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v4-17-Release. P. Hristov 23/11/2009 Weekly offline meeting. Committed changes. #58715 Arithmetic exception in AliEMCALRawUtils::FitRaw. Patch. √ #58647 Request to port to Release accounting online-offline module numbering difference (PHOS). Rev. 36630,36647 √

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  1. v4-17-Release P. Hristov 23/11/2009 Weekly offline meeting

  2. Committed changes • #58715 Arithmetic exception in AliEMCALRawUtils::FitRaw. Patch. √ • #58647 Request to port to Release accounting online-offline module numbering difference (PHOS). Rev. 36630,36647 √ • #58624 Request to port to the Release change in ITS tracker. Rev. 36453. √ • #58893 Memory trashing in AliITSQASDDDataMakerRec::InitRecPoints. From rev. 36938. √ • #58887 Memory trashing in TOF. From rev. 36832. √

  3. Committed changes • #58857 AliESDEvent::GetFMDData is not const. Patch. √ • #58847 Request to port fixes in VZERO raw-data reconstruction. From rev. 36768 √ • #58840 Error messages from AliTriggerRunScalers. From rev. 36787 √ • #58775 EMCAL: Port bad channel checking in reconstruction from trunk to release. Rev. 36626, 36732. √ • #58911 Please port to release new RawFitterv3 (PHOS). Rev. 36556,36557,36783,36811 √

  4. Committed changes • #58884: TRD sector 10 missing in the geometry in the OCDB on alien. (10->16). Config.C + OCDB geom. √ • #58910 ocdb TRIGGER object -> commits in the trunk -> porting to the release. Patch. √ • #58924: EMCAL: Port AliEMCALQAChecker from trunk to release. From rev. 36774. √ • #58498 Request to port TRD code to v4-17-Release: OCDB/TRD/DCS. Patches. • Part one: DCS √ • Part two: reconstruction • √#58839 reconstruction log file contains large number of Warning and Error messages from ZDC. List of revisions concerning the reconstruction. √

  5. Committed changes: QA • #58879 please port to release AliT0QADataMakerRec. From rev. 36754. √ • #58871 Porting request / QA Updates (TPC). From rev. 36789. √ • #58898 Request to port 36802 to the release (MTR QA) √ • #58914 Request to port changes to the release (VZERO). Rev. 36782,36790,36819√ • #58838 ~30% of RAW reco jobs (run 98569) fail with floating point exception (VZERO preprocessor). √

  6. Committed changes: SHUTTLE • #58869 Request to port changes in the AliPHOSPreprocessor.cxx. Rev. 36786. √ • #58867 Request to port changes of MCH PED and GAIN DAs to the release. Patch corresponding to rev. 36742,36738 √ • #58852 Port to the release: Bug fix in the GRP. From rev. 36769. √ • #58827 Port to the Release - GRP preprocessor: mods in the printout in case of DCS DPs Error. From rev. 36733. √ • #58606 Port to the Release: Change in AliTOFDataDCS for AliTOFPreprocessor - rev. 36547 √ • #58895 ITSSPDVertexDiamond DA crashes. Patch. √

  7. Committed changes: OCDB • #58885 port in OCDB new calibration file (T0) √ • #58803 Request for Porting TRD Reco params for first collisions to the OCDB in alien √ • #58694 Request to port Align and RecoParam objects to raw:// OCDB (MUON) √ • #58646 Request to port new PHOS recoparams to release and AliEn CDB. From rev. 36642 √ • #58908 Request: port TPC PID changes to Release and OCDB. Rev. 36778,36791,36985 √ • #58920 Update raw://GRP/Calib/RecoParam OCDB object in view of first collisions √ • #58918 Port new OCDB entries for HMPID √ • #58228 update OCDB timing files for 31/10 an 1/11. √

  8. Requested modifications (16/11/09) • Not ready last week: • #55883 The EndOfDetectorCycle is called by the core code as many times as the number of events of a cycle. (SSD). Not ready. • #56211 Store reconstruction event specie in the ESD. Not ready • #58023 Crash in AliRecoParam::SetEventSpecie if no GRP/GRP/Data entry found. Patch. Would crash all the jobs because of the scalers. • We decided to try this patch before we use it • #58718 Changes in raw QA histos to be ported to the release (ZDC). From rev. 36667,36702. Some fixes in STEER are needed.

