurses have real insight not just into how care can be delivered but how it must be designed, and we are fully committed to supporting them to give the best possible leadership.” Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive & General Secretary of the RCN “Very keen to embed the framework in our upcoming work on advanced practice and the review of the pre-registration curriculum” Sue Kellie, The British Dietetic Association “This represents a fundamental shift in the way we train and educate clinicians.” Dr Mark Goldman, NLC “This is a fantastic opportunity” Chair of the Chartered Physiotherapists Society
Campaign Strand 1 – 2. Embedding in regulation All the regulators are at varying stages Pre-registration and post-registration General Chiropractic Council General Dental Council General Medical Council General Optical Council General Osteopathic Council General Pharmaceutical Council Health Professions Council Nursing and Midwifery Council Leadership in regulation workshop in September
Campaign Strand 1 – 3. Embedding in education Council of Deans of Health, Council of University Heads of Pharmacy, Dental Schools Council, Medical Schools Council Guidance – sets out knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours which underpin the LF and assessment methods Embedded into medical curriculum Next steps - Live reviews of curriculum reviews - nursing Case studies for HEIs Education commissioning will be an important lever
Campaign Strand 2 - Adoption and usage Activities we're planning to support spread and adoption of the tools in the work-place 1. Today - to kick start the introduction of the LF into your organisations. 2. A media awareness campaign: 3. A Social media campaign - we'll soon be giving you details of our new LinkedIn groups and Twitter feeds so that you can join in peer-to-peer conversations and pick up on latest news and progress 4. The Leadership Framework website - visit www.nhsleadership.org/framework.asp, 5. Spreading the word: - NHS Confederation July 6-8 2011: - NHS Employers: presenting results of roadtesting 6. Roadshows/updating stakeholders
Campaign Strand 3 - Evidence to document adoption Focus on determining and gathering of evidence to document adoption of the NHS LF which will illustrate usage and feed into the long term narrative to support continued leadership development. For example - Scientists have embedded this framework in E&T programmes and HEI programmes at BSc and MSc level who are already delivering change - Pharmacy profession - London SHA is using the NHS LF to underpin its talent management strategy - The NHS LF is being used to inform the development of national templates for recruitment to key roles in the clinical commissioning groups.
Graduate Management Training Scheme -Putting the Framework into Action Leadership Framework Graduate Management Training Scheme Recruitment and Selection Assessment Process Competency Framework Leadership AND Professional/Technical competency in the workplace Education Tender All Providers of Professional, Technical and Personal Development (Masters level) • Leadership Skills Attitudes Behaviours