  9. Requested modifications • #59368: Port mods for switching on of PlaneEff with tracklete for first physics (ITS) • #59355: Request to port rev. 36958 to the release (MUONTRKOCCda) • #59348: Port request of TPC code • #59347: Request to port amore-related changes to the release (MUON ; MCH) • #59345: Port HMPID classes from trunk to Release • #59311 Further optimization of the V0 finder, trunk and v4-17-Release • #59308 Request to port r37087 and r37118 to the release (TOF track matching)

  10. Requested modification • #59296 Request: Please port AliTPCPreprocessor.cxx. From rev. 37403 • #59284 Online reconstruction at P2 crashes in EMCAL (avoid reco of STU). From rev, 37116. • #59213 Same track reconstructed twice: as global and ITS only. From rev. 37110 • #59125 Request to port changes to the release rev. 37005 (corrected types in VZERO) • #59041 Change of volume YOUT2 cutout in the Dipole for MUON chamber rotation. From rev. 37020,37036,37067

  11. Requested modification: HLT • #59201 Request to port HLT online software to the v4-17-Release. About 500 revisions in a macro. • #59200 HLTTRDcluster/track/seed defined as friend in TRD code -> v4-17-Release. List of revisions. • #59198 HLT related changes in AliITSDetTypeRec -> v4-17-Release. List of revisions. • #59122 libHLTqadm is not loaded from QAManager any more

  12. Requested modifications: QA • #59261 ~50% of RAW data production jobs crash with 'double free ' in QA (do not delete ntuples, this is done when we close the corresponding file). • #59255 Request to port changes to the release (ZDC DA, QA, raw stream). Patch. • #59208 Request porting to release of QA mods needed by AMORE. From rev.37009,37065,37074

  13. Requested modifications: OCDB • #59366: Request to update TPC time dependent calibration for cosmics • #59370: Request to port OCDB file for SPD to the release • #59366: Request to update time dependent calibration for cosmics • #59205 first TRD alignment set • #59120 port in alien OCDB new calibration file (TOF) • #59091 Update raw://ITS/Calib/RecoParam OCDB object in view of first collisions • #59028 Port request of TPC OCDB default entry • #59025 request to put OCDB entries to alien

  14. Requested modifications: SHUTTLE • #58981 TPC Preprocessor crashing in break segmentation violation in PHYSICS run 99749 • #59077 Request to port commit 36995 to v4-17-Release (EMCAL DA)

  15. Other reports • #59332: Very high memory consumption in RAW reco, SPD-only runs • #59214 Suspicious track "kinks" at the entrance to the TPC • #59212 no-TPC-refit tracks have wrong track parameters • #59210 Additional random clusters in TRD assigned to good tracks • #59287 Messages during reconstruction of splash events: too many clusters (ITS).

  16. AliRoot upgrades • Dear All, with the coming of the data taking period, the stability of our AliRoot release becomes an absolute priority. During the past weeks we have ported a very large number of modifications to the release, and now we believe that all detectors have done their best to provide us with robust and well debugged code. This activity has been exhausting for the CORE Offline and for the detector experts. It is now time to focus on reliability and stability. For this, starting on Monday November 3o we will consider at the weekly offline meetings only changes that are meant to prevent code crashes or completely incorrect results. Improvements and developments will not be considered for porting any more. Moreover we will request that all changes, besides being asked with the usual procedure in Savannah, be justified by a short presentation delivered by the person requesting the change at our weekly offline meeting, in person or via evo. • We will continue to publish the analysis tag once a week from the trunk. • Thanks a lot for your attention and best regards,

